Found 1263 Articles for General Topics

What is the significance of Rahukaalam in the Hindu Calendar?

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Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24

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Rahukalam is mentioned by the ancient sages as an inauspicious period of time of the day during which any activity/project/venture started during this time would not yield good results. It was said that this particular time period will be under the supervision of Rahu, who will show his evil effects and hence warn not to start any good deeds. Some of them hesitate even to go out during this period and would like to stay indoors.According to astrologers the mighty Rahu and Ketu have the strength to even obscure the sun and moon, thus causing solar and lunar eclipses. It ... Read More

Why are Hindu saints buried and not cremated?

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Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24

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According to the Ancient Hindu tradition, there are four phases of human life, also called as Ashramas. They are Brahmacharyam (bachelor student), Grihastha (After marriage with family), Vaanaprastham ( Retirement after completing his household responsibilities), and Sanyasam in the later part of their life. There is no rule that a person has to follow through this cycle to attain Sanyasa. Great souls who renounce worldly pleasures can attain Sanyasa in brahmacharya phase itself to dedicate the rest of their lives towards spiritual advancement.The greatest example of true Sanyasi is Jagadguru Adi Sankaracharya, who attained sanyasa at the age of 8 ... Read More

Why is Tulsi plant considered sacred in Hinduism?

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Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24

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Tulasi plant is venerated by Hindus while the meaning of the name Tulasi being the incomparable one. It is said that the house of every Hindu must have a Tulasi plant. This plant needs a little sunlight and water to survive. It has many types such as Rama Tulasi, Krishna Tulasi, and Vishnu Tulasi.It is believed in the Hindu culture that Lord Vishnu gets pleased if worshipped by Tulasi or a garland made out of Tulasi leaves. Keeping this plant at home can invite good luck and prosperity.Sacred PlantTulasi is the most sacred plant for Hindus as this is considered ... Read More

How does a Lens antenna work?

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Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


The lens antenna uses a curved surface for the transmission or reception. Lens antennas are made up of glass, where the converging and diverging properties of the lens are followed. These are used for higher frequency applications greater at 3000 MHz and above.Working PrincipleIf a light source is assumed to be there at a focal point of a lens, which is at a focal distance from the lens, then the rays get through the lens as collimated or parallel rays on the plane wavefront.The rays that pass through the center of the lens are less refracted than the rays that ... Read More

Who are the most economic and best tour operators in India?

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Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


There are many tour operators who are offering good discounts in seasons. These operators also have good relations with the hotels where they could offer you a comfortable stay having no complaints.Travel operators lessen your burden making your trip awesome. There are many tour operators in India who are popular and economic as well.Southern Travels: They are excellent tour operators who have bagged best tourism award from the Union ministry of tourism continuously from 2008 to 2016. The Telangana tourism has awarded it as the best tour operator for 2017.SVR Tours and Travels: I had a better experience with these ... Read More

What is cat island in japan? Do people live there?

Knowledge base
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


A place called Tashirojima which is popularly known as Cat Island has the highest number of the stray cat population. This island is in Ishinomaki, Miyagi of Japan. This place which lies in the Pacific Ocean off the Oshika Peninsula is inhabited by a group of 100 people. There used to be nearly 1000 people on this island during the 1950s, whereas it got decreased now.BeliefsIt is believed that people get wealth and good fortune if they feed the cats here. Actually, in Japanese culture, the cat is considered a good luck charm which would bring money and good fortune ... Read More

What is the success story of Oprah Winfrey?

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Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24

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Oprah Winfrey is one of the most influential women in the world, whose life itself says that Life is not a bed of roses but those who withstand the thorns could make the rose bed themselves. Her life story has all sorts of pathetic circumstances that can inspire a person from a poor background to achieve the highest pinnacles in life.Dreadful ShadowsBorn to a Single Teenage Mother in a rural area of Mississippi, who was a housemaid, Oprah couldn’t even afford to have the basic needs. She had to have a terrible childhood filled with abuse and poverty. There was ... Read More

What is the difference between the country and a continent?

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Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24

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There are seven continents in the world such as Asia, Australia, Antarctica, Africa, North America, South America, and Europe. But there are a total of 195 countries in the world. These countries are all parts of these continents. Hence a country is a part of a continent on this earth.A ContinentIt is a general definition that a Continent is a very large land mass that is separated from other continents in the world by oceans. But, that is not precise. These continents are separated only by geographical boundaries that limit these land masses to a certain area. Rather, the continents ... Read More

What is the difference between an island and the continent?

Knowledge base
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24

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Though Australia gives you a feel that continent and Island could be the same, there are not. An Island is a continental-land that is surrounded by water on all its sides. There are different names depending upon the size of this land and the water body surrounds it. A continent is a large land mass that has specified geographical boundaries and separated by oceans.IslandAn Island is a large piece of sub-continental land which is surrounded by water on all sides. Very small islands formed on emerged lands or atolls are called Islets or Skerries. An island formed in a river ... Read More

What are Pagoda’s and why they were built?

Knowledge base
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


According to the ancient traditions prevailing in the countries like Nepal, China, Japan, Vietnam, Korea, Myanmar, India, Srilanka and other parts of Asia, tiered towers are built with multiple eaves, which are called as Pagodas.These are used as the places of worship by Taoists and Buddhists while they also perform some religious functions and gatherings in these tower structures.Buddhist StructuresIt all started in the 3rd century when a dome-shaped monument “The Stupa”, was built as a monument of commemoration and to store sacred relics. These towers can be solid or hollow but usually built using stone, brick or wood.These Pagodas ... Read More
