Found 1263 Articles for General Topics

Sending large files over internet

Lakshmi Srinivas
Updated on 18-Oct-2019 08:01:38


How large file is really considered and treated as large entirely varies as per the context. At times it is required to send and share very large files over Internet. High resolution, large size image files, PDF files, MP3 files containing audio of around 3 minutes can come at least 5MB size.The email service providers often put size limits on the size of the attachments. In addition, if the possible large files are sent through email as attachments, they take additional overload of few KBs. It becomes even tougher when you need to send it to multiple recipients. Today, there ... Read More

How to watch hd movies without data drainage

Lakshmi Srinivas
Updated on 12-May-2022 08:45:05

4K+ Views

Who doesn’t love watching HD movies, videos all the time? But the problem is it drains all our mobile data. Also, not all of us want to keep changing phone for watching HD stuff, so what to do? It’s OK don’t hassle in switching from one phone provider to another. Now you can watch movies without data drainage.So this is the final good bye to missing out cool stuffy, now you can easily watch HD movies without data drainage. These little tips & tricks will help you save data while you are too busy watching HD videos & movies on ... Read More

How to detect serious ddos attack

Lakshmi Srinivas
Updated on 12-May-2022 08:54:11


Distributed denial of service or in short DDoS attack is a Trojan infection in multiple compromised systems. They are used to target attacks on a single system from all systems linked which eventually leads to denial of service DoS attacks.Every individual and company is connected with a cloud these days. There are numerous advantages of using cloud, but it comes with a price of cyber threats. Not far back, a Linux cloud hosting provider has suffered a DDoS attack which lasted for 10 days. The attack was so massive, it targeted name servers, application servers and routers.It did not stop ... Read More

How to boost internet security on smartphones and pc

Lakshmi Srinivas
Updated on 12-May-2022 11:02:00


We have internet everywhere these days and we never miss any opportunity to get updated through that channel for any reason. Be it for fun or for work or just for connecting with people. But what we never realize is – how dangerous could it get?. Our silly mistakes or negligence can lead us to great disasters.Be it our laptops, smartphones or PCs – all of them are prone to risks and need to be taken care of properly. So, the question comes – How to make sure that your devices are not getting exploited or hacked. With the growing ... Read More

How to get free kindle books

Lakshmi Srinivas
Updated on 12-May-2022 11:14:35


There are numerous Kindle books which are available and for years you need not buy a book for your Kindle. It is easy, you have to just know where to look.How to Add Books to Kindle?Most popular method is to send a file to an email address associated with your device.You can also use, send to kindle applicationUse cloud storage service like DropboxEven you can use Kindle EReaderIf Kindle app is installed on your tablet or smartphone, then you should be able to add the file if you tap on it.Few Basics FirstKindle Devices and App − Amazon Kindle store ... Read More

How to use bots in customer service

Lakshmi Srinivas
Updated on 12-May-2022 11:35:19


How many of us have called our cell phone company and been on hold forever, just for reporting an issue or fixing a problem? How many of us would love to chat with an online site and resolve an issue practically? Well this sounds great theoretically, but the truth is it is really frustrating.So what can be done? This is where bots come in action. Robots can collect all information while talking to the customers, understand the whole issue, understand what the customer wants to say and then offers all the possible solutions for it. Chatbots can solve the problem ... Read More

Few simple tips to protect your images from casual copying

Lakshmi Srinivas
Updated on 12-May-2022 11:54:42


Casual copying is an act of fraud similar to plagiarism. We find many people choose to ignore the copyright act while they involve themselves in casual copying of images as well as content. Image theft has become rampant in recent times due to two major reasons one because it is easy secondly because individuals can download quickly and copy images from the internet without any difficulty. Many who are involved in casual copying are not even feeling guilty that they are using other’s property without their permission.All those Individuals who post original articles, images or any material online might be ... Read More

How did lenovo correct mistakes in the support tool

Samual Sam
Updated on 13-May-2022 06:34:22


Whenever we buy a new lappy or computer we get a pool of softwares pre-installed in the system. These are also known as “bloatware” as it just fills the disk space regardless of the user’s wish to have it in the new system or not. Some of these may also be unwanted like the support tools installed by Lenovo.Whenever we think about buying a new computer or lappy, the first brand that strikes is Lenovo. The PC maker. But, lately Lenovo is recommending all its users to remove a preloaded application from their systems because of serious flaw that would ... Read More

Stephen Hawking wanted his equation to be carved on his Tombstone. What does It mean?

Vennela V
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:25


Stephen Hawking is considered the most practical theoretical physicist since Albert Einstein. He died on 14th March 2018, at the age of 76. He was diagnosed with a motor-neuron disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) when he was only 21 years old. He is a real hero who despite his physical condition continued his research on Black holes and became one of the world-renowned scientists of all times.Professor at Cambridge, Stephen Hawking worked on the basic laws which govern the universe. His famous Hawking Radiation theory pronounces that "black holes leak energy and fade into nothing". The equation that he came ... Read More

If you achieved all of your life’s goals how would you feel?

Vennela V
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:25


I don't think there will be any time of your life when you feel that you have achieved all of your life's goals and there is nothing more to accomplish. When one goal is met, the confidence and satisfaction of achievement give birth to another higher goal. It is Human Nature. The increased self-esteem due to the achievement encourages a person to aspire higher.Human wants are like tides. Sometimes, these wants may be subdued for the time being due to circumstances and external situations, but there is never a moment in your life when you don't need anything. If you ... Read More
