Found 1748 Articles for Growth & Empowerment

The PDSA Technique for Quality Improvements

Darshna Jivrajka
Updated on 16-Jan-2023 14:33:56


The PDSA technique is a proven method for improving the quality of any process. It stands for Plan-Do-Study-Act, and it encourages organizations to break down their processes into smaller chunks to improve overall quality. PDSA is one of the important processes for a business to operate efficiently. In this article, we shall discuss the advantages of the PDSA technique, how to apply it to your organization, and how it can help you achieve better-quality results. What Is The PDSA Technique? The PDSA technique (Plan-Do-Study-Act) is a quality improvement method developed by two renowned American statisticians, Walter A. Shewhart and ... Read More

Role of Managers in Total Quality Management

Darshna Jivrajka
Updated on 16-Jan-2023 14:32:05

2K+ Views

When managers implement Total Quality Management (TQM) in their organizations, it can have a plethora of positive benefits. Not only will it improve the quality of the products and services provided by the organization, but it also helps boost morale among employees as well. Leadership in quality management is the supporting pillar of growth in an organization. Without a guiding force, the quality management process is not effective enough to place the firm in a winning position. Managers have a major role to play in total quality management to ensure efficiency in achieving organizational goals. In this article, we shall ... Read More

Role of Customers in Quality Management System

Darshna Jivrajka
Updated on 16-Jan-2023 14:30:09

2K+ Views

Quality Management Systems (QMS) ensure that products and services meet customer and organizational requirements. By utilizing a QMS, organizations can identify and address risks that affect the quality of their products and services. They help organizations identify and address potential risks, improve service delivery, and increase customer satisfaction. But how can customers help enhance your QMS? This article will explore the role of a quality management system (QMS) and how it can be used to improve customer service quality. We’ll also look at tips for enhancing customer service quality and strategies for improving customer service quality. What Is Quality ... Read More

5 Easy Steps to Implement TQM in a Factory

Darshna Jivrajka
Updated on 16-Jan-2023 14:26:53

1K+ Views

Total Quality Management (TQM) is a management approach designed to ensure customer satisfaction and organizational success by continuously improving the quality of goods and services produced by a factory. Implementing TQM in a factory setting can be a daunting task; however, the benefits it brings in terms of improved product performance can be worth the effort. In this article, we will discuss the steps needed to implement TQM in a factory as well as the potential benefits it can bring. What Is TQM? Total Quality Management (TQM) is a management strategy that aims to improve production performance and increase customer ... Read More

10 Tips to Instantly Boost the Value of Your Quality Management System

Darshna Jivrajka
Updated on 16-Jan-2023 14:23:47


Do you have a quality management system (QMS) in place but feel like it's not delivering the value you expect? Having a well-established QMS is essential for the success of any organization. In this article, we will discuss 10 easy tips to help you instantly boost the value of your quality management system. What Is a Quality Management System (QMS)? QMS is a formalized system that outlines the steps to take to carry out quality policies and objectives. An organization's activities can be better coordinated and directed with the use of a QMS, which also helps it continuously increase its ... Read More

Factors of Total Quality Management in Service Sectors

Darshna Jivrajka
Updated on 16-Jan-2023 14:21:43

3K+ Views

Many service industries are turning to TQM in today's fiercely competitive business environment as a means of preserving their competitive edge. We shall examine the various elements that contribute to TQM's success in the service industry in this post. Additionally, we'll look at some of the top techniques created to make TQM successful in the service industry. TQM and Service Sector Total Quality Management (TQM), a holistic approach to quality management, encourages businesses to pursue excellence across the board. It includes the full spectrum of tasks, from preparation and design to creation, service provision, and client satisfaction. TQM focuses ... Read More

Theory of Constraints: Overview and its Uses

Anshita Singh
Updated on 05-Jan-2023 14:55:05


Organizations have realized that the field of project management provides tried-and-true approaches and instruments to help them complete their tasks and reach their goals more effectively and successfully. Because it covers such a wide range of topics, project management really uses and incorporates different management philosophies. The theory of limitations is one of these concepts. The principle of constraints can be useful in regulating almost any project. The Theory of Constraints According to the notion of limitations, certain restrictions prevent any management or production system from accomplishing more of its objectives. The theory of constraints employs five focusing steps ... Read More

Motivating Millennials with Lean and Six Sigma

Anshita Singh
Updated on 05-Jan-2023 14:39:23


Millennials are the rising generation of employees who are the subject of numerous discussions. Millennials are those who were born between 1982 and 1994 and make up more than one-third of the workforce in America today. According to a recent Pew Research Center analysis of data from the U.S. Census Bureau, Millennials have already surpassed Generation X to become the largest single group in the American workforce. The six sigma methodology gives businesses the tools they need to manage their operations more effectively. By enhancing performance and reducing process variance, it is feasible to lower defect rates, boost employees' morale, ... Read More

How to Build a Successful Career in Quality Management?

Anshita Singh
Updated on 05-Jan-2023 14:33:58


The role of a quality manager involves supervising, improving, and ensuring the quality of the day-to-day business, productivity, and operations of the company. A quality manager needs to make sure that the organization, its service, and its products are matching their pre-approved standards and are consistent as expected by the company and the customers. Quality management mainly consists of four components: quality control, quality assurance, quality improvement, and quality planning. This job role has a wide reach in all kinds of business nowadays because its quality is a requisite in today’s competitive corporate world and a quality manager ensures ... Read More

4-Stage Cycle to Improve Business Results

Anshita Singh
Updated on 05-Jan-2023 14:15:08


Continuous growth is what every owner looks for in a business. In addition to raising sales, there are other ways for business progression. Lowering overhead and production costs Measuring and sharing Reducing staff turnover Increasing digital traffic to your social media pages and website Improving the return on your marketing investment Increasing market share Boosting repeat business Lowering returns and customer complaints Improving receivables turnover Lowering your tax liability Whatever the pathway is taken for business growth, stats are needed to show the actual results. Quantitative score or scorecards is something that helps businesses to comprehend how far ... Read More
