Found 1748 Articles for Growth & Empowerment

What is purchase accounting for merger or acquisition?

Nagasravan Tamma
Updated on 17-May-2022 13:39:19


Either two or more companies merge or a company acquires another. In either of the processes, one company purchases another company asset for the union of their business. Accounts are maintained for these transactions.Accounting for merger and acquisition transactionsIdentification of business combination− To achieve some synergy form.Identification of acquirer − Governs financial and operating policies of combined business entities.Entity having greater fair value, likely to be an acquirer.Management who are dominating in deals, likely to be an acquirer.Entities who are giving up cash/other assets, likely to be acquirers.Cost of transaction measured − Fair values (at the time of acquisition) + ... Read More

What is the differences between corporation and company?

Nagasravan Tamma
Updated on 17-May-2022 13:36:54

6K+ Views

A company is a business organization which is associated with persons and set up with an aim of undertaking a business. It is governed by Companies Act 2103. Whereas a corporation is a corporate body registered outside or within a nation.In simple words a company is suitable for small entities or businesses whereas a corporate is suitable for bigger entities or businesses.CorporationA corporation is a body which is incorporated inside or outside the country but excludes corporation sole or any corporation which is formed by official gazette notification by the central government.Corporation is defined in Indian companies Act 2013, section ... Read More

What is the differences between businessman and entrepreneur?

Nagasravan Tamma
Updated on 17-May-2022 13:34:11


We can say a businessman walks in a defined path and an entrepreneur makes his own path and a businessman can follow the path defined by an entrepreneur. In general many people think that both businessman and entrepreneur have similar or same meaning but they differ in their own way.BusinessmanA businessman is a person who carries out the activities related to industrial and commercial purposes. He runs the existing business and can set up new entrants for existing business in the market. Generally businessmen go for ideas which generally make profit and huge demand in the market.Businessmen face tough competition ... Read More

What is the difference between reorganization and restructuring?

Nagasravan Tamma
Updated on 17-May-2022 13:31:57

3K+ Views

In simple words, the word restructuring means any changes in a company. Generally the word restructuring in the corporate world is used in economic downturns. One should have a good understanding about the restructuring process before going for it.ReorganizationIt is a clause in company charter which provides guides to merger and acquisition, change in ownership at corporate level, change in assets. Generally, reorganization includes mergers, amalgamations, divestitures, corporate buyouts etc.Usually, the companies go for reorganization to improve their efficiency, to increase their profits, reduce or eliminate financial troubles. Reorganization includes debt payments, restructuring company’s capital structure etc.Some of the reasons ... Read More

What is organizational restructuring?

Nagasravan Tamma
Updated on 17-May-2022 13:28:37

2K+ Views

Organizational restructuring is a process of reorganizing ownership, operational and other structures of an organization to make an organization profitable. Internal factors or external factors or combination of both are responsible for organization restructuring.If the restructuring helps an organization to develop and grow, then it is called positive restructuring. If restructuring makes an organization stagnant or downfall, then it is called negative restructuring.Internal factorsExternal factorsTo decrease gross margin.New trends in the market.Lack of proper communications.New clients/customers.High cost of operating.Market redefines.Negative cash flows.Labor costs etc.Competitors etc.ReasonsThe reasons for organizational restructuring are as follows −Change in nature of business according to market ... Read More

What is equity restructuring in financial restructuring?

Nagasravan Tamma
Updated on 17-May-2022 13:25:48


Financial restructuring is a process of reorganizing companies’ financial structure. Companies’ financial structure consists of both debt and equity capitals. Reorganizing financial structure can be from the asset side or liability side of the balance sheet.Equity restructuringIn this restructuring, equity capital is reorganized by reshuffling shareholders’ capitals and reserves in the balance sheet. It is a complex process, as it involves law.MethodsSome of the methods of equity restructuring are as follows −Repurchasing shares from shareholders to reduce liability to shareholders and reduction in capital.Waiving off dues of shareholders.Share capital consolidation.Writing down share capital in appropriate accounting entries.ReasonsThe reasons of equity ... Read More

What is debt restructuring in financial restructuring?

Nagasravan Tamma
Updated on 17-May-2022 13:22:44


Financial restructuring is a process of reorganizing companies’ financial structure. Companies’ financial structure consists of both debt and equity capitals. Reorganizing financial structure can be from the asset side or liability side of the balance sheet.Debt restructuringIn this process, the debt capital of the company is reorganized by reorganising the items in the balance sheet. It is used as a company financial tool rather than equity restructuring because, financial manager looks to minimize the cost of capital by improving efficiency.Ways of debt restructuring are as follows −Change in debt part by using the market opportunities by low cost borrowings.Increase in ... Read More

What is corporate restructuring?

Nagasravan Tamma
Updated on 18-May-2022 12:22:56


Corporate restructuring is a process, where the entity modifies its capital structure or operations. Corporate restructuring is preferred, if there are significant problems in the financials of the corporation and to enhance their performances. Change in ownership is also one of the causes for corporate restructuring. Financial and legal experts are hired to assist in the process.ReasonsThe reasons for corporate restructuring are as follows −Change in strategy.No profits for a long time.Reverse synergy.More cash flow requirements.CharacteristicsThe characteristics of corporate restructuring are as follows −Improves balance sheet.Reduction of staff.Change in management.Disposing assets (underutilized).Outsourcing.Operational shift.Reorganizing functions.Labor contracts renegotiations.Debts rescheduling.AspectsThe aspects to consider ... Read More

What is acquisition financing?

Nagasravan Tamma
Updated on 17-May-2022 13:17:09


To fund a merger and acquisition, the source of capital is required. To attain those funds is a complex thing because; it requires a lot of variations and combinations. Proper planning is required to get the capital for merger and acquisition. With various alternatives available, a proper mix is selected to get the low cost of capital.TypesThe types of acquisition financing are as follows −Stock swap − Acquirer exchange stock with the targeted company.Equity − Acquiring companies targets the companies which operate in an unstable industry with uneven cash flows.Cash − Takes place if an acquired company has smaller/low cash reserves.Debt − Banks ... Read More

What are the differences between liquidation and bankruptcy?

Nagasravan Tamma
Updated on 17-May-2022 13:12:38


Let us learn the concepts of liquidation and bankruptcy before understanding their differences.LiquidationLiquidation is the process of winding up a company by selling their assets and distributing them based on solvent or insolvent business. Liquidation occurs when a company decides or reaches a point when it decides not to continue their business for various reasons.The main reason to liquidate the asset is due to insolvency, where business reaches a point that it can’t pay the due payments. The person who manages the liquidation process is called a liquidator.TypesVoluntary liquidation (members) −Business able make payments but owner makes a choice to ... Read More
