Found 412 Articles for Geography

Coastal Plain: Definition and Meaning

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 16-Nov-2023 16:42:53


Coastal plain is one of the notable geographical features that covers vast land area at the sea or ocean coast. Such extensive region formed over millions of years and hence holds immense ecological significance. In terms of not only attractive landscape, but also in terms of ecological and economic values, coastal plain has various role to play. What Exactly Coastal Plain is? Coastal plain is a low-lying area, which has flat or very gentle slope, located along the coastline of respective country. It extends from the shoreline to higher elevation terrains. It has noticeable features like sandy ... Read More

Clear-air Turbulence: Definition and Meaning

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 16-Nov-2023 16:45:29


Earth’s atmosphere is full of mystery; there are dozens of phenomena that keep happening all the year. One of such phenomena is clear-air turbulence. It is mysterious and invisible phenomenon of air mass that potential enough to obstruct the path of aircraft. What is Meaning of Clear-Air Turbulence? Also known as "invisible turbulence" or "atmospheric turbulence, " Clear-Air Turbulence (CAT), describes the turbulent air movements (air mass) that occur in higher atmosphere or in high altitudes. This region is total calm and cloudless and absence of any other dust particles. Because of such reason, the movement of air ... Read More

Classification of Air Mass

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 16-Nov-2023 16:48:52


An air mass is a huge envelop of air, which has relatively homogenous properties in terms of temperature, humidity, and stability. The length of this air mass sometimes measured even thousands of kilometers and width measured as hundreds of kilometers. Such a huge body of air significantly affect the respective weather system. Interestingly, based on its place of origin and its properties, air mass is classified into various types. In this article, we will discuss the different types of air mass along with their properties. Classification of Air Mass Primarily, air mass is classified on the basis of its ... Read More

Cirque: Definition and Meaning

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 16-Nov-2023 16:17:58


Usually found in the freezing cold regions, cirque is one of the nature’s wonders that attracts people from remote regions. Interestingly, cirque is known by various names in different regions, for example, corrie in Scotland, cwm in Welsh region. What is Cirque? The term cirque has Latin origin, which refers an amphitheater-like valley formed by the glacial erosion usually at the high regions of the mountains. Likewise, one can clearly observe that it has concave shape, which is open on the downhill side. Its cliff-like slopes, which has ice and glaciated debris, combine together and form the three or ... Read More

Cenote: Definition and Meaning

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 16-Nov-2023 16:20:10


Cenote is a natural hidden wonder that holds a mystique feature. Found at very specific regions of the earth, it is unique sinkhole that stores crystal clear water and ancient history. Peeping inside or even jumping into gives unbelievable experience. What is Cenote? Cenote is a natural pit or sinkhole, which formed thousands years ago because of collapse of limestone bedrocks, exposing the pristine groundwater beneath. In fact, the stereotypical cenotes often look like small circular ponds, measuring some tens of meters in diameter with sheer rock walls. Likewise, the term used specifically for the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico, ... Read More

Cavern: Definition and Meaning

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 16-Nov-2023 16:26:27


Caverns, also known as caves, is a mysterious and awe-inspiring geological structure that found under the ground. It has various mysterious facts that scientists (specifically, geologists) study to understand its origin and other historic facts. In fact, such types of geological structures keep informative secrets of earth’s ancient history and fascinate our imagination with their unique beauty. What is Cavern? Cavern refers a natural void region, usually in the mountainous region. Though the opening of such cavern is small (however, most of the animals and human can enter), but its length is highly variable. Some caverns are very small ... Read More

Cape: Definition and Meaning

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 16-Nov-2023 16:27:42


There are various geological structures that attracts people for various reasons; one among them is “cape.” It is the geographic region where one can experience oneself like surrounded with water. And, because of such unique and open experience, cape became one of the most preferred tourists’ spot. What is Cape? Cape is unique and appealing geological structure, usually found at the tip or end of big landmass. It is pointed structure (sometimes also known as headland) extended towards water body (sea or ocean). Likewise, it has the peninsula properties, as it is also surrounded by water from three sides. ... Read More

Canyon: Definition and Meaning

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 16-Nov-2023 16:28:48


Canyon is one of the most fascinating geological structures in arid region. The landscape in the region includes, rugged topography, high cliffs, and vibrant colors that attract many people. Canyon is one of the most popular tourists’ choices. What is Canyon? Canyon is a deep and narrow geological structure that found in arid region. From both the sides, canyon is covered by very tall and steep cliffs. The term canyon has Spanish origin and it has same meaning. However, canyon has pretty local use, as it is used in some parts of North America, specifically in south west region ... Read More

Caldera: Definition and Meaning

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 16-Nov-2023 16:29:59


As some specific regions of the worlds, Volcanic eruption is a common feature. And, such volcanic eruption forms various structures on the surface of the earth. One of such features is caldera. With its unique way of formation, and appealing appearance, caldera always been the point of attraction for geologists, scientists, adventurers, and other nature loving enthusiasts. What is a Caldera? End result of volcanic eruption, caldera is a large, basin-shaped depression or crater. Interestingly, when such bowl shaped depression filled with water, it becomes caldera lake that attracts many people. Furthermore, unlike volcanic craters, which are comparatively ... Read More

Butte: Definition and Meaning

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 16-Nov-2023 16:33:28


Amidst various geological landforms, butte is one of the erosional structure, usually stand alone in desert region. In tropical and sub-tropical region, where there is scarcity of rain, but winds keep blowing all the time create various erosional as well as depositional landforms and butte is one of them. What is Butte? In comparison to mesas, plateaus, and tablelands, butte is a smaller landform. It is isolated structure that looks like small hill, which sides (cliff) are vertical and top is flat. Growing like sentinels against the horizon, buttes are remarkable formation, which can be observed almost on ... Read More
