Found 1082 Articles for Go Programming

Golang Program to Check Whether a Given Year is a Leap Year

Rishikesh Kumar Rishi
Updated on 31-Jul-2021 15:31:40

1K+ Views

StepsTake the value of the year as input.Using an if-statement, check whether the year is a leap year or notPrint the final result.Enter the year to be checked: 2016The year is a leap year!Enter the year to be checked: 2005The year isn't a leap year!ExplanationUser must first enter the year to be checked.The if statement checks if the year is a multiple of 4 but isn't a multiple of 100 or if it is a multiple of 400 (not every year that is a multiple of 4 is a leap year).Then, the result is printed.Example Live Demopackage main import "fmt" func ... Read More

Golang Program to Compute Simple Interest Given all the Required Values

Rishikesh Kumar Rishi
Updated on 31-Jul-2021 15:11:05


StepsRead the values for principal amount, rate and time.Using the formula, compute the simple interest.Print the value for the computed interest.Enter the principal amount: 200Enter the time(years): 5Enter the rate: 5The simple interest is: 50Enter the principal amount: 70000Enter the time(years): 1Enter the rate: 4The simple interest is: 2800ExplanationUser must enter the values for the principal amount, rate and time.The formula: (amount*time*rate)/100 is used to compute the simple interest.The simple interest is later printed.Example Live Demopackage main import "fmt" func main() {    var principal, time, rate int    fmt.Print("Enter the principal amount: ")    fmt.Scanf("%d", &principal)    fmt.Print("Enter the time ... Read More

Golang Program to Print an Inverted Star Pattern

Rishikesh Kumar Rishi
Updated on 31-Jul-2021 15:30:43


StepsTake a value from the user and store it in a variable, n.Use a for loop where the value of i ranges between the values of n-1 and 0 with a decrement of 1 with each iteration.Multiply the empty spaces with n-i and '*' with i and print both of them.Exit.ExplanationUser must first enter the value and store it in a variable, n.The for loop enables i to range between n-1 and 0 with a decrement of 1 with each iteration.For each iteration, " " is multiplied with n-i and '*' is multiplied with i to ensure correct spacing of ... Read More

Golang Program to Print an Identity Matrix

Rishikesh Kumar Rishi
Updated on 31-Jul-2021 15:09:29


The steps to print an identity matrix using Golang is as follows :Take a value from the user and store it in a variable, n.Use two for loops where the value of j ranges between the values of 0 and n-1 and the value of i also ranges between 0 and n-1.Print the value of 1 when i is equal to j, and 0 otherwise.Case 1:Enter a number: 4 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1Case 2:Enter a number: 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1Example Live Demopackage main import "fmt" func main(){    var n int    fmt.Print("Enter a number: ")    fmt.Scanf("%d", &n)    for i:=0; i

Golang Program to Read a Number (n) and Print the Natural Numbers Summation Pattern

Rishikesh Kumar Rishi
Updated on 31-Jul-2021 15:07:59


Let's suppose the number is: 4Then, the Summation Patten would be:1 = 11 + 2 = 31 + 2 + 3 = 61 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10StepsTake a value from the user and store it in a variable, n.Use two for loops where the value of t ranges between the values of 1 and n and the value of i ranges between 1 and t.Print the value of i and '+' operator.Find the sum of elements in the list.Print '=' followed by the total sum.Exit.Example Live Demopackage main import "fmt" func main(){    var n int    fmt.Print("Enter number: ")    fmt.Scanf("%d", &n)    for t:=1; t

Goland Program to Read a Number (n) And Print the Series "1+2+…..+n= "

Rishikesh Kumar Rishi
Updated on 31-Jul-2021 15:05:51


StepsTake a value from the user and store it in a variable (n).Use a for loop where the value of i ranges between the values of 1 and n.Print the value of i and '+' operator.Find the sum of elements in the list.Print '=' followed by the total sum.Exit.ExplanationUser must first enter the value and store it in a variable, n.The for loop enables i to range between 1 and n (as n+1 is not included).For each iteration, the value of i is printed.'+' operator is printed only if iExample Live Demopackage main import "fmt" func main(){    var n int ... Read More

Golang Program to print all integers between a range that aren't divisible by either 2 or 3

Rishikesh Kumar Rishi
Updated on 31-Jul-2021 15:01:21


Let's assume the range is from 0 to 50. We have to print all the integers that aren't divisible by either 2 or 3.StepsUse a for loop ranging from 0 to 50.Then, use an if statement to check if the number isn't divisible by both 2 and 3.Print the numbers satisfying the condition.ExplanationThe for loop ranges from 0 to 50.The number is divided by 2 and 3.If the remainder ≠ 0, the number isn't divisible by either 2 and 3.The number satisfying the condition is printed.Example Live Demopackage main import "fmt" func main(){    for i:=1; i

Golang Program to Count the Number of Digits in a Number

Rishikesh Kumar Rishi
Updated on 31-Jul-2021 15:00:03

3K+ Views

Suppose the number is: 123456Count of digits in the given number is: 6To count the number of digits in a number, we can take followingStepsTake the value of the integer and store in a variable.Using a while loop, get each digit of the number and increment the count each time a digit is obtained.Print the number of digits in the given integer.Example Live Demopackage main import "fmt" func main(){    var n int    fmt.Print("Enter the number: ")    fmt.Scanf("%d", &n)    count := 0    for n >0 {       n = n/10       count++   ... Read More

Golang Program to Find the Smallest Divisor of an Integer

Rishikesh Kumar Rishi
Updated on 31-Jul-2021 14:58:53


Consider that the integer is: 75Divisor of that integer is: 3, 5, 15, ..., 75The smallest divisor is: 3StepsTake an integer from the user.Initialize a variable (res) with that number.Use a for loop where the value of i ranges from 2 to the integer.If the number is divisible by i, compare with res. If res > i, then update res with i.Exit from the loop and print res.Example Live Demopackage main import "fmt" func main(){    var n int    fmt.Print("Enter the number: ")    fmt.Scanf("%d", &n)    res := n    for i:=2; i

Golang Program to Print Odd Numbers Within a Given Range

Rishikesh Kumar Rishi
Updated on 31-Jul-2021 14:54:30


To print odd number in a range, we can take two inputs, a and b, for lower and upper limits.Examplea = 2 and b = 9Numbers between a and b are: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9Odd numbers are: 3, 5, 7, 9StepsDefine two numbers, a and b.Take user inputs for the numbers, a and b.Iterate the number between a and b.Find the modulo of 2, print the number if modulo of 2 of that number is not zero.Example Live Demopackage main import "fmt" func main(){    var a, b int    fmt.Print("Enter lower limit number: ")    fmt.Scanf("%d", ... Read More
