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What is the salary of Indian Prime Minister, and What other perks they get?

Tejas Charukula
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


The post of Prime Minister of India, for one of the largest and most populated countries in the world, is not an easy position to hold. Since the Prime Minister of the country has to undergo a lot of pressure and work, there are obviously some perks that he or she will be eligible for.Let us see what is the salary of the prime minister is and what are the perks and luxuries that he can access when he is in the post of the prime minister.The monthly salary of the Prime Minister of India is approximately 1, 60, 000 ... Read More

What are the different types of veg and non-veg kababs prepared in India?

Tejas Charukula
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


India is a very diverse country and people with different traditions and different food habits are found here. When it comes to popular food choice, people in India love kababs which are available for both vegetarians as well as non-vegetarians.Let us take a look at some popular kababs which are commonly relished in India.Murg Palak ki korma kababThese are basically kababs that consist of chicken that is minced thoroughly and finely and then mixed with some masalas and then finally spinach or palak, and then these kababs are made.The murg kabab is best with either a sweet date chutney or ... Read More

Why China is way ahead than India in technology?

Tejas Charukula
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Statistics show that in 1980 the economies of China and India were almost the same in terms of gross domestic product (GDP). But China has crossed India and continuing to run ahead. China is ahead of India economically because it has initiated economic reforms at least 1 decade earlier.Chinese are currently obsessed with technological leadership and their economy is growing at an average rate of 10% every year. In fact, the Chinese manufacturing sector is presently eight times the size of India's. There are many reasons for their rapid growth in technology.Chinese Government has initiated Business-friendly Special Economic Zones and ... Read More

Why do people mostly wear black while mourning?

Tejas Charukula
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Black is a subdued and formal color. Wearing black clothes has been a long-accepted funeral tradition in the western countries, which dates back to the Roman empire in 753 BCE. It is intended to show respect for the deceased and there is a kind of togetherness in wearing the same color clothing during the mourning to console the family members.In many parts of India, people wear white clothes during the funeral.Yellow is the color of mourning in Egypt, Red in Ghana and many Catholic churches follow purple color.

Why are there two Irelands? What are they called independently?

Tejas Charukula
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Ireland is an island in the United Kingdom. The famous partition of Ireland in 1921, under the Government of Ireland Act 1920, made it into two distinct jurisdictions, Northern Ireland and Southern Ireland. Northern Ireland is still a part of the United Kingdom as a Sovereign state also named Ireland. The southern part became the Irish Free State, called as the Republic of Ireland.This is the reason why there are two Irelands.

What is right way to save the natural world?

Tejas Charukula
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Every person on the earth should feel the responsibility to save the Environment and the Ecosystem of the Earth. Everyone can contribute by taking small initiatives towards this mighty task.Use water wisely and do not waste. E.g., turn off the tap while brushing.Switch off all the electronics, when not in use.Carpooling, using public transport and alternate eco-friendly ways of transport like cycling and walking will reduce air pollution consistently.Say "NO" to plastic wherever possible. Use handbags made up of clothes for grocery or veggies shopping.Each one must try to plant a tree. If you do not have sufficient land, plant ... Read More

Tahqiq-i-hind was a work of which foreign traveller?

Tejas Charukula
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Abu Rayhan Beruni or Alberonius was a Persian Scholar, wrote this book Tahqiq-i-hind. He travelled to South Asia in 1017 and authored a study of Indian culture (Tahqiqma li-l-hind...) after exploring the Brahmanical traditions and Hinduism practiced in India during those days.He wrote about the cultural and religious values of the Indians in this book, apart from wars and battles. He is therefore known as the "founder of Indology".He was the First Muslim Scholar to study India and the customs and traditions followed in India. He was a scholar and a person of abundance knowledge in the fields of physics, ... Read More

Who is known as the Father of Internet?

Tejas Charukula
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24

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Vinton G. Cerf is known as the “Father of the Internet". He is the co-designer of the TCP/IP protocols and the architecture of the Internet. The US President, Bill Clinton presented the U.S. National Medal of Technology to Cerf and his colleague, Robert E. Kahn, for founding and developing the wonderful creation of the Internet in December 1997.The contribution of Cerf and his colleagues have been acknowledged and applauded all over the world. Today, we cannot imagine our lives without the Internet.Vint Cerf has been awarded many honorary degrees and prizes that include the Turing Award, the Presidential Medal of ... Read More

With an active backlog in BTech, can I get a job in the software field?

Tejas Charukula
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


It really does not matter whether you complete your B.Tech or not if you have software skills. Many companies are allowing one or two backlogs when they select the students during campus interviews.A lot of my friends who have one or two backlogs are already placed in good companies like Deloitte, Wipro, and others based on their technical knowledge by the end of 4th year, even before final exams. At the end of the day, you have to complete the graduation. But, for time being you can start working in the software field.

Which is better front loading or top loading washing machine?

Tejas Charukula
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


When it comes to buying a washing machine, many people get this doubt -- "Which is better, a front-loading machine or a top loading washing machine?"I will discuss the advantages of both and leave it for you to decide which one suits your requirements.Front load machinesThey use less water comparatively than top loading machines, and they accommodate more clothes than a top load machine because usually, the drum of front load machine is larger.Cycle time is more and washing is also done more efficiently and delicately. Wear and tear of clothes will be less.Top load machinesTop load machines have the ... Read More
