Found 1082 Articles for Go Programming

What is Association Rule Mining in R Programming?

Updated on 26-Jul-2023 16:13:54


Introduction In data mining and machine learning, association rule mining is an important technique used to discover interesting relationships or associations among a large set of variables or items. By leveraging the power of association rule mining, businesses can gain valuable insights into customer behavior patterns, product recommendations, basket analysis, market segmentation, and more. R programming language offers powerful tools and libraries for implementing association rule mining algorithms efficiently. In this article, we will explore the concept of association rule mining in R programming and understand how it can be applied to solve real-world problems. Association Rule Mining Association rules ... Read More

What is IBM Watson and Its Services?

Updated on 26-Jul-2023 15:40:14


Introduction In the digital era, data has become an integral driving force behind business success. Leveraging this power requires advanced tools and technologies capable of analyzing vast amounts of information quickly and accurately. Enter IBM Watson, a groundbreaking AIpowered platform developed by IBM that is transforming industries across the globe. IBM Watson plays a vital role in transforming the way businesses operate − optimizing processes while promoting innovation and growth on an uncommon scale. What is IBM Watson? IBM Watson represents a paradigm shift in computing capabilities as it excels in traditional data processing approaches. Watson empowers organizations to solve ... Read More

Support Vector Machine vs. Logistic Regression

Updated on 26-Jul-2023 15:33:02

1K+ Views

Introduction While SVM excels in cases requiring clear separation margins or nonlinear decision boundaries while coping well even with limited samples, LR shines when simplicity meets model interpretability requirements within binary classification tasks. Support Vector Machines are powerful supervised learning algorithms used for classification tasks. The main principle behind SVM is to create an optimal hyperplane that separates different classes in a high−dimensional feature space using mathematical optimization techniques. Key features of SVM include Versatility:SVM can handle linear as well as non−linear classification problems efficiently by utilizing different kernel functions. Robustness against overfitting:By maximizing the margin between support vectors ... Read More

What is Hierarchical Clustering in R Programming?

Updated on 26-Jul-2023 15:29:32


Introduction In the vast area of data analysis and machine learning, hierarchical clustering stands as a powerful technique for grouping individuals or objects based on their similarities. When combined with the versatility and efficiency of R programming language, it becomes an even more invaluable tool for uncovering hidden patterns and structures within large datasets. In this article, we will explore what hierarchical clustering entails, dive into its various types, illustrate with a practical example, and provide a code implementation in R. Hierarchical Clustering Hierarchical clustering is an unsupervised learning algorithm that aims to create clusters by iteratively merging or dividing ... Read More

Understanding Open Pose Human Pose Estimation Methods

Updated on 26-Jul-2023 15:24:45


Introduction Human pose estimation, the task of recognizing and tracking the positions of body joints and parts, plays a crucial part in computer vision applications. One well known and highly compelling method for human posture estimation is Open Pose. Developed by the Computer Vision Center at the University Autònoma de Barcelona, OpenPose is an opensource library that gives real−time multi−person key point location and tracking capabilities. By precisely evaluating human poses, OpenPose empowers a wide range of applications, including movement recognition, sports investigation, human−computer interaction, and restorative fields. In this article, we are going dive into the points of interest ... Read More

Golang Program to Creates Two Channels, One For Even Numbers And Another For Odd Numbers

Akhil Sharma
Updated on 20-Jul-2023 15:43:16


In this article, we'll make two channels in Go: one for even numbers and another for odd numbers. We are going to send the even numbers to the even channel and the odd numbers to the odd channel.Here we are going to use two different methods: using creating even and odd channels and Sending Even and Odd Numbers to Channels  along with examples to elaborate the concept. Syntax close(evenChan) This is a built in function call used to close a channel. This make sure that no more value will be sent on the channel, and a send operation on ... Read More

Golang Program to Creates a Buffered Channel of Size 5 And Sends 10 Integers to The Channel Using a Loop

Akhil Sharma
Updated on 20-Jul-2023 15:41:39


In this article, we focus on making a buffered channel of size 5 and sending 10 integers to the channel using a loop. The program illustrates how to make and utilize a buffered channel to send large values.Here we are going to use two different methods: by Sending integers to the channel using a loop and by creating a buffered channel along with examples to elaborate the concept. Syntax ch := make(chan int, bufferSize) The Syntax ch := make(chan int, bufferSize) creates a buffered channel ch of type int with a specified buffer size, allowing the sender to send ... Read More

Golang Program to Get Details About the Car Using Its Number Plate and Engine Number

Akhil Sharma
Updated on 20-Jul-2023 15:40:19


In this article, the Golang program is designed to recover details of  a car utilizing its number plate and engine number. It allows users to input the car's data and bring important details such as owner name, registration details, and contact data. By giving  inputs, clients can rapidly get the data they require about a particular car.Here we are going to use three different methods: GetCarDetailsByPlateAndEngine, using validateinput  and using the retrievecardetails function along with examples to elaborate the concept. Syntax func GetCarDetailsByPlateAndEngine(plateNumber string, engineNumber string) (*CarDetails, error) the GetCarDetailsByPlateAndEngine function takes two string parameters (plateNumber and engineNumber), and ... Read More

Golang Program to Get Details About the Car Owner

Akhil Sharma
Updated on 20-Jul-2023 15:39:26


In this article, we point to get details about the owner of a car. The program will ask the user to input the car enlistment number, and it'll recover the related information, such as the owner's title, address, and contact data. This program can be valuable in scenarios where car ownership data has to be rapidly accessed.Here we are going to use four different methods:PromptUserInput(), ValidateInput(registrationNumber string) bool, RetrieveOwnerDetails(registrationNumber string) (string, string, string), DisplayOwnerDetails(name, address, contact string) along with examples to elaborate the concept. Syntax func PromptUserInput() string The Syntax func PromptUserInput() string defines a function named PromptUserInput that ... Read More

Golang Program to Create a Slice of Person Structs Called People with at Least Two Elements

Akhil Sharma
Updated on 20-Jul-2023 15:37:05


In this article, we are going to explore how to create a Go program that involves a slice of Person structs named People. The slice will contain a minimum of two elements, representing individuals with their respective names and addresses. By exploring the concept of slices and their usage in Go, we will learn how to effectively manage collections of data and perform operations on them. Let's dive in and explore how to work with slices in Go to handle a group of Person structs.Here we are going to use two different methods: using literal initialization and using the append ... Read More

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