Found 412 Articles for Geography

Major Boundaries of Asia

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 18-Oct-2023 14:59:16


The main physical and cultural divisions that make up Asia's borders are numerous. The boundaries between Asia and other continents, such as Europe, Africa, North America, Oceania, and Australia, are marked by these lines. Seas, straits, mountains, and islands serve as geographic landmarks that define boundaries, while cultural and historical aspects also have an impact. The intricate intricacy of these borders emphasizes how diverse and interrelated the regions are, which shapes geopolitical, economic, and cultural dynamics. Features of Major Boundaries of Asia Here are the descriptions of major boundaries of Asia − Europe The boundary between Asia and ... Read More

Major Biodiversity Hotspots in Oceania

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 18-Oct-2023 14:58:05


Seven important biodiversity hotspots, including the Coral Triangle, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Polynesia-Micronesia, Southwest Australia, and the East Melanesian Islands, are located in Oceania, a diverse region of the Pacific. These hotspots are significant in terms of global biodiversity because they are home to a broad variety of rare plants and animals. These hotspots' ecosystems are under threat from a number of factors, including human activity and climate change. It is essential to comprehend and safeguard these hotspots in order to maintain Oceania's rich biodiversity and guarantee the sustainability of its natural resources. Features of Major Biodiversity Hotspots ... Read More

Major Biodiversity Hotspots in Asia

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 18-Oct-2023 14:11:48


Numerous important biodiversity hotspots, or areas of great ecological significance and high levels of species diversity, may be found in Asia. These hotspots are troves of rare flora and wildlife, from the Central Asian Mountains to the lush forests of the Western Ghats. They promote the maintenance of the world's biodiversity and have great conservation value. These fragile ecosystems must be protected and preserved for the sake of both the present and the future generations, but they also face significant difficulties. Features of Major Biodiversity Hotspots in Asia Here are the descriptions of major biodiversity hotspots in Asia ... Read More

Major Rivers of Asia

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 18-Oct-2023 13:58:07


Some of the most important rivers in the world, including the Yangtze, Mekong, Indus, and Ganges, originate in Asia. These rivers have affected the history, cultures, and natural ecosystems of the continent by flowing through enormous landscapes and emerging from imposing mountain ranges. They offer transit options, water resources, and a wealth of wildlife. Millions of people depend on Asia's major rivers for survival, illustrating the region's innate relationship between nature and human societies. Features of Major Rivers of Asia Here are the descriptions about major rivers of Asia − Yangtze The Yangtze, also known as the Yangzi, is ... Read More

Major River Basins of Oceania

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 18-Oct-2023 14:02:29


A drainage area is any area of land where precipitation accumulates and drains down into a common outlet, like a river, bay, or other body of water. The largest rivers in Oceania have drainage basins ranging in size from 84, 700 km2 to 1, 061, 000 km2, with a 340, 923.4 km2 average. The Murray-Darling-Culgoa-Balonne-Condamine River, which receives inputs from a basin area of 1, 061, 000 square kilometres in Australia and flows out mostly to the Southern Ocean, is the largest drainage basin in Oceania. Second and third place go to Warburton-Georgina and Flinders River, respectively. Warburton-Georgina ... Read More

Major River Basins of Asia

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 18-Oct-2023 14:06:06


Asia is blessed with a variety of important river basins that influence the terrain, provide resources for people to live off of, and support various ecosystems. These water systems, which range from the powerful Yangtze River Basin in China to the culturally significant Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna Basin in India and Bangladesh, have been crucial in influencing the history of the area and providing for millions of people. Let's look at the distinctive features of Asia's major river basins. Features of Major River Basins of Asia Here are the descriptions of major river basin of Asia − Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna Basin The Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna (GBM) ... Read More

Major Plateaus of Asia

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 18-Oct-2023 14:08:56


Numerous plateaus, or regions of high, generally flat ground, can be found throughout Asia. The majority of Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan are contained within the 3.6 million square kilometre (1.4 million square mile) Iranian plateau. The plateau features some high mountains and low river basins but is not entirely flat. Most of southern India is made up of the Deccan Plateau. The plateau is typically 600 meters (2, 000 feet) above sea level. And the Tibetan Plateau is typically regarded as the largest and highest region to have ever existed in Earth history. Features of Major Plateaus of Asia ... Read More

Major National Parks in Asia

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 18-Oct-2023 14:14:00


Asia is home to a staggering variety of national parks, each of which offers a special fusion of biodiversity and natural beauty. The spectacular rock formations of Turkey's Ancient Goreme National Park and Japan's Fuji-Hakone-Izu National Park, as well as the legendary Mount Fuji, are just a few examples of how these protected regions highlight the continent's rich cultural history and ecological beauty. Asia's national parks are a tribute to the region's natural riches, with a variety of flora and fauna. Features of Major National Parks in Asia Here are the descriptions of major national parks in Asia − ... Read More

Major Mountain Ranges of Asia

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 18-Oct-2023 14:15:31


The majestic mountain ranges that make up Asia, contain both natural and cultural treasures, from the renowned Himalayas with their towering peaks and unspoiled splendour to the Western Ghats and Eastern Ghats, which are teaming with wildlife. Investigate the rocky Karakoram Range and the Hindu Kush's historical significance. Asia's mountain ranges provide a riveting trip into the heart of this diverse and enthralling continent with their beautiful vistas and profound significance. Features of Major Mountain Ranges of Asia Here are the descriptions of major mountain ranges of Asia − The Himalayan Range The Inner Himalayas, Middle Himalayas, and Outer ... Read More

Major Mountain Peaks of Asia

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 18-Oct-2023 14:20:21


A number of the most majestic mountain ranges in the globe may be found in Asia, the continent with the most people and the largest area of land. Asia has a rich tapestry of stunning mountains, from the Himalayas' recognizable peaks to the untamed terrain of the Karakoram and other mountainous areas. These towering giants serve as a tribute to the unyielding spirit of exploration and adventure that has enthralled mountaineers for generations in addition to showcasing the magnificence of nature in all its splendour. Features of Major Mountain Peaks of Asia Here are the descriptions about major mountain ... Read More
