Found 1748 Articles for Growth & Empowerment

All About the Pomodoro Technique

Prita Roy
Updated on 09-Dec-2022 10:57:34


Constant focused makes you exhausted when you're involved in challenging tasks. You need an interruption to give your mind relief. A short break is necessary if you're into important work activity. This post highlights the short gaps and their benefits on working minds, famously known as the Pomodoro Technique. What is the Pomodoro Technique? When you start working for a long time, your mind gets exhausted after 30 minutes. Because this is our mind's mechanism, it cannot be focused for long hours. After 30 minutes, you need a five minutes break to relax your mind power. This break ... Read More

Tips to Create a Successful Hybrid Environment

Prita Roy
Updated on 09-Dec-2022 10:49:03


The covid outbreak has toggled many habits, and the corporate world is no exception. For a whole year, employees sat at home and ran the organization from home. It's also a high temperament that we humans never give up quickly and can mold us in any situation. Post covid, businesses and the professional world introduced a new work culture, the Hybrid model. Our today's post will walk you through the Hybrid model and let you raise a few fantastic tips to align a thriving hybrid environment. Let's know what this Hybrid environment is in the next couple of paragraphs. What ... Read More

How Do You Memorize BABoK?

Prita Roy
Updated on 09-Dec-2022 10:47:01


BABoK, or Business Analysis Body of Knowledge, is a prime subject for business analyst students. The book contains 50 techniques to learn how to do business analysis under several critical situations. Primarily, the book is the practical guide for the practice and the last word to learn analysis techniques in almost all ways. What is BABoK? Business Analysis Body of Knowledge has undergone several versions in its previous history, and today we will talk about its v3 version. The book contains all the practiced methods and techniques, which are elaborately described. International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBM), Canada, published ... Read More

Why Should I Become a CBAP?

Anusha Beri
Updated on 08-Dec-2022 09:41:15


There is a certification program for business analysts known as Certified Business Analysis Professional (CBAP). This program is suited to individuals with substantial business knowledge and years of actual work experience. CBAP is becoming one of the most prestigious qualifications for business professionals. Indeed, since its inception in 2006, the certification program has earned widespread acclaim. Over 1000 professionals now hold CBAP certification in over 30 countries. This number proclaims two facts− the rapidly increasing demand for CBAP among professionals and the certification's global acceptance. Business analysis has grown in popularity since its debut. There has been a significant ... Read More

What Are SMART Goals?

Anusha Beri
Updated on 08-Dec-2022 09:40:34


Setting goals and objectives are crucial to the success of any business. Without clearly defined goals, it will be impossible to improve a business. Goals and objectives give employees in organizations a clear understanding of the purpose they must fulfill and help them to maximize the capabilities of the QMS. As a result, the ISO quality management program initially introduced the Quality Management System Goals. According to ISO, quality objectives must be used in every critical area of an organization's operations. Even though many small businesses lack ISO accreditation, implementing a quality system aim or SMART Goals can help ... Read More

The Best Books to Read for Six Sigma Certification

Anusha Beri
Updated on 08-Dec-2022 09:38:55


Six Sigma is a methodology consisting of tools and procedures used by many businesses to enhance their production processes, eliminate errors, and ensure the highest quality. A six sigma certification on your resume will demonstrate your dedication to improving your business acumen and analytical skills. It will also help the firm where you work to develop. Businesses worldwide see Six Sigma certification as proof that a person has the knowledge and competence to simplify processes, achieve corporate goals, and boost profitability and overall efficiency. Do you want to begin your six sigma journey? Scroll down to get the best ... Read More

SPC Charts: Overview, When to Use Them, and How to Create Them

Anusha Beri
Updated on 08-Dec-2022 09:37:23


Dr. Walter Shewhart of Bell Laboratories originated the idea of Statistical Process Control (SPC) in the 1920s. They were elaborated upon by Dr. W. Edwards Deming, who brought SPC to Japanese industry after WWII. Following the early success of Japanese enterprises, Statistical Process Control has now been adopted by organizations worldwide as a fundamental method for improving product quality by minimizing process variance. Dr. Shewhart discovered two sources of process variation− inherent in process variation that is stable over time, and assignable, or uncontrolled variation that is unstable over time − the outcome of particular events outside the system. ... Read More

Six Sigma Vs Lean Six Sigma? Which Certification to Choose?

Anusha Beri
Updated on 08-Dec-2022 09:35:44


Prospective employers may frequently search for Six Sigma or Lean Six Sigma certifications if they pursue a career in Quality Management in the manufacturing, pharmaceutical, healthcare, technology, or service industries. The primary distinction between Lean and Six Sigma is that Lean focuses on redesigning every business area rather than just the manufacturing process. Lean Six Sigma combines these two approaches to produce a potent waste−reduction tool. Lean and Six Sigma are divided into tracks, each with three levels of certification. Both begin at the Green Belt level and work up to the Black Belt and Master Black Belt levels. ... Read More

SIPOC Model - Overview, Benefits, and Examples

Anusha Beri
Updated on 08-Dec-2022 09:34:46


The SIPOC diagram dates back to the late 1980s as part of the total quality management (TQM) approach to continuous process improvement and the Six Sigma model. The system is applied at the definition phase of the DMAIC improvement cycle, when project goals, obstacles, scope, and periods are well established. SIPOC is also helpful in lean manufacturing and business process improvement efforts. What Exactly Is a SIPOC Model? SIPOC comprises suppliers, Inputs, Processes, Outputs, and Customers. SIPOC is a strategy for mapping and enhancing processes using a SIPOC diagram to describe inputs and outputs. The six Sigma process contains several ... Read More

Normality Test in Minitab: Minitab with Statistics

Anusha Beri
Updated on 08-Dec-2022 09:33:53


Normality is a key notion in statistics that is employed in a variety of statistical procedures. The normality test determines whether or not data follows a normal distribution. A normal distribution is a symmetric bell−shaped curve around its mean. Because approaching normality occurs spontaneously in many physical, biological, and social measuring circumstances, the normal distribution is the most frequent statistical distribution. Many statistical studies demand data from regularly distributed populations. Minitab may be used to run a normality test. Minitab has statistical tools that make it simple to do statistical computations. Let's look at how to do a normalcy ... Read More
