Found 412 Articles for Geography

Continental Slope: Definition and Meaning

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 27-Oct-2023 11:38:59


The huge and extensive water bodies or simply oceans cover around more than 70% of earth's surface, and under its water hold a realm of mystery and wonder including various geological structures. Under the water lies a complex and rugged topography that includes the vast and intriguing Continental Slope. What is meaning of Continental Slope? Continental slope is the last part of continental margin that lies between the continental shelf and oceanic floor. Continental slope makes a natural boundary between relatively shallow continental shelf and the deep oceanic basins. The slope of this geological structure has usually a steep ... Read More

Continental Shelf: Definition and Meaning

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 27-Oct-2023 11:30:26


The continental shelf is one of the significant underwater features that offers various resources including fish, minerals, etc. As part of the land part or continent, it is also known for various water activities that tourists and adventurists more often enjoy there. What is meaning of Continental Shelf? A portion of a continent that remains submerged under an area of relatively shallow water, categorized as a continental shelf. It is the extension of landmass; or in other words, part of continental edge, which has very gentle slope. It extends from the shoreline to the point from where steep slope ... Read More

Continental Divide: Definition and Meaning

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 27-Oct-2023 10:58:59


Present on almost every continent, the continental divide is one of the natural geological features that remarkably defines the geographical features of the respective region. It does not change only the geographical look, but also changes and defines the respective ecosystem and related flora and fauna of the region. What is Meaning of Continental Divide? Built because of tectonic activity or movement in millions of years, continental divide is a naturally occurring geological feature that separates the flow of water into two distinct drainage systems. Such features shape and define the local landscapes in terms of the distribution of ... Read More

Floodplains: Definition and Meaning

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 27-Oct-2023 11:59:57


Floodplain is a natural landscape that known for its fertile land. So, it is not only ecological significant, but also play critical role in defining the economic growth of the region. Because of having fertile land, it is one of the most ideal regions for farming and other plantation farming. What does the Term Floodplain Define? A floodplain is a fertile land specifically found nearby or adjacent to river, which is shaped by ebb and flow of its waters over period in time. This type of fertile land that sustains a rich and diverse ecosystem, very significant for the ... Read More

Fjords: Definition and Meaning

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 27-Oct-2023 11:57:52


In the temperate and even higher latitudes, fjords stand as a demonstration to the planet earth’s geological and climatic history, as it is the product of geo-climatic history. Such spectacular landscapes are featured by very steep cliffs, calm and crystal clear water, which is surrounded by fascinating greenery. What Fjord Exactly is? Glacially formed, fjord is a steep valley that extended into the coastal regions, which create a magnificent blend of land and water. Besides, one of the interpretation is, the term fjord is derived from Norwegian language and its general meaning is, long, narrow body of water, inlet ... Read More

Estuary: Definition and Meaning

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 27-Oct-2023 11:56:28


Estuary is one of the unique and typical ecosystems that forms at coastal region. It is natural and attractive environment that lies at the meeting point of rivers and seas or oceans. Because of its unique nature and favorable condition, it provides shelter to a wide range of species of plant and animals. And, because of all these characteristics, it is also a favorable habitat for human beings. What does the Term Estuary Define? An estuary that is found in coastal region, technically is a semi-enclosed body of blend of fresh water (of river) and salty water ... Read More

Dune: Meaning and Types

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 27-Oct-2023 11:54:46


A common feature of desert environment, dune is distinctive landform, where absence of moisture and high temperature restrain growth of vegetation or other sort of life. Along with geographers, geologists, biologists, many other tourists and nature lovers frequently visit desert regions to explore dunes-like landscape. What does the Term Dune Define? Duns are typically the ridges, hills, or mounds of sand, usually found in arid and semi-arid climatic regions. Their formation is largely dependent upon the direction and speed of wind. Likewise, dunes are natural formations that attract people with their mesmerizing shapes and shifting sand characteristics. Availability ... Read More

Drumlin: Definition and Meaning

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 27-Oct-2023 11:52:25


Drumlin is a unique landform in the glacial region and the term drumlin is taken from an Irish term i.e. “droimnin, ” which means “little ridge.” Drumlins have fascinating glimpse into the geological history planet earth specifically of ice region. It provides meaningful clues about past ice ages and the forces that shaped such landscapes. What does the Term Drumlin Define? Usually found in group, drumlin is a unique landform found in glacial region. Shaped in elongated form or teardrop shape hills looking like an inverted spoon or half-buried egg, drumlins are found in areas where glaciers once moved ... Read More

Desert: Meaning and Types

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 27-Oct-2023 11:49:39


Desert is one of the natural barren landscapes that supports very less life. But deserts fascinate not only geographers and other researchers, but also many nature loving tourists. They visit such places to explore desert life. Scorching heat or cold, rolling sand dunes, and a huge expanse of emptiness everything attracts large group of people. What does the Term Desert Define? Desert is the geographic region that faces an extreme condition either very high temperature (in the tropical and subtropical regions) or extremely low temperature (in the polar and arctic and Antarctic region), but commonality in both regions ... Read More

River Delta: Meaning and Types

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 27-Oct-2023 11:45:48


A river delta is a remarkable depositional feature usually at the meeting point of the river and seas or oceans. It is a region that provides shelter to a few flora and fauna and maintains the local ecological balance. Because of its shape and location, geologists and geographers go there for research and study purpose, but other nature loving people go there for recreational purpose. What does the Term River Delta Define? A triangular shaped, delta is a depositional landform, usually formed at the mouth of river, which defines the place where river empties into sea or ocean. ... Read More
