Found 1748 Articles for Growth & Empowerment

Six Sigma Certification - Black, Green, White, Yellow Belt

Radhika Dadhich
Updated on 16-Nov-2022 07:39:04


Six Sigma is a tested and proven technique for businesses that aim to bring transformation in their operations. It helps bring operational efficiency to your business by improving the way you work or the processes you deploy to accomplish different projects. Having a sound knowledge of Six Sigma methodologies won’t only increase your chances of landing a high−paying job in nearly any industry, but it will also help you improve your business performance. That’s why more and more graduates are considering Six Sigma certification courses to get a certification that would enhance their resume. First, we are going to ... Read More

How to Foster the Adoption of Lean and Six Sigma in the Sharing Economy?

Radhika Dadhich
Updated on 16-Nov-2022 07:35:59


The sharing economy has been pretty successful, and the best examples are Uber and Airbnb. While the industry is growing rapidly and people are enjoying an extensive range of services at an affordable rate, there’s always a concern for the quality of these offerings. That’s where Six Sigma comes into the picture. Today, people get an opportunity to book affordable ride−sharing services to enjoy a hassle−free trip. It’s possible for you to communicate with your family, friends, colleagues, and people in any part of the world using messenger apps. A few years ago, we would have never imagined books ... Read More

How to Develop and Nurture a Six Sigma Culture?

Radhika Dadhich
Updated on 16-Nov-2022 07:32:13


Introduced in 1980 by Motorola, the Six Sigma concept gained immense popularity in 1990 when General Electric showed its positive impact on their performance. The main purpose of Six Sigma is to reduce defects or errors in different processes and improve product quality. Every process has some level of variability, and to get rid of it, you first need to identify the noise in a system. To do that, your focus must be on the data−driven facts instead of your gut feeling. Why Embrace Six Sigma Culture? Most businesses have embraced Six Sigma in their business processes in order ... Read More

What is Project Cycle Management?

Radhika Dadhich
Updated on 08-Nov-2022 07:43:42

2K+ Views

Project cycle management is a process of planning and organizing a project. It is done with the help of project management principles. The main purpose of the project management cycle is to ensure there is a minimal error in the end product and that the process is aligned with the stakeholder’s expectations. Each project has a lifecycle, marking the project's beginning and completion. There are several things that go into the project lifecycle. The phases include project planning, project execution, and closure. These phases are further divided into several stages, and each requires a different set of tools. The goal ... Read More

Risk Management Strategies in Project Management

Radhika Dadhich
Updated on 08-Nov-2022 07:38:07


Risk is an inevitable part of any project - whether you are starting a new project or modifying an existing one. While it can’t be avoided, some steps will certainly make it manageable. The risk could be positive or negative, depending on the type of project. Some risks have a positive impact on your outcomes, i.e., they turn into golden opportunities, while other risks are the challenges or obstacles that your business might encounter when deploying a new process, strategy, or product. Risk management strategies, as the name implies, are a set of procedures and tools that help you deal ... Read More

Major Leadership Theories Every Manager Should Know

Radhika Dadhich
Updated on 08-Nov-2022 07:32:55


Not everyone is born a leader. Some people need to strive to become a leader. After all, a leader plays a very crucial role in driving the company toward success. To become a leader, it’s essential you possess the right skills or acquire them. That’s where leadership theories can help. These theories tell us why certain people have a good chance of becoming a leader, what qualities they have, and what sets them apart from others. A leader is much more than someone who sets the mission and vision for the company or guides the workforce toward organizational goals. They ... Read More

How to Create a Project Report: Objectives, Components, Use Cases, and Examples

Radhika Dadhich
Updated on 08-Nov-2022 07:27:47

2K+ Views

Only a project manager knows the struggle of keeping the stakeholders, end-users, and business associates up-to-date about the project's current status. Besides, following each requirement and instruction closely can get on your nerves. That’s where the project reports step in. A project report is an effective tool for managing all aspects of a project precisely. These reports help guide people in the right direction and show the accurate status of the project. If you don’t create a report, there’s no way you can know whether you achieved your customers’ expectations or the stakeholders’ goals. What is a Project Report? The ... Read More

Best Practices For Preparing a Lessons Learned Document

Radhika Dadhich
Updated on 08-Nov-2022 07:17:02


What do you do after you have finished a project that you and the team have been working on for months? You celebrate. But have you really completed the project? You might have drawn a conclusion, but your project is incomplete until you create a lessons-learned report. Just delivering the output won’t do. You need to document the challenges you faced while working on a project and the lessons you have learned. This is going to benefit your personal and professional growth. But most importantly, a lessons-learned report is useful for the organization. It helps your teams learn things like ... Read More

8 Principles of Enterprise W ide Business Process Management

Sakshi Goel
Updated on 25-Aug-2022 06:02:20


What is EBPM? Enterprise-Wide Business Process Management (EBPM), representing the third-wave of Business Process Management, is "a planned and collaborative method to systematically – and systemically – cope with all of a company's commercial enterprise processes." EBPM addresses the urgent need of the brand new knowledge-pushed economic system to combine commercial enterprise methods with strategy, organizational shape and those issues. Business process management system (BPMS) is a brand new class of control software program that opens a brand new technology for IT-powered commercial enterprise infrastructure. By obtaining BPMS, your organization may also advantage exceptional manage over the control of your ... Read More

What's the Difference between Skills and Competencies?

Sakshi Goel
Updated on 25-Aug-2022 05:59:08


What are Skills? Skills define precisely discovered activities, and that they vary extensively in phrases of complexity. Skills are the talents or understanding you want so as to finish a particular task. We also can describe them as proficiencies you increase through education or experience. Basically, skills are the learned abilities you need in order to perform a specific task. Skills indicate what type of talents or abilities a person needs in order to perform a specific task. For example, handling accounts, computer programming, and writing tenders are skills you can learn in a job. Key types of skills are ... Read More
