Found 1082 Articles for Go Programming

Finding Natural Logarithm of Given Number in Golang

Sabid Ansari
Updated on 12-Apr-2023 11:43:33


In mathematics, the natural logarithm is the logarithm to the base e, where e is an irrational constant approximately equal to 2.71828. The natural logarithm of a number is a fundamental mathematical function that has many applications, particularly in calculus and statistical analysis. In Go language, the math package provides the function math.Log() to find the natural logarithm of a given number. Syntax func Log(x float64) float64 The function takes a float64 number as input and returns its natural logarithm as a float64 value. Example package main import ( "fmt" "math" ) ... Read More

Finding Mod of Given Number in Golang

Sabid Ansari
Updated on 12-Apr-2023 11:40:57

1K+ Views

In mathematics, the modulo operation is used to determine the remainder of a division operation. In Golang, we can find the modulo of a given number using the % operator. In this article, we will discuss how to find the mod of a given number in Golang. In mathematics, the modulo operation is used to determine the remainder of a division operation. In Golang, we can find the modulo of a given number using the % operator. In this article, we will discuss how to find the mod of a given number in Golang. Finding Mod of Given Number in ... Read More

Finding Minimum of Two Numbers in Golang

Sabid Ansari
Updated on 12-Apr-2023 11:40:19


In Go, finding the minimum of two numbers is a straightforward process. In this article, we will discuss the different ways to find the minimum of two numbers in Go. Using if-else Statement One of the simplest ways to find the minimum of two numbers in Go is to use the if-else statement. Here's the code − Example package main import "fmt" func main() { a, b := 42, 24 fmt.Printf("Min of %d and %d is %d", a, b, min(a, b)) } func min(a, b int) int { ... Read More

Finding Maximum of Two Numbers in Golang

Sabid Ansari
Updated on 12-Apr-2023 11:39:14

1K+ Views

In programming, we often need to compare two values and find the maximum of the two. In Golang, we have multiple ways to find the maximum of two numbers. In this article, we will discuss different approaches to find the maximum of two numbers in Golang. Using if-else Statement One of the simplest ways to find the maximum of two numbers in Golang is by using an if-else statement. The logic is straightforward: we check if the first number is greater than the second number, and if it is, we assign the first number to the maximum variable; otherwise, we ... Read More

Finding Log1p() of the Given Number in Golang

Sabid Ansari
Updated on 12-Apr-2023 10:54:06


The math.Log1p() function in Golang is used to calculate the natural logarithm of (1 + x) for a given value x. The Log1p() function is useful when x is very small, as the usual formula to calculate the natural logarithm may cause a loss in precision. This function is also known as log(1 + x), where x is a floating-point number. In this article, we will discuss the Log1p() function and its usage in Golang, along with an example. Syntax The syntax for using the math.Log1p() function is as follows − func Log1p(x float64) float64 The function takes one ... Read More

Finding Inverse Hyperbolic Sine of Specified Number in Golang

Sabid Ansari
Updated on 12-Apr-2023 10:53:19


In mathematics, the inverse hyperbolic sine function is also known as the area hyperbolic sine function. It is the inverse function of the hyperbolic sine function, and it is used to find the angle that has a hyperbolic sine equal to a given number. In Golang, we can calculate the inverse hyperbolic sine of a specified number using the math.Asinh() function. In this article, we will discuss how to find the inverse hyperbolic sine of a specified number in Golang, along with an example. Using math.Asinh() Function to Find Inverse Hyperbolic Sine The math.Asinh() function in Golang is used to ... Read More

Finding Inverse Hyperbolic Cosine of Specified Number in Golang

Sabid Ansari
Updated on 12-Apr-2023 10:51:51


Golang is a statically typed, compiled programming language that is popular among developers for its simplicity, concurrency support, and garbage collection. In this article, we will discuss how to find the inverse hyperbolic cosine of a specified number in Golang. The inverse hyperbolic cosine function is used to find the angle whose hyperbolic cosine is equal to a given number. It is denoted as acosh(x), where x is the input value. Golang provides the math package that includes various mathematical functions, including the Inverse Hyperbolic Cosine function. We can use the math.Acosh() function to find the inverse hyperbolic cosine of ... Read More

Finding Floor Value of a Given Number in Golang

Sabid Ansari
Updated on 12-Apr-2023 10:50:09


In Golang, the math.Floor() function is used to find the largest integer value less than or equal to a given float64 value. The function returns a float64 value. In this article, we will discuss how to find the floor value of a given number in Golang using the math.Floor() function. Syntax The syntax for using the math.Floor() function is as follows − func Floor(x float64) float64 The Floor() function takes a single argument x of type float64 and returns a float64 value. Parameters The Floor() function takes a single parameter x of type float64. This parameter represents the number ... Read More

Finding Error Function of Given Number in Golang

Sabid Ansari
Updated on 12-Apr-2023 10:48:51


The error function is a mathematical function used in statistics and other fields. It is defined as the integral of the Gaussian function from 0 to x. In Golang, the math package provides the Erf() function to compute the error function of a given number. In this article, we will discuss how to find the error function of a given number in Golang. Using the Erf() Function The Erf() function is defined in the math package of Golang. It takes a float64 value as input and returns the error function of the input value as a float64 value. Here is ... Read More

Finding Cube Root of Specified Number in Golang

Sabid Ansari
Updated on 12-Apr-2023 10:47:20


In mathematics, a cube root of a number is a value that, when multiplied by itself twice, gives the number. Golang provides several ways to calculate the cube root of a specified number. In this article, we will discuss different methods to calculate the cube root of a specified number in Golang. Method 1: Using Math.Pow() Function The easiest way to find the cube root of a specified number is to use the math.Pow() function. We can use the math.Pow() function to calculate the cube root of a number by raising the number to the power of 1/3. The following ... Read More
