Found 1082 Articles for Go Programming

math.Float64bits() Function in Golang With Examples

Updated on 23-Oct-2023 15:25:01


Introduction In the world of programming, effectiveness, and accuracy are vital. One dialect that grasps these standards is Go, too known as Golang. One significant angle of programming is working with numbers, and when it comes to floating-point numbers, precision things. This can be where the math.Float64bits() function in Golang sparkles. In this article, we are going to delve into the complexities of math.Float64bits() work, look at its noteworthiness and challenges in different applications, and eventually get its part within the broader setting of Golang programming. Overview of Float64 in Golang The float64 type in Golang uses the IEEE 754 standard representation to ... Read More

io.Pipe() Function in Golang with Examples

Updated on 23-Oct-2023 15:20:36


Introduction The world of programming embraces effectiveness and adaptability, and Golang, or Go, encapsulates these standards. Among its flexible highlights, the io.Pipe() function stands out. This Golang work, found within the io bundle, encourages inter-goroutine communication by making in-memory channels. These channels permit consistent information exchange, streamlining concurrent preparation. This article digs into the profundities of io.Pipe(), investigating its mechanics, focal points, downsides, and real-world significance. Understanding this work not as it improved your Golang proficiency but also enables you to form more productive and robust concurrent programs. Overview of io.Pipe() Function? The io.Pipe() function returns a connected pair of ... Read More

Golang program to implement a Trie data structure

Akhil Sharma
Updated on 18-Oct-2023 16:00:19


A trie is a data structure like tree that is used to store and search a dynamic set of strings. It is useful while working with the data where keys share common prefix like dictionary words. Trie is different from the other retrieval data structures owing to its efficient string manipulation and retrieval properties. In this article we will learn to implement Trie data structure in Go programming language. Explanation The Trie, also known as a retrieval tree is a type of tree data structure that is commonly used for storing and managing collections of strings. It offers access, to ... Read More

Go Language Program to Implement Floyd's Triangle

Akhil Sharma
Updated on 18-Oct-2023 15:58:27


Floyd's Triangle is a right-angled triangular pattern of numbers, named after the renowned American computer scientist Robert W. Floyd. Using sequences of natural integers starting at 1 and increasing by 1 in each row, we build this triangle. In this article, we are going to implement Floyd's Triangle in go, implementation here means we are going to create floyd's triangle and then print it. Explanation Floyd's Triangle, much like Pascal's Triangle, is a triangular arrangement of the natural numbers with a right angle. There is progression of numbers from left to right across the table, starting at 1 in each ... Read More

Go Language Program to Convert Decimal to Roman Numerals

Akhil Sharma
Updated on 18-Oct-2023 15:55:07


Roman numerals are an ancient numerical system that has found its way into modern applications like clock faces, book chapters, and movie credits. In this article, we are going to Convert Decimal to Roman Numerals. We will look at two different examples, in the first example we will use the recursive approach and in the second example we are going to use the iterative approach. Explanation Roman numerals have been one of the languages to express the marvel of Mathematics. Clock faces, book chapters, and movie credits are just some of the current uses for the old Roman number system. ... Read More

Go Language Program to Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius

Akhil Sharma
Updated on 18-Oct-2023 15:53:36


Temperature conversions are crucial in many scientific expeditions, Fahrenheit is a scale of temperature and celsius is also a temperature scale, but sometimes we need to convert fahrenheit to celsius for medical settings, travels, and more. In this article, we are going to explore conversion of Fahrenheit temperature to corresponding Celsius in Go programming language. Explanation The basic idea can be distilled into the given formula. Here, °C represents value in Celsius and °F represents value in Fahrenheit. °C = (°F - 32) * 5/9 This is the formula used to convert fahrenheit to celsius. Syntax ... Read More

Go Language Program to Find the Nth Fibonacci Number

Akhil Sharma
Updated on 18-Oct-2023 15:51:04


Fibonacci numbers have a unique position in mathematics, computer science and even nature for its particular mathematical qualities. Each number in this series represents the addition of the 2 previous ones, starting at 0 and 1. In this article, we are going to explore an approach to find the Nth Fibonacci number to go efficiently. We will explain two examples in the first example we used the recursive approach as it is easy to implement and fast for moderate values of n, but may be slow for large inputs. In the second example we are going to use the ... Read More

Golang program to implement a hash table with separate chaining

Akhil Sharma
Updated on 18-Oct-2023 15:48:59


In computer science, hash tables are a crucial data structure for fast data retrieval. It is also known as hashmap and it stores and retrieves data based on a key-value pair. In this article we will implement a hash table in go with independent chaining. In the examples demonstrated below we are going to perform the operations like initialization, insertion and then displaying the hash table. Explanation As a data structure each slot in the hash table has a linked list of items that hash to the same index, making separate chaining a collision resolution strategy. In this method, ... Read More

Golang program to implement a circular buffer

Akhil Sharma
Updated on 18-Oct-2023 15:46:22


Circular buffers, a data structure that efficiently manages and cycles through data, provide a valuable solution. In this article, we will implement a circular buffer in go, showcasing its utility and practicality. The examples below demonstrate the operations like initialization, insertion and demonstration of a circular buffer. Explanation A circular buffer (also circular queue or ring buffer) is a fixed-size buffer operating as if the end and the beginning were connected, forming a loop. This ingenious data structure efficiently manages a continuous flow of data, making it an ideal choice for applications requiring data cycling and reuse. This is ... Read More

Golang program to implement a quadtree for spatial indexing

Akhil Sharma
Updated on 18-Oct-2023 15:40:52


Spatial indexing is a crucial technique for efficiently organising and querying spatial data. Quadtree is a popular data structure used for spatial indexing, dividing a two-dimensional space into smaller regions. In this article, we will explore two different examples to implement a Quadtree in Golang. The examples demonstrated below are going to perform operations like initialization, insertion, display and visualisation of data of a quad tree. Explanation A quadtree as a tree data structure ensures that each node can have up to four children, a property commonly needed to partition a 2D space into smaller regions, allowing efficient indexing and ... Read More

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