Found 1082 Articles for Go Programming

How to Use Go with MySQL?

Sabid Ansari
Updated on 26-Apr-2023 11:23:06


MySQL is a popular open-source relational database management system that is widely used in modern web applications. Go, on the other hand, is a fast and efficient programming language that is becoming increasingly popular for building web applications. In this article, we will discuss how to use Go with MySQL, including how to connect to a MySQL database and how to perform basic CRUD operations. Installing the MySQL Driver for Go Before we can start using Go with MySQL, we need to install the MySQL driver for Go. The easiest way to do this is by using the following command ... Read More

How to Use Go With MongoDB?

Sabid Ansari
Updated on 26-Apr-2023 11:21:12


MongoDB is a popular NoSQL database that is widely used in modern web applications. Go, on the other hand, is a fast and efficient programming language that is becoming increasingly popular for building web applications. In this article, we will discuss how to use Go with MongoDB, including how to connect to a MongoDB database and how to perform basic CRUD operations. Installing the MongoDB Driver for Go Before we can start using Go with MongoDB, we need to install the MongoDB driver for Go. The easiest way to do this is by using the following command − go get ... Read More

How to Sort a Slice of Strings in Golang?

Sabid Ansari
Updated on 26-Apr-2023 11:18:57

1K+ Views

Sorting a slice of string values is a common task in many applications, and Go provides a built-in package sort that includes functions to sort slices of any type, including slices of string values. In this article, we will discuss how to sort a slice of string values in Golang. Go provides two functions for sorting slices of string values: sort.Strings() and sort.Slice(). The sort.Strings() function sorts a slice of string values in ascending order, while the sort.Slice() function allows for more customization by allowing you to provide a custom less function to determine the sort order. Example Here's an ... Read More

How to sort a slice of Search in Golang?

Sabid Ansari
Updated on 26-Apr-2023 11:16:54


Sorting a slice of string values is a common task in many applications, and Go provides a built-in package sort that includes functions to sort slices of any type, including slices of string values. In this article, we will discuss how to sort a slice of string values that implement the Search interface in Golang. The sort.Search function in Go is used to perform binary search on a sorted slice. This function takes three arguments: the length of the slice, a function that compares an element in the slice to a given value, and the value to search for. The ... Read More

How to replace all the elements in slice of bytes in Golang?

Sabid Ansari
Updated on 26-Apr-2023 11:15:26


In Go programming language, slices are a dynamic array that can hold a sequence of elements of the same type. Slices can be created from an array or from another slice. In this article, we will discuss how to replace all the elements in a slice of bytes in Golang. Replacing elements in a slice of bytes involves iterating over the slice and replacing each element with a new value. Example Here's how to do it in Go − package main import "fmt" func main() { s := []byte{'h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o'} ... Read More

How to replace a specified element in slice of bytes in Golang?

Sabid Ansari
Updated on 26-Apr-2023 11:14:28


In Golang, it is common to need to replace a specific element in a slice of bytes with a new value. Fortunately, there is a simple way to accomplish this using the built-in copy function. In this article, we'll explore how to replace a specified element in a slice of bytes in Golang. Replacing a Specified Element in a Slice of Bytes in Golang To replace a specified element in a slice of bytes in Golang, we first need to find the index of the element that we want to replace. Once we have the index, we can use the ... Read More

Nested Structure in Golang

Sabid Ansari
Updated on 26-Apr-2023 11:13:12

5K+ Views

Nested structures in Golang are a powerful feature that allows you to create complex data structures. They provide a way to define a structure that contains other structures as its fields. In this article, we will discuss how to create and use nested structures in Golang. What is a Nested Structure in Golang? A nested structure is a structure that contains other structures as its fields. This allows you to create complex data structures that can represent real-world objects. For example, if you were creating a program to represent a car, you might define a nested structure that contains fields ... Read More

Naming the Return Values of a Function in Golang

Sabid Ansari
Updated on 26-Apr-2023 11:12:04


Golang is a popular programming language known for its simplicity and scalability. One of the key features that makes Golang unique is its ability to name the return values of a function. In this article, we'll take a closer look at how to name the return values of a function in Golang and explore the benefits of doing so. What are Named Return Values in Golang? In Golang, a function can return one or more values. By default, the return values are anonymous and are returned in the order in which they are declared. However, Golang allows developers to name ... Read More

Named Return Parameters in Golang

Sabid Ansari
Updated on 26-Apr-2023 11:10:55

1K+ Views

In Golang, functions can have named return parameters. This feature makes the code more readable and easier to understand. In this article, we'll explore named return parameters in Golang, their benefits, and how to use them. What are Named Return Parameters? Named return parameters are the values that a function returns, with their names specified in the function signature. By default, Golang functions return their values in the order they were defined. However, with named return parameters, developers can assign names to the returned values, making the code more readable. Example Here's an example of a function with named return ... Read More

How to Uncompress a File in Golang?

Sabid Ansari
Updated on 26-Apr-2023 11:09:34


In today's world of technology, compressing files has become an essential part of daily life. It not only helps to save disk space but also speeds up file transfers. However, at times, it becomes necessary to uncompress these files to extract the data inside. In this article, we will discuss how to uncompress a file in Golang, a popular programming language. Step 1: Importing the Necessary Packages Before we can start uncompressing files, we need to import the necessary packages. Golang comes with a built-in "compress" package that provides support for various compression algorithms. To uncompress files, we need to ... Read More
