Found 1263 Articles for General Topics

What are the things one need to keep in mind before investing in mutual funds?

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


If you are looking to invest in capital markets and create wealth with comparatively low-risk exposure than the stocks, investing in mutual funds would be a smarter choice. Moreover, it’s important to start earlier as it helps you earn and save more in the long run while lowering your exposure to the equity markets. When I started investing in mutual funds, there were a few things I had in mind:Know Your GoalYou must have a goal in mind before you plunge into and wish to make a profit from mutual funds. For example, you may want to invest for short-term ... Read More

What are the best websites a developer should visit?

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Following are the best websites for a developer:RedditTutorialspoint.comTechCrunchTwitter MomentsCNetTwitter MomentsRedditDotNet KicksFeedlyHighScalability.comHacker News

What were the inventions and discoveries during the Indus Valley Civilization?

Knowledge base
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24

2K+ Views

The Indus valley people were probably the first-ever skilled craftsmen, who made wonders with minimum resources they have. They have achieved many notable advancements during the 3300 to 1300 BC when their civilization flourished.City-PlanningThey made their living area and housing in a well-structured manner. They used baked bricks and lime for construction, where the bricks used were in uniform size and moisture-resistant. They used to apply gypsum and natural tar to make them waterproof. The structure of the city was greatly planned with the residential area on the higher land and water storages on the lower part.They displayed excellent architecture ... Read More

What are the basic responsibilities you have for your neighbours?

Knowledge base
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24

3K+ Views

Maintaining good social relationship with the families in your vicinity, helps you live peacefully and safely. It ensures a better social life. You always have some responsibilities towards your neighbors.Maintain NeatnessKeep the surroundings of your house neat and clean. Dump your waste in the garbage can and train your pet not to make the surroundings messy. Cut the extra branches of your trees in the backyard and present yourself in a tidy way.ConversationsWhenever you get a new neighbor, have a pleasant conversation introducing yourself and your family members. Offer them any help needed and be welcoming. Try to compare the ... Read More

Whom do you call a vaisakh nandan?

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Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24

7K+ Views

Vaisakh Nandan is a Donkey!!! Amused??Well... Let me explain.Vaisakh Nandan is a Sanskrit derived word which means a dreamer or dancer in the month of Vaisakha, which means April.Then what does it have to do with a donkey?A donkey usually eats away all the grass, which it can see around itself, during April and thinks that there is nothing left over and it has finished everything. It gets happy, rolling over its incredible work. But when it rains and the grass grows extensively, it thinks that it has to start eating again to finish its duty quickly.Actually, as the seasons ... Read More

What is the concept of Shiva Linga and why it’s worshiped more than his own idol?

Knowledge base
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24

16K+ Views

The Shiva Linga is a symbol of the Universe, which means a doorway to the beyond. The two parts of the Shiva Linga, which are the ling and the Panapattam, represents the Universal self (Lord Shiva) in his awakened aspect, being in union with his dynamic energy (the Shakti, Parvathi). This combination is also interpreted as worship of reproduction function stating Ling as Phallus and Panapattam or Yoni as Vagina of the Universal Parents.Shiva Linga is also a representation of pineal gland present in Epithalamus, near to the center of the brain. It is also the cosmic form of fire.How ... Read More

In the future, will it be possible for robots to develop feelings?

Knowledge base
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Robotics is the fast emerging technology today. Robots are being designed to be used for various activities from daily domestic chores to military operations. These Robots are designed based on the idea of Artificial Intelligence.What is Artificial Intelligence?A machine is initially developed to take instructions from the user and process it according to a pre-designed program and give the output. Whereas if this machine can do something more extraordinary, other than simply taking the instructions and matching with previously fed data, that would be great. Such a thought is the basis for Artificial Intelligence. This can be understood as the ... Read More

How can I earn well while working from home?

Knowledge base
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


It is actually a great idea to earn while working from home. This could be such a great opportunity, where you can save some bucks, if you can draw some time for yourself while being at home, attending your regular needs.With the advent of technology, you have got ample of things to do online for earning. All you need is a computer or a Laptop with a high-speed internet connection. Some such examples are:Handling online tutorials in your area of expertiseWorking as a customer support executivePerforming online data entry operationsPosting innovative videos on YoutubeMake some ideal stuff on your own ... Read More

What are some of the unwritten social rules that everybody should follow?

Knowledge base
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24

8K+ Views

Being in a society, you have the responsibility of following some etiquette. These, when followed, makes you a better person as viewed by the society and also help you develop some self-discipline as well.When you are in a group or being associated with a group, you will carry some responsibilities such asBeing polite and using words such as Please, Sorry and Thank you will please the people around you and makes a good impression.Behaving gently and speaking in a normal voice but not loudly.Using your own things and sticking to your boundaries.Asking for permission, if you have to use other's ... Read More

What is the process of getting curd from milk known as?

Knowledge base
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24

3K+ Views

Curd a staple dish used in almost every household. Most commonly curd is confused with its cousin the yogurt. Few people understand the difference between the curd and yogurt and their different ways of processing. There is, in fact, a significant difference between Curd and Yoghurt.CurdWhen some acidic substance like lemon juice or vinegar is added to milk, the milk protein gets tangled into solid masses called as curd. The water separated out is known as whey and which is drained off to retain only the curd. This process of milk coagulating to form curd is known as curdling.Curd can ... Read More
