Found 412 Articles for Geography

Major Volcanoes of Europe

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 07-Nov-2023 11:18:37


Major volcanoes that have influenced Europe's scenery and captured the interest of both tourists and scientists are found there. These volcanoes serve as symbols of the potent geological forces at action, from the recognizable Mount Etna in Italy, noted for its regular eruptions, to the legendary Mount Vesuvius, famed for its deadly past. The main volcanoes of Europe provide an insight into the dynamic character of our planet with its distinct beauty, scientific significance, and cultural significance. Features of Major Volcanoes of Europe Here's an explanation of each of the major volcanoes in Europe − Mount Etna ... Read More

Major Volcanoes of Canada

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 07-Nov-2023 11:47:01


A remarkable number of volcanoes can be found in Canada, which have formed the country's varied topography. Major volcanoes can be found all over Canada, from the soaring peaks of the Pacific Ring of Fire to the far reaches of the Arctic. These enormous volcanoes, including Mount Garibaldi, Mount Meagre, and Mount Edziza, provide a window into Canada's geological past and demonstrate the force and splendour of the country's volcanic activity. Features of Major Volcanoes of Canada Here are some important facts and features of major volcanoes of Canada. Mount Garibaldi Mount Garibaldi is a stratovolcano located in ... Read More

Major Volcanoes of Africa

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 07-Nov-2023 11:47:54


The are many major volcanos in Africa, which are magnificent and splendid work of nature. These volcanoes are handful in Africa because they are bound to rise there due to tectonic activities caused beneath the land, as it is where the African Plate meets the Arabian Plate. From most dreadful volcano, Nyamuragira volcano to some shallow volcanoes like, Mount Muthaura and Mount Sabyinyo, Africa has always been rich in active volcanoes. Each of volcanoes are terrible enough to destroys miles of civilizations. Features of Major Volcanoes of Africa There are many active volcanoes in Africa. Here are the ... Read More

Major Soils of the United States

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 07-Nov-2023 11:51:01


There are many different types of soil in the United States, each with distinctive qualities and distribution patterns of its own. These soils are shaped by elements like vegetation, geology, and climate. Planning for agricultural, land management, and environmental concerns requires an understanding of the main soil types in the US. These soils, which range in fertility from the Midwest's fertile Mollisols to the Southeast's acidic Ultisols, are crucial in forming the nation's ecosystems and supporting a variety of land uses. Features of Major Soils of the United States Here are descriptions about different types of soils of ... Read More

Major Boundary Lines of the World

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 07-Nov-2023 11:52:13


The world's primary borders define the boundaries of nations, continents, and other geopolitical units. Political, economic, and cultural landscapes are shaped by these boundaries, which include international and national frontiers. They are essential to maintaining law and order and defining the nations' borders, rights, and authorities. Treaties, international agreements, and diplomatic talks are needed to establish and regulate these boundaries in order to promote international cooperation and peaceful coexistence. Features of Major Boundaries of the World Here is the description about major boundaries of the world United States-Canada Border It is also known as International Boundary. The ... Read More

Zoogeography: An Overview

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 07-Nov-2023 11:56:17


Zoogeography is comparatively a new area of study, which first has been observed by Alfred Russel Wallace who was a British naturalist, explorer, geographer, anthropologist, biologist and illustrator. Since he was the first one focused to study the distribution of fauna from a geographical perspective, sometimes he is referred to as the "father of zoogeography". Likewise, gross patterns of the distribution of different species of animals in different geographic regions, became apparent areas of study in zoogeography. Furthermore, Alfred Russel Wallace, co-discovered the principle of natural selection and discussed the latitudinal gradients in species diversity, which were observed ... Read More

Soil Geography: An Overview

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 07-Nov-2023 11:59:05


Soil is one of the fundamental elements of almost all kinds of flora and fauna (including human life). Without soil, life on earth will be very difficult because it is soil that produces different crops and other food stuffs. However, these soils are not similar in different climatic and geographic regions, but rather depending upon the climatic regions and types of landform, the types of soil also vary as their constituent materials vary. So, soil geography is the branch of geography that focuses on such variation and distribution of soils in different climatic regions. What is the Meaning ... Read More

Political Geography: An Overview

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 07-Nov-2023 12:00:52


The term “political geography” is (relatively) a new term, which use has been started since the eighteenth century, but political geography as a specialized discipline came into existence much later. Especially, when understanding of its content, categories, nature, and methods started to be formed because of the accumulation of geographical knowledge and subsequent growth of political power. However, it was Friedrich Ratzel, a German Geographer, who first used the term Politische Geographie in 1897 and that was the time, the development of political geography began. The objects of political geography, as developed, are political-territorial systems—interrelated territorial combinations of different ... Read More

Phytogeography: An Overview

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 07-Nov-2023 12:07:26


Phytogeography is comparatively a new area of study, which first has been observed by a German geographer and naturalist Alexander von Humboldt. Since he was the first one focused to study the distribution of flora from a geographical perspective, sometimes he is referred to as the "father of phytogeography". Further, Von Humboldt advocated a quantitative approach to phytogeography, which has characterised modern plant geography. Likewise, gross patterns of the distribution of different species of plants in different geographic regions, became apparent areas of study in plant geography. For example, Alfred Russel Wallace, a British naturalist, explorer, geographer, anthropologist, biologist, ... Read More

Physical Geography: Definition and Meaning

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 07-Nov-2023 12:10:37


Physical Geography is one of the major branches of geography, which focuses on the study of the earth’s surface features, their forms, characteristics, and associated phenomena. Furthermore, it also analyses and explains the structure and composition of the earth’s atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and associated phenomena such as cloud formation, precipitation, wind movements, oceanic currents, waves, tides, the distribution of flora and fauna, etc. Likewise, physical geography covers almost all physical aspects of the earth’s surface, which study is indispensable for human life. Study of Physical Geography Includes: Lithosphere it investigates and explains the structure, composition, and associated phenomena of ... Read More
