Found 1082 Articles for Go Programming

Finding the Natural Logarithm of Complex Number in Golang

Sabid Ansari
Updated on 17-Apr-2023 12:05:04


In the field of mathematics and computer programming, natural logarithm is an important function that is used in many calculations. The natural logarithm of a number is the logarithm of that number to the base of e (Euler's number), where e is approximately equal to 2.71828. In Golang, the math/cmplx package provides various functions to perform complex number operations including the natural logarithm of a complex number. In this article, we will discuss how to find the natural logarithm of a complex number in Golang with the help of examples. Syntax The syntax for finding the natural logarithm of a ... Read More

Finding the Inverse Tangent of Complex Number in Golang

Sabid Ansari
Updated on 17-Apr-2023 12:04:24


Trigonometric functions are widely used in mathematics, physics, engineering, and many other fields. Inverse trigonometric functions are the inverse of the trigonometric functions, and they are used to find the angle when the ratio of two sides of a right-angled triangle is known. In this article, we will discuss how to find the inverse tangent of a complex number in Golang. Finding the Inverse Tangent of a Complex Number To find the inverse tangent of a complex number in Golang, we can use the Atan() function from the math/cmplx package. The Atan() function takes a complex number as an argument ... Read More

Finding the Inverse Sine of Complex Number in Golang

Sabid Ansari
Updated on 17-Apr-2023 12:03:31


In mathematics, the inverse sine function, also known as arcsin or sin^-1, is the inverse function of the sine function. It returns the angle whose sine is a given number. The inverse sine function is defined for all real values of y between -1 and 1. When dealing with complex numbers, the inverse sine function is defined for all complex numbers. In this article, we will discuss how to find the inverse sine of a complex number in Golang using the math/cmplx package. Syntax The syntax for finding the inverse sine of a complex number in Golang is − as ... Read More

Finding the Inverse Hyperbolic Tangent of Specified Number in Golang

Sabid Ansari
Updated on 17-Apr-2023 14:12:34


In Golang, the math/cmplx package provides functions to calculate various mathematical operations on complex numbers. The inverse hyperbolic tangent function, also known as arctanh, is one of the many functions provided by the package. Inverse hyperbolic tangent function is used to find the angle whose hyperbolic tangent is a given number. This article explains how to find the inverse hyperbolic tangent of a specified number in Golang. Syntax The syntax to find the inverse hyperbolic tangent of a complex number is as follows − func Acctanh(x complex128) complex128 Parameters The Acctanh() function takes a single parameter, a complex number. ... Read More

Finding the Inverse Hyperbolic Tangent of Complex Number in Golang

Sabid Ansari
Updated on 17-Apr-2023 11:57:12


In mathematics, the inverse hyperbolic tangent or inverse tanh of a complex number is defined as the inverse function of the hyperbolic tangent function. In Golang, this function can be implemented using the cmplx.Atanh() function. Syntax The syntax for finding the inverse hyperbolic tangent of a complex number is as follows − func Atanh(z complex128) complex128 Here, z is the complex number whose inverse hyperbolic tangent is to be calculated, and the function returns the inverse hyperbolic tangent of the complex number in the form of a complex128 value. Example 1 Let's say we have a complex number z ... Read More

Finding the Inverse Hyperbolic Sine of Complex Number in Golang

Sabid Ansari
Updated on 17-Apr-2023 11:56:03


In Go language, there are built-in functions to find the inverse hyperbolic sine of a complex number. Inverse hyperbolic sine is a mathematical function that returns the value of the inverse hyperbolic sine of a complex number. In this article, we will discuss how to find the inverse hyperbolic sine of a complex number in Go. Syntax The syntax to find the inverse hyperbolic sine of a complex number in Go is as follows − func Asinh(z complex128) complex128 The Asinh() function takes a complex number as an argument and returns the inverse hyperbolic sine of that number. Example ... Read More

Finding Index of the Regular Expression present in String of Golang

Sabid Ansari
Updated on 17-Apr-2023 11:54:07


Regular expressions are an important tool in Golang for searching and manipulating strings. They allow you to search for patterns in text and extract information based on those patterns. One common task is finding the index of a regular expression in a string. In this article, we will explore how to find the index of a regular expression in a string in Golang. Finding Index of Regular Expression Present in String in Golang In Golang, we can find the index of a regular expression present in a string using the "regexp" package. The "regexp" package provides a "FindStringIndex" function that ... Read More

Finding Index of the Regular Expression present in Slice of Golang

Sabid Ansari
Updated on 17-Apr-2023 12:39:00


In Golang, you can use regular expressions to search for a pattern in a string. The regexp package provides functionality to work with regular expressions. In this tutorial, we will learn how to find the index of the regular expression present in the slice of Golang. Step 1: Importing the Required Packages To use the regexp package, you need to import it first. You can import it using the following code − import "regexp" Step 2: Creating a Slice Next, we will create a slice of strings. This slice will contain the strings in which we will search for ... Read More

Extracting Regular Expression from the Slice in Golang

Sabid Ansari
Updated on 17-Apr-2023 11:49:58


Golang is a powerful programming language that supports a variety of string manipulation and regular expression operations. One such operation is finding the index of a regular expression present in a slice of strings. In this article, we will discuss how to find the index of a regular expression present in a slice of strings in Golang. Prerequisites Before moving forward, we need to have a basic understanding of regular expressions and slices in Golang. Regular expressions are a sequence of characters that define a search pattern. They are commonly used in string manipulation operations. Slices in Golang are dynamic ... Read More

Extracting all the Regular Expression from the String in Golang

Sabid Ansari
Updated on 17-Apr-2023 11:48:05


Regular expressions, also known as regex or regexp, are a powerful tool for manipulating and searching text strings in programming languages. Golang provides excellent support for regular expressions with the use of the built-in regexp package. In this article, we will discuss how to extract all regular expressions from a given string in Golang. Extracting All Regular Expressions from a String To extract all regular expressions from a given string in Golang, we will use the FindAllString function from the regexp package. The FindAllString function returns a slice of all non-overlapping matches of the regular expression in the input string. ... Read More
