Found 412 Articles for Geography

Biogeography: An Overview

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 07-Nov-2023 12:15:03


The roots of biogeography can be traced back to the ancient period; however, as an independent explanation can be seen in the explorations of naturalists such as Charles Darwin, Alexander von Humboldt, and Alfred Russel Wallace. They traveled to remote corners of the world to observe and collect specimens of plants and animals. Their explorations and observations of the similarities and differences among species in different regions given way to the groundwork for understanding the relationships among living things and the environments in which they live. Alexander von Humboldt, a German geographer and explorer, was usually honored as the ... Read More

The Western Ghats: An Overview

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 07-Nov-2023 12:17:33


The Western Ghats, sometimes referred to as the Sahyadri Mountains, are a mountain range that runs parallel to India's west coast. The range is called Sahya Parvatham in Kerala. It is one of the eight "hottest hotspots" in the world for biodiversity and is home to a large number of indigenous plant and animal species. The range is a crucial watershed for the area, feeding water to significant rivers, and is classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Indians attach great cultural and spiritual value to the Western Ghats. Geological History Approximately 1500 million years ago, the Western Ghats ... Read More

The Satpura Range

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 07-Nov-2023 12:19:46


The Satpura Range is a group of hills and mountains in central India that extends through parts of the states of Gujarat, Maharashtra, and Madhya Pradesh. From the Sanskrit words "sat" for "seven" and "pura" for "fold, " which alludes to the seven hill ranges that make up the range, comes the name Satpura. The Satpuras, which have peaks that rise beyond 1, 300 meters (4, 300 feet), are home to a wide variety of flora and wildlife and serve as a vital watershed for numerous significant rivers in India. Geological History The Satpura Range has existed from the ... Read More

The Purvanchal Range: An Overview

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 07-Nov-2023 12:31:17


Eastern India is home to the complex mountain range known as the Purvanchal Range, often referred to as the Eastern Mountain Range, which is largely the part of Eastern Himalaya and other eastern hills. The Purvanchal Range is located in the north-eastern states of India, including Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland, and Tripura. The region exhibits diverse topography, climate, and soil characteristics due to its location in the eastern part of the Indian subcontinent. The range is renowned for its abundant natural resources, which include a wide range of flora and animals, as well as for its cultural ... Read More

The Himalayas: An Overview

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 07-Nov-2023 12:34:12


The Himalayas, the highest range of mountains in the world, are noted for their lofty heights, sharply angular peaks, valleys, and alpine glaciers, as well as their deep river gorges and a series of elevational belts that exhibit various ecological associations of flora, fauna, and climate. It is also the name of a vast network of mountains that extends from the Pamir Knot and includes the Himalaya proper, the Karakoram, the Hindu Kush, and a number of smaller ranges. Geologic History The collision of the Indian and Eurasian tectonic plates caused the Himalayas to start developing some 70 million ... Read More

The Eastern Ghats: An Overview

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 07-Nov-2023 12:36:09


The Eastern Ghats are a disjointed series of mountains that run the length of India's eastern coast, from Tamil Nadu in the south to Odisha in the north. The mountain range is made up of solitary hills and highlands, with some of its peaks rising above 1, 500 meters. The Eastern Ghats are renowned for their biodiversity and are home to a diverse range of flora and fauna. Geological History As a result of volcanic activity and crustal uplift, the Eastern Ghats were created roughly 1.2 billion years ago during the Proterozoic era. Over millions of years, the area ... Read More

The Aravalli Range: An Overview

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 07-Nov-2023 12:38:35


The Aravalli Range is a folded mountain range located in western India. It is one of the oldest mountain ranges in the world. The Aravalli Range plays an important role in regulating the climate of the region. A variety of flora and wildlife, including some endangered species, are supported by the range, which is rich in mineral resources like copper, zinc, and lead. With numerous old temples and monuments situated there, the Aravalli Range is likewise of major cultural and historical significance. Structure The Aravalli Range approximately 800 km through the states of Rajasthan, Haryana, and Gujarat in western ... Read More

India Location and Size

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 07-Nov-2023 12:40:32


India is a diverse country and located in the south of Asia, the largest continent in the world. By area, it has the second position in Asia continent and seventh in the world. By population, it has the second position in Asia continent and as well as in the world. In the present world, India is one of the fastest growing nations. Location Located entirely in the Northern Hemisphere, India’s latitudinal extension begins at 6°45' North in the Bay of Bengal and at 8°4' North (the mainland) and ends at 37°6' North, and its longitudinal extension begins at 68°7' ... Read More

Career Opportunities in Geography

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 07-Nov-2023 12:42:01


Because of having such a diversified subject matter and inter-disciplinary relations, career prospects in the field of geography are pretty broad and prosperous. There are dozens of jobs in different fields of employment; starting from academies to tourism industries, and from a cartographer or GIS analyst to a field surveyor. Being a geographer can opt for dozens of jobs in different fields of employment. Career in Geography After completing the geography study, the job prospects are pretty wide and diversified, which starts from an academic field to a blogger, and from geo-analyst to a cartographer, and many more. Popular ... Read More

Coral Reef: Definition and Meaning

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 27-Oct-2023 11:42:00


Coral reefs are one of the most fascinating structure under the water that provide rich and diverse ecosystems under the oceanic water. Such underwater features grouped with various marine life and form an essential habitat for numerous species. What does Coral Reef Exactly Define? Primarily formed by the accumulation of coral polyps (specifically calcium carbonate skeletons), coral reefs are huge underwater structure. The coral polyps, which aer the tiny, soft-bodied sea organisms belong to the class Anthozoa, phylum Cnidaria and class Anthozoa. Over period in time, these corals grow and expand swiftly; likewise, they create big and intricate ... Read More
