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Explain the concept of amalgamation

Nagasravan Tamma
Updated on 13-Jul-2021 13:29:41

1K+ Views

Amalgamation is the process of combining two or more companies into a single company or absorption of one company by another.In absorption, bigger companies take control over smaller companies. The main difference between an amalgamation and a merger is that in amalgamation, neither of the companies exists. A new company is formed and both company's assets and liabilities are combined.TypesThe types of amalgamation are as follows −MergerIn this, in addition to assets and liabilities, shareholder's interest and business are pooled.The book adjustments are needed, if they want to carry the same business.PurchaseIn this, shareholders do not have proportionate equity shares ... Read More

What are forward triangular merger and reverse triangular merger?

Nagasravan Tamma
Updated on 13-Jul-2021 13:24:49


Subsidiary mergers are divided into following −Forward triangular mergerReverse triangular mergerFirst, let us learn about the forward triangular merger.Forward triangular mergerIn a forward triangular merger, the company acquires another company through its subsidiary company.This type of merger is also called indirect merger.In this, a combination of cash and stock is used for financing. If only cash is used, that amount is taxable.AdvantagesThe advantages of forward triangular merger are as follows −More flexible.Cash and stocks are used for financing.More protection to buyers.DisadvantagesThe disadvantages of forward triangular merger are as follows −Less preferred.Have to reassess all contracts, licenses etc.Increase in costs for ... Read More

What are the reverse merger, forward merger and subsidiary merger?

Nagasravan Tamma
Updated on 13-Jul-2021 13:23:09


The reverse merger, forward merger and subsidiary merger are explained below along with their advantages and disadvantages.Reverse mergerIn reverse merger, A private firm becomes a public company.A smaller company obtains a bigger company.Parent company mergers with its subsidiary.Company in losses obtains the company in profits.AdvantagesThe advantages of reverse merger are as follows −Private firm become public company without IPOTax benefitsDisadvantagesThe disadvantages of reverse merger are as follows −Shareholders value remains the same.Can/sometimes lead to operations inefficiency.Forward mergerForward merger is also called direct merger. In this, two companies are combined directly to form a single company under the name of the ... Read More

Explain horizontal integration in strategic management

Nagasravan Tamma
Updated on 22-Jul-2021 08:45:20


Horizontal integration is a process when a company acquires/merges/takes over another company, who are in the same product line or its competitor.Company will go for horizontal integration to increase its size and capacity, to reduce its risk and competition, increase its market share and to expand its geographical area.ReasonsThe reasons to opt for horizontal integration are as follows −Growth in industry.Due to lack of expertise.To manage operations effectively.AdvantagesThe advantages of horizontal integration are as follows −Increase in product features and market reach.Increase its global presence.Cost reduction.DisadvantagesThe disadvantages of horizontal integration are as follows −Legal restrictions (depends on country legal laws).No ... Read More

Explain vertical integration in strategic management

Nagasravan Tamma
Updated on 13-May-2022 07:58:57


Vertical integration means one company takes control over another company or companies who are in the same product (either in distribution or in production) to gain control over the total chain of product.Companies prefer this type of integration because the supplier is unreliable, high prices may be charged, to earn more margins and for a significant growth of industry.Types of vertical integrationThe types of vertical integration are as follows −Backward integration − When a company gains control over the raw material supply company.Forward integration − When a company gains control over a distribution/logistic company.Balance integration − Mixture of both forward ... Read More

Difference between vertical integration and horizontal integration

Nagasravan Tamma
Updated on 13-Jul-2021 13:12:53


Irrespective of size or its nature every firm or organization needs growth and expansion and these can be done by the way of integration followed by firms or organizations. The main integrations followed by companies or vertical and horizontal integration.Horizontal integration involves integration of two companies in same business line or same chain whereas vertical integration involves integration of various entities in distribution chainHorizontal integrationIf integration is done between companies who are in the same line of business or they have the same business activities is called horizontal integration. They may have the same complementary product, by product or other ... Read More

Differentiate between Asset purchase method and stock purchase method

Nagasravan Tamma
Updated on 13-Jul-2021 13:11:53


In business, whether you are buyer or seller, the transactions can be made either in purchase and sale of assets or in purchase and sale of common stock. The buyer or seller can choose their option (there can be various reasons in choosing their option).An asset purchase transaction is the sum of sales of individual assets and agreed upon liabilities. In stock acquisition, ownership transfer will take place and the entity has the same assets and liabilities.Asset purchaseIn this, the legal entity will not change but the buyer will purchase individual assets (equipment's, goodwill, inventory etc.). An asset sale does ... Read More

Explain the concept of takeover in business

Nagasravan Tamma
Updated on 13-May-2022 07:56:07


Takeover is the process of acquiring a control over another business unit by controlling their assets, either directly or indirectly.Generally, takeovers are done by either hostile or friendly approach. They are common in larger business units and help the external growth of a business.ReasonsThe reasons for a takeover in a business are as follows −Market share.Increase intangible assets.Diversification.Decrease competition.TypesThe types of takeovers are as follows −Friendly takeover − Takeover is done after negotiations and agreements.Hostile takeover − Takeover is done by buying the required number of shares in a targeted company in an open market.Bailout takeover − Takeover is done ... Read More

Define the terms acquisition, takeover, merger and amalgamation

Nagasravan Tamma
Updated on 13-Jul-2021 12:58:03


The terms acquisition, takeover, merger and amalgamation are explained below −AcquisitionAcquisition is a purchase of more than 50% shares/stake of another company.Payments can be made in either cash or stock or by both.Friendly approaches or hostile approaches are used in acquisition.Friendly approach means Boards of directors support the acquisition.Hostile approach means Boards of directors will not support the acquisition.TakeoverTakeover is transfer/control interest of a company either by friendly or hostile approach.Generally, takeover is done by bigger companies.It can be done in straight, ownership capture, revival and bailout.MergerUpon approval of management and shareholders (in case of public companies), two companies combine ... Read More

What are the advantages and disadvantages of acquisition?

Nagasravan Tamma
Updated on 13-Jul-2021 12:56:36

8K+ Views

Acquisition is the process of acquiring one or more companies by acquirer without affecting the acquirer brand name or autonomy. The targeted company or companies will exist and continue their operations but they have to work under acquirer name and their terms. This ownership change takes place.The main objective of acquisition is to improve present performances, decrease the competition in the market, to gain technology and expertise and economic scale.The purpose and classification is based on involved companies and reasons may not be the same because companies at times don’t make them public due to different reasons.TypesThere are different types ... Read More
