Found 109 Articles for Governments & Policies

Should districts in India be governed by the district collectors who are appointed or should they be governed by an elected district council like the Zilla Parishad?

Dev Kumar
Updated on 26-Jun-2020 11:07:32


Most people in India perhaps don't realize that effective democracy actually doesn't exist from the district level downwards to smaller administrative units like the sub-divisions (variously called taluk, tehsil or mandal in different states) and further down to the blocks. It is the district level administration where the policies of both the union and state governments get implemented.It can also be said that the union and state governments actually interface the people at the district level. And who do we have as the executive authority at the district level? The district collector...a civil services officer, who is appointed by the ... Read More

Should government’s controlling stake in public sector undertakings be reduced to a partial stake not exceeding 25% of authorized capital?

Dev Kumar
Updated on 26-Jun-2020 11:55:52


One of the thumb rules of efficient economics is that governments should not be involved in the business as sellers, traders, and merchants. That is a direct conflict of interest because, in such a situation, the government-run businesses will get favourable treatment over other private sector competitors. That's one argument against government involvement in business. The government's job is to regulate laws, safeguard them and enforce them in cases of non-compliance by individuals, institutions, and organizations, of those laws.Take the case of Air India, which was one of the world's best airlines under the Tatas, who founded it, JRD Tata ... Read More

Should the government involve private security companies to jointly manage traffic on Indian roads known for breaking rules?

Dev Kumar
Updated on 26-Jun-2020 11:57:38


It doesn't take a genius to see that Indian roads, especially the crossroads (traffic intersection), resemble the playground of lunatics. Leave the crossroads and move on to two, three or four-lane roads and you could come across many cyclists, motorcyclists, scooterists, and even motorists happily and without any sign of concern on their faces coming straight at you from the wrong side...illegally of course.It's for you to make way for them and if you happen to collide with any of them, which is anyway a daily occurrence in scores of Indian roads, those happy and unconcerned faces turn into the ... Read More

Why should the executive authority draw power from the legislature?

Dev Kumar
Updated on 29-Apr-2022 12:04:18


Of the three crucial pillars of democracy - legislature, executive, and judiciary, it is the legislature which is the most important, or in other words, it is the keystone of the arch of democracy. Remove the pillar or the keystone representing the legislature and the entire structure of democracy will tumble down.Legislature for PeopleThat's because the legislature is the only institution that can truly claim to be the real representative of the people, thereby validating the famous words of the famous American president, Abraham Lincoln who once said: "Democracy is a government of the people, by the people, for the ... Read More

Why do Naxalites target the Indian army?

Dev Kumar
Updated on 26-Jun-2020 12:00:03


It's true that the Naxalites target the Indian armed forces but have they ever encountered the Indian Army? Not to my knowledge although it can't be ruled out in some remotely exceptional case. One may ask why make such distinctions? After all, what's the difference between the terms 'Indian armed forces' and the 'Indian Army'? Yes, there's a difference, howsoever subtle; and it's necessary to highlight the distinction because it's a technical distinction on the one hand and also a sensitive distinction on the other.Our ForcesThe Indian armed forces includes all the different forces that take part in the defense ... Read More

Why the President and the governor of India is called a puppet of the ministry?

Dev Kumar
Updated on 26-Jun-2020 12:00:56


In India, the office of the president is intended to be an honorary post although it has been given the highest executive authority by the constitution of the country. The president of India is the supreme commander of the armed forces of the country, the head of the union parliament, appoints the heads of all the leading institutions of the country like the chief justice of supreme court, chiefs of the army, navy and air force, the chief election commissioner, the comptroller and auditor general, chairman of UPSC (Union Public Service Commission), governors of states and envoys among many others.A ... Read More

What is India’s position in the world as a producer of renewable or ‘Green’ energy? What is the future of renewable energy in India?

Dev Kumar
Updated on 27-Jun-2020 13:55:41


The initiatives being taken by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy are in the proper direction of the government's aim of clean energy. The NDA government, right from the time it came into power, is in pursuit of reducing the overdependence on the coal-fueled power generation. Wind energy accounts for nearly 61% i.e. about 27, 441 GW of renewable installed capacity, that has made India the fourth largest wind producer in the world.There has been an addition of around 14.30 GW of renewable energy in the past two and half years that came with 7.04 GW from wind power, ... Read More

Why was silver replaced by gold to control the Indian economy?

Dev Kumar
Updated on 26-Jun-2020 13:42:50


First, it's a huge exaggeration to say that the Indian economy is controlled by any one factor, even if that happens to be precious metals like gold or silver. Also, to say that silver ever had a controlling stake in the Indian economy is also far from the truth.Indian Economy Actually Lies OnThe Indian economy in nominal dollar exchange terms is the sixth largest in the world valued at around $ 2.5 trillion and in PPP (Purchasing Power Parity) terms, it is the third largest in the world valued at around $ 10 trillion.Around 16-17% of that amount comprises India's ... Read More

Is there any specific reason why some countries follow the left-hand drive while others have the right-hand drive?

Dev Kumar
Updated on 26-Jun-2020 13:48:41


Currently, just a little over a third of the people of the world drive on the left and about two-thirds of this group are Indians. Actually, the countries that drive on the left are mostly former British and Dutch colonies including today's UK but surprisingly not the Netherlands.That is indeed strange since the former Dutch colonies of Indonesia and Surinam still drive on the left while the Netherlands, which had colonized these countries, has been driving on the right for two centuries now. The reason is that the colonizer (Netherlands) itself was conquered by another colonial power, France, during the ... Read More

How can I get my invention patented?

Dev Kumar
Updated on 26-Jun-2020 13:53:59


The first thing to know before you set out to patent your invention or innovation is where to go for the purpose. The process comes later. First, you need to go to the right place and that is Intellectual Property India, the official patent office of the Government of India, under the Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion, Ministry of Commerce & Industry. Under this department, we have the CGPDTM (Controller General of Patents, Designs & Trade Marks) office located in Mumbai while the patent head office is in Kolkata with branch offices in Chennai, New Delhi, and Mumbai.Various BranchesThe ... Read More

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