Found 1082 Articles for Go Programming

Finding the Hyperbolic Cosine of Complex Number in Golang

Sabid Ansari
Updated on 12-Apr-2023 12:08:33


In mathematics, hyperbolic functions are a class of functions that are analogs of the standard trigonometric functions. The hyperbolic cosine function (cosh z) is defined for complex numbers z as (e^z + e^-z)/2. In this article, we will discuss how to find the hyperbolic cosine of complex numbers in Golang. Syntax The syntax for finding the hyperbolic cosine of a complex number in Golang is as follows − Example 1 package main import ( "fmt" "math/cmplx" ) func main() { z := complex(3, 4) fmt.Println("cosh(", z, ... Read More

Finding the Decimal Logarithm of Given Number in Golang

Sabid Ansari
Updated on 12-Apr-2023 12:07:14


In mathematics, logarithm is an operation that tells us how many times a given number can be divided by a certain value to get a result. Decimal logarithm is a special type of logarithm in which the base is 10. In Golang, the math package provides the Log10 function to find the decimal logarithm of a given number. Syntax The syntax for the Log10 function in Golang is as follows − func Log10(x float64) float64 The Log10 function takes a single argument of type float64 and returns the decimal logarithm of that number. Example 1 Let's say we want ... Read More

Finding the Decimal Logarithm of Complex Number in Golang

Sabid Ansari
Updated on 12-Apr-2023 12:06:29


In mathematics, a complex number is a number that comprises a real and imaginary part. A decimal logarithm is a logarithmic function with base 10. In Golang, we can use the "math/cmplx" package to find the decimal logarithm of a complex number. Syntax The syntax for finding the decimal logarithm of a complex number in Golang is − func Log10(z complex128) complex128 Here, "z" is the complex number for which we want to find the decimal logarithm. Example 1 Let's say we have a complex number (5+12i), and we want to find its decimal logarithm. We can do this ... Read More

Finding the Cotangent of Complex Number in Golang

Sabid Ansari
Updated on 12-Apr-2023 12:05:09


Complex numbers are a fundamental concept in mathematics and are widely used in various fields such as physics, engineering, and computer science. In Go language, the math/cmplx package provides a set of functions to perform arithmetic operations on complex numbers. One such function is Cot, which calculates the cotangent of a complex number. Understanding Cotangent of Complex Number The cotangent of a complex number is defined as the ratio of the cosine of the complex number to the sine of the complex number. It is represented mathematically as − cot(z) = cos(z) / sin(z) where z is the complex ... Read More

Finding the Cosine of Complex Number in Golang

Sabid Ansari
Updated on 12-Apr-2023 12:04:20


The cosine function is a trigonometric function that is used to determine the ratio of the adjacent and hypotenuse sides of a right triangle. When dealing with complex numbers, the cosine function is used to determine the real part of a complex number. In Golang, the math/cmplx package provides various mathematical functions for complex numbers, including the cosine function. In this article, we will explore how to find the cosine of a complex number in Golang. Syntax The syntax to find the cosine of a complex number in Golang is as follows − cosine := cmplx.Cos(complexNumber) Where − ... Read More

Finding the Conjugate of the Complex Number in Golang

Sabid Ansari
Updated on 12-Apr-2023 12:03:28


In mathematics, complex numbers are numbers that comprise a real part and an imaginary part. The real part is a regular number, and the imaginary part is a multiple of the imaginary unit, represented by the letter i. Golang provides built-in support for complex numbers and allows users to perform various operations on them. In this article, we will discuss how to find the conjugate of a complex number in Golang. What is the Conjugate of a Complex Number? The conjugate of a complex number is obtained by changing the sign of its imaginary part. For example, if we have ... Read More

Finding the Ceiling Value of Specified Number in Golang

Sabid Ansari
Updated on 12-Apr-2023 12:02:37


In programming, we often come across situations where we need to round off a given number to the nearest whole number. This is where the concept of ceiling comes into play. In Golang, we can use the built-in math package to find the ceiling value of a specified number. Ceiling Value The ceiling value of a number is the smallest integer greater than or equal to that number. For example, the ceiling value of 3.2 is 4, the ceiling value of 6 is 6, and the ceiling value of -2.6 is -2. The ceiling value of a number x is ... Read More

Finding the Base-e Exponential of Given Number in Golang

Sabid Ansari
Updated on 12-Apr-2023 12:01:30


In mathematics, the exponential function is a function that grows at a rate proportional to its current value. The base-e exponential function, also known as the natural exponential function, is defined as e raised to the power of a given number, where e is a mathematical constant approximately equal to 2.71828. In Golang, you can easily find the base-e exponential of a given number using the math.Exp() function. Syntax The syntax of math.Exp() function is as follows − func Exp(x float64) float64 where x is the number whose base-e exponential needs to be found. The function returns the base-e ... Read More

Finding Tangent of Specified Number in Golang

Sabid Ansari
Updated on 12-Apr-2023 12:00:14


Golang is a programming language that supports various mathematical functions. One of the functions that Golang supports is the tangent function. The tangent function is used to find the ratio of the opposite side to the adjacent side of a right-angled triangle. In this article, we will discuss how to find the tangent of a specified number in Golang. Syntax The syntax for finding the tangent of a number in Golang is − func Tan(x float64) float64 The Tan function takes a float64 value as an argument and returns a float64 value. Example 1: Finding Tangent of a Number ... Read More

Finding Sine Value of Specified Number in Golang

Sabid Ansari
Updated on 12-Apr-2023 11:44:31


In mathematics, the sine function is a trigonometric function that represents the ratio of the length of the side opposite to an angle to the length of the hypotenuse in a right-angled triangle. It is denoted by sin. In Golang, the math package provides the Sin() function that returns the sine value of a given number in radians. Syntax The syntax for finding the sine value of a specified number in Golang is − func Sin(x float64) float64 Where x is the angle in radians. Example 1: Find Sine Value of 0.5 Let's write a program that finds the ... Read More
