Found 1263 Articles for General Topics

When did Asia Cup cricket tournament start?

Vihan Rodrigues
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Recently, India beat Bangladesh by three wickets in the final of Asia Cup and clinched the Asia Cup title once again. However, do you know when this tournament first occurred? Let's dig out the history.Actually, when the Asia Cricket Council was formed in 1983, the council came up with this idea, which was conceptualized in 1984 and the first Asia Cup occurred in Sharjah where Asia Cricket Council has its headquarter and remained there till 1995.Initially, Asia Cup was only an ODI tournament and used to happen in every two years, but now it takes place in both ODI and ... Read More

When are you supposed to leave a job?

Vihan Rodrigues
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


This is not true that everyone leaves a job in frenzy. Sometimes things in personal and professional life go asymmetrical and one has to leave a job. However, champions know how and when to leave a job. Let’s know about it:The Gallop Poll happened in 2014 reveals that 68% of employees are not actively attached to their workplace. You will be surprised to know that many companies including MNCs have dissatisfied employees. Is being unhappy at work a reason to quit a job? Or Don't you consider leaving a job a personal failure?Seth Godin in his book ‘The Dip’ mentions, ... Read More

What is the difference between on, over, and above?

Vihan Rodrigues
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24

5K+ Views

All these are prepositions and impart a sense of being something on the top of some other object. Therefore, we can say that all of them have a similar meaning-not largely but at least to some extent. However, similar meaning yet varied definitions still confuse many learners. So, here I explain the correct and simple definition along with the usage of these three confusing words.1. OnDefinition: Having covered something; part of the surfaceA simple definition of ‘On’ is-One thing is covering the other. Generally, it touches the other object or its surface. Also, it can a part of the surface in ... Read More

How can I earn from learning a new language?

Vihan Rodrigues
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Getting acquainted with local and foreign languages is opening the doors to plenty of opportunities. Languages like Hindi, Punjabi, Gujarati, Urdu, Tamil, Malayalam, Bengali and many other Indian languages as well as the foreign languages like French, German, Spanish, Arabic, Korean, Japanese, Chinese, Italian, Russian and Persian, etc. not only boost your chances of getting a job but also offer you an opportunity to get to know a completely diverse world with a unique viewpoint.Educational QualificationHowever, there is no educational qualification required to learn any language. You can choose any local or foreign language as a subject during your schooling. ... Read More

When was the word Hindu used for the first time?

Knowledge base
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24

2K+ Views

Hindu or Indu is the word, derived from the river Indus, which flows in the North-western part of India. The Greeks used to mention the people beyond this river as “Indu”s, naming after the Indus river. As this Indus river is locally called as Sindhu, the people were also called as Sindhus.The OriginHowever, the Arabic people used to call the people beyond the Indus river as “Al-Hind” which was later turned to be “Hind”s or Hindus. The land of Hindus was called as Hindustan, which later on became India, probably after the British invasion.The civilization surrounding this river is also ... Read More

How to make your child mentally strong?

Knowledge base
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Being a Parent, I understood that a child always learns from what you do, not from what you say. They observe and then follow your actions. So, it is better to make them learn from the way they are. But for this, a parent should always be strong. Hence I feel that being a parent, if you cannot handle anything and not being mentally strong to tolerate some disturbances in your life, you can hardly expect your child to manage the same skillfully.The Incident Melted Our HeartsThree years ago, when my little daughter observed that we were facing some financial ... Read More

In the famous Monalisa painting by Leonardo Da Vinci, why does the subject not have any eyebrows?

Knowledge base
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


The famous painting of Mona Lisa, painted by Leonardo da Vinci is one of the most loved paintings on earth till today. This artistic wonder has been inspirational for all the artists for more than five centuries.Who’s this Lisa?The subject of this painting, Mona Lisa meaning, “My Lady Lisa” was actually Lisa Gherardini, the wife of Francesco Del Giocondo who was a wealthy merchant, commissioned the work of her painting. The great painter Leonardo da Vinci painted this, which bears the title La Gioconda. The painting displays an enigmatic smile for which there is a huge fan base all over ... Read More

Why does any government start makeover of cities when they have foreign delegates visiting the city?

Knowledge base
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


It was a very common experience during childhood for most of us, that mom used to emphasize the cleanliness of the house, a few hours before the arrival of some relatives. Does this mean that cleanliness is something you show off?We will even admit that it is everyone’s duty to keep our place and surroundings tidy. But how many of us are really doing that?Now, if you don’t know whether your house is ever-ready to greet some visitors, how you can really expect your city to be? Of course, the Municipal department is intended for this. But still, we do ... Read More

What is the history of Padmanabhaswamy temple?

Knowledge base
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24

4K+ Views

Shri Anantha Padmanabhaswamy temple is located in the East fort at Pazhavangadi of Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. This is the temple of Lord Shri Vishnu which is an ancient structure that was even visited by Balarama, according to Srimad Bhagavatam. This temple also has references in Epics and Puranas like Skanda Purana and Padma Purana. According to the ancient scriptures, it was believed to be built over 5000 years ago but has no perfect pieces of evidence. There is a holy tank called Padma Theerdham meaning lotus spring near the temple.This temple has recently got very famous for its hidden treasures with ... Read More

When and why artillery invented?

Knowledge base
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


The class of large military weapons that are used to fire ammunition, are called as Artillery. These are used to target far ranges than the small arms can handle. The artillery includes Field and Infantry guns, Muzzle-loaded guns, Howitzers, Anti-aircraft and Anti-tank guns, heavy and Infantry mortars, Cannons and Autocannons, other large projectile weapons etc.When perfectly aimed, it could destroy the enemy trenches, can kill a group of soldiers or infantry, can destroy their ammunition and communication systems as well.China’s Song DynastyIt was during the middle ages, the artillery especially Cannons were introduced. Cannons which were widely used in wars, ... Read More
