Found 1263 Articles for General Topics

Simple Ways to Sell Digital Marketing Services

Samual Sam
Updated on 17-Jan-2020 11:17:42

1K+ Views

Digital Marketing is the talking point in the marketing circles. As people are consuming more and more digital content on a daily basis, producing them and leveraging it for business interest has increased to a phenomenal pace. Digital marketers specialize in developing social media presence of the client’s brand their own crazy ways.No doubt, social media platforms, blogging, videos and content is enjoying the spotlight now. Digital Marketing effectively elevates your business. However, to justify the price of digital marketing services that your firm offers, you need to make an offer that your target clients find impossible to resist. In ... Read More

Writebox a best google drives syncs

Samual Sam
Updated on 23-Oct-2019 06:26:52


Writebox is a modest and distraction-free text editor, facilitates you to focus on writing and seamlessly syncs your written text across all devices, works on Chrome, iPhone/iPad and Android.Definitely, people look for a plain text editor that can work on browser and phone both, and also having capability to syncs with Dropbox and Google Drive. These all qualities make users to choose this free online writing tool.Writebox is a cross-platform text editor that displays a minimalistic user interface that is well-suited for distraction-free writing. It is similar like; Byword, Plaintext, and many-more. Like these editors, the main highlight of Writebox ... Read More

Send and archive gmail email in one click

Samual Sam
Updated on 23-Oct-2019 06:25:05


Gmail is a free secure webmail service, provided by Google. User uses Gmail because it is very much secure, user-friendly and carries threaded conversation feature and many other awesome features.Threaded conversation is useful in reducing clutter for people who are really very busy in doing their task and sending email to their boss or business people. Achieving Zero Inbox is an everyday fight for many users, and still without adding confusion to the mix in your inbox of your email is the best way to keep the art of archiving.Archiving email on Gmail is very easy with its “Archive” button; ... Read More

Display data as table in browser console

Samual Sam
Updated on 23-Oct-2019 05:48:19

1K+ Views

Browser’s in-built tool “Console” is basically a log file keeps all errors record of websites opened using the particular browser. Browser displays error messages in case of network issue, JavaScript and CSS code functions and properties issues, security errors, etc… with the help of Console. This tool can be accessible through the shell and the Console API that are useful in terms of testing data, functions and properties.Here, we will show you how to access and use the Console API, The Browser Console APIIn the Google Chrome web browser, go to the Customize and Control Google Chrome Tools Developer Tools ... Read More

How to turn wikipedia pages into ebooks

Samual Sam
Updated on 23-Oct-2019 05:44:56


Nobody can say Wikipedia is not best, every day billion of people go through it to get valuable information and they are satisfied too. A free encyclopedia with huge database, contain data on various topics in many languages. If you are planning to go to some unknown place (abroad); definitely you will download some data about that place and save it to use offline, but how good if you could convert those data into Ebook?It is possible; Wikipedia provides a way to create Ebook. You can collect the content, arrange it and convert it into Ebook in EPUB form or ... Read More

How to opt out of interest based advertising and stop the ads from following you

Lakshmi Srinivas
Updated on 11-May-2022 13:47:08


What do interest-based ads mean? I am sure everybody has seen the online ads. Well, have you noticed how, when you log into a website and the ads show you something you would perhaps be interested in?You could just be browsing and you find the exact computer or mobile or even shoes that you need? Or if you are looking for a new car and there pops an ad for car interiors? Or you are an interior designer and logging on to any website still shows you the curtains you had seen a month ago? Or you could be looking ... Read More

How to record your desktop screen with youtube

Lakshmi Srinivas
Updated on 21-Oct-2019 06:30:22


Screen recording is an awesome feature and supposed to be the best way to illustrate something which is happening on your screen. For instance, if you wish to share your own computer screen for giving training or for gaming purpose, this is definitely a much more easier method than setting up a camera in front of the screen and getting a grainy, shaky video. Moreover, screen recorded videos seem much more professional and educational when it comes to teaching, as learning becomes more practical oriented. The viewer knows exactly what to do and where to go. Much better than sitting ... Read More

Create ebooks using google docs 2

Lakshmi Srinivas
Updated on 12-May-2022 06:59:30

1K+ Views

In 2007, ePub has emerged as the most supported file format for eBooks. The main reason being, it consists of open eBook standard which can be easily adopted by any popular electronic device maker. Even though most common e-reader brands like E-ink, Kindle do not support this format directly but it is easy to convert. The other e-reader brands like Kobo supports ePub format and it is compatible with electronic devices such as smart phones, computers and tablets.In recent times, anyone can be a published author by writing an eBook and uploading in the popular e-commerce site by using various ... Read More

Tips to browse web better on your phone

Lakshmi Srinivas
Updated on 12-May-2022 07:36:27


Today’s internet is the most consequential thing in our life and surfing the web on phone is one of the main reasons why most of us pay for a data plan. Surfing the web on a diminutive screen with a tiny keyboard can suck sometimes. Here are some tips and tricks so that you can surf the net efficiently from your phone.Use the Best Mobile BrowserThere are many mobile browsers, both for iOS and Android. It also works almost similar but with little features like syncing with your desktop browser could push you towards a favourite. I would like to ... Read More

It ethics at workstation

Lakshmi Srinivas
Updated on 12-May-2022 08:30:21


Ethics is a branch of moral philosophy that comprises classifying, protecting, and acclaiming ideas of right and wrong conduct. In simple terms, ethics is nothing more than our belief towards action and happening situations. As the world is inclined towards technology more than before, the need of ethics increases more than before for proper growth and to minimize the risk of wrong uses.IT plays a big role and affects every part of the society whether doing education, ticketing, getting a gas connection, dealing with bank, trading stocks, paying bills, applying for a passport, voters card etc. All these need to ... Read More
