Found 1263 Articles for General Topics

How can you use plastic without harming the environment?

Prasanna Kotamraju
Updated on 27-Jun-2020 05:57:58


Plastics are tough and durable and have versatile applications. We have to admit that we cannot completely avoid the usage of plastic, even though we know that they are harming the ecosystem and cannot be decomposed easily. Some plastics may take decades and some may take centuries to decompose.So the scientists have started their search to make plastic which does not harm the environment. We need a better alternative to these traditional plastics to serve our purposes. The solution to this problem is eco-friendly plastics, which can be easily broken down and mix with the soil. The new plastics which ... Read More

How can you make your kid help in your household?

Prasanna Kotamraju
Updated on 05-May-2022 08:47:15


Doing household chores is not a joyful pass time for even an adult. And you want to train your kid to help you ... It really needs tact and patience to keep the kid engaged. Still, kids learn some valuable lessons in life and it is worth taking out that time to instill the sense of responsibility and teach them basic life skills. These small lessons, they will take with them throughout their lives.Now, the big question .. how to make your kid help in your household chores. Let us learn some tips to make it an interesting play time.Give ... Read More

What are the achievements you are most proud of?

Prasanna Kotamraju
Updated on 05-May-2022 06:21:53


It is very important in your life to count your blessings and feel good about your achievements. That will give you positive aura which brings more success to your life. Psychologists around the world say make a habit of thanking God for what you got in life instead of always thinking about what you lack, and I firmly believe in that.There will be a few things in life, you feel proud of yourself. They may not be notable achievements in the eyes of other people. But for myself, they are great achievements and I am proud of them.In March 2018, ... Read More

How can we improve traffic congestion in India?

Prasanna Kotamraju
Updated on 05-May-2022 10:49:49


The number of cars on India's roads has been doubling every 8-10 years—and it's costing the country. A WHO study from 2014 found that 13 of the world's 20 most polluted cities are in India. The country experiences 120, 000 deaths per year due to traffic fatalities, more than any other country.To improve the traffic conditions in India, there are certain things that have to be followed by the Government, private sector and also citizens.City governments in India have to focus on investing in road expansions and overpass construction projects.The public transport services have to be improved, curbing the car ... Read More

What are the unprofessional habits that make everyone at work hate you?

Prasanna Kotamraju
Updated on 02-May-2022 09:04:43


It is an undeniable fact that we spend one-third of our lives in the office. It is very important to maintain good relations with our colleagues and boss to live our life peacefully in the office. Knowingly or unknowingly if you let a bad habit or two slip in the office is fine and is understandable. But when your co-workers are hating you and avoiding your company, then it should be a big concern and you should check whether you have any of these below-discussed unprofessional habits that are driving them nuts.Arriving late to office and rolling 10 minutes late ... Read More

What is the importance of "earn while you learn"?

Prasanna Kotamraju
Updated on 04-May-2022 11:41:53


Nowadays youth are gaining the importance of "Earn while you Learn" concept. There are many benefits due to this approach.First and foremost is earn your pocket money while you are studying. This will help in a long way in understanding the value of money and money management in your future.Along with financial benefits, if you do an apprenticeship in the field of your study, you will gain practical knowledge on the subject.You will get exposed to the workplace discipline and get some learning experience about your future job.You will not waste time and understand the importance of time management.You will ... Read More

What is the employee turnover rate?

Prasanna Kotamraju
Updated on 04-May-2022 11:39:26


Employee turnover rate is a key indicator of a company's performance. It refers to the percentage of employees who leave the organization during a particular period of time, say one month.Employees may leave due to resignations, terminations or retirements. The total employees at the starting of the month (A), the employees at the end of the month (B), and the number of employees left during the month (X) are taken into account to get the average employee turnover rate.Avg = (A+B)/2 -- adding both A and B divided by 2 gives you average employees of that month.Divide the number of ... Read More

What teaching should I give to son who is going to college first time?

Prasanna Kotamraju
Updated on 27-Jun-2020 05:19:39


We will be teaching our kids what to do and what not to do throughout their life, whether they listen to us or not. We want them to do the right things and be on the top always. What we teach to our children depends on our limited knowledge, our perception of life and the way we were brought up, and experiences we have faced in life.So, it varies largely when it comes to what we teach to our kids. I told my son only one thing when he is going to college for the first time."College is the stepping ... Read More

I own an e-commerce business. What is more, benefiting for me - Remarketing or shopping campaign?

Prasanna Kotamraju
Updated on 27-Jun-2020 05:21:10


Before we decide on which is more benefiting, Remarketing or shopping campaign let us see and understand how do they work?Shopping CampaignThe Google shopping campaigns are easily manageable and have benefits like bidding is much simpler, easy to set up new campaigns and it is a great tool to share your workload. Your products are already added to the list in Shopping Campaign format by Google itself. With google shopping campaign, you can browse all your products directly in AdWords, set campaign level priorities (if you have your product in 2 different campaigns) etc.RemarketingRemarketing (also known as retargeting) aims at ... Read More

What will you do if you find a girl being teased by a policeman and you are alone there?

Prasanna Kotamraju
Updated on 02-May-2022 07:18:20


"Anatomy is destiny, " wrote Sigmund Freud. This quote encapsulates the implications faced by taking birth as women and the way women are perceived by men due to their physicality.We have been hearing about eve teasing and physical molestations of women happening around every corner of the country round the clock. We look up to the police to help us in this situations. What if policeman starts teasing a woman? Where shall we go and what shall we do?If I am standing alone at the bus stop and see one girl being teased by a policeman, I would capture the ... Read More
