Found 1082 Articles for Go Programming

Difference between Goroutine and Thread in Golang.

Mahesh Parahar
Updated on 28-Nov-2019 10:43:37


GoroutineGoroutine is method/function which can be executed independently along with other goroutines. Every concurrent activity in Go language is generally terms as gorountine.ThreadThread is a lightweight process. It can be treated as a unit to execute a piece of code. Operating system manages the thread.Following are the important differences between Goroutine and Thread.Sr. No.KeyGoroutineThread1Managed ByGoroutine methods are managed by golang runtime.Thread are managed by operating systems.2Hardware dependencyGoroutine are independent to hardware.Thread are dependent on hardware.3Communication MediumGoroutines uses channels as communication medium.Thread have no easy communication medium.4LatencyGoroutines can commuicate with other routines with low latency.Thread as have no communication medium, communicate ... Read More

Difference Between Go and Python Programming Language

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 28-Jul-2022 12:34:26


Python debuted in 1991. Google released Golang in 2012. Google's programmers built Golang to expedite development and improve other languages. Golang has stricter grammar and layout than Python.Golang allows multitasking, use of channels, goroutines, etc. Golang can be used in networking, cloud, and server-side projects. Golang can automate DevOps and site reliability. Microcontrollers, games, and robots are programmed in Golang. Golang powers Kubernetes, Prometheus, and Docker.Python is an object oriented programming language designed by Guido van Rossum in 1991 and is maintained by Python Software Foundation. Python was developed to keep language readability easy and to quickly integrate with other ... Read More
