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What are some free domain name suggester tools?

Prasanna Kotamraju
Updated on 27-Jun-2020 09:26:43


A domain name should be catchy and memorable and yet meaningful at the same time. It is not an easy task to set a perfect name for your domain. You may feel that you’ve come up with something catchy and worthy of your brand and to your dismay, you may find that the .com domain is already taken.To avoid all this headache and hairpulling let us take the help of some of the free domain suggester tools.Lean Domain SearchBust a NameShopify Business Name GeneratorNameboyNameStallDomain PuzzlerName MeshDomains BotPanabeeName StationImpossibility!Instant Domain SearchI Want My NameDot-o-MatorCool Name IdeasDomainWheel

What are sitemaps? How to create them?

Prasanna Kotamraju
Updated on 27-Jun-2020 09:27:28


A sitemap is the map of a website showing the location of pages. These sitemaps are formatted for Search Engine Optimization and to streamline the user experience.There are different types of sitemaps. They can be Standard sitemaps, Content-based such as videos, images etc., How to Create a SitemapThere are a lot of plugins available that automatically create a sitemap. People who use WordPress can create a sitemap with a few simple clicks. For simple websites, these plugins work fine.There are very good options for SEO for WordPress by Yoast, which has a built-in sitemap generator, or Google XML Sitemaps Generator ... Read More

What is the link between Phi and the Golden Ratio?

Prasanna Kotamraju
Updated on 27-Jun-2020 09:35:14


Phi is the basis for the Golden Ratio, Section or Mean. The value of Phi ( Φ ) is 1.618033988749895. It has many unusual mathematical properties.The Golden ratio is a special number found by dividing a line into two parts so that the longer part divided by the smaller part is also equal to the whole length divided by the longer part. It is often symbolized using phi, after the 21st letter of the Greek alphabet.The ratio or proportion, determined by Phi (1.618 …) was known to the Greeks as the “dividing a line in the extreme and mean ratio” ... Read More

How to increase twitter followers?

Prasanna Kotamraju
Updated on 28-Apr-2022 05:06:35


Twitter is one of the social networking sites where people communicate in short messages called tweets. Tweeting is sending short messages to anyone who follows you on Twitter. People express their views and ideas on Twitter so as to reach with some useful and interesting information to their audience.The number of followers you have on twitter indicates that so many people are interested in your views. People often use Twitter to discover interesting people and companies online and market their product.People use Twitter like any other social media for all sorts of reasons, like attention-grabbing, vanity, and shameless self-promotion of ... Read More

Does the Bardo of “Tibetan Book of The Dead” and the “Garuda Purana” of Hindus talk about the same thing?

Prasanna Kotamraju
Updated on 27-Jun-2020 09:09:13


The Tibetan Book of the Dead ( Bardo Thodol ) was a set of seven texts which visualizes the after-death experiences. It was written by Padma Sambhava and deals with matters concerning death and describes the afterlife.Tibetan Buddhists believe in six Bardo States which detail what happens through life death and rebirth. This book discusses the experiences one has after death, in the Bardo, the interval between death and the next rebirth. The text also includes chapters on the signs of death and rituals to undertake when death is closing in or has taken place.Garuda Purana is one of 18 ... Read More

Why is Pablo Picasso considered a great artist?

Prasanna Kotamraju
Updated on 04-May-2022 07:52:35


Pablo Picasso was a famous Spanish sculptor, painter, poet, and playwright, and spent most of his life in France. He was born in 1881 and was active till 1973. He is regarded as one of the most influential artists of the 20th century.One of his most famous and controversial painting - Les demoiselles d'avignon (1907).Picasso had an extraordinary talent for painting in a naturalistic manner. He has experimented with different theories and techniques. He has achieved universal renown and immense fortune for his revolutionary artistic accomplishments and became one of the best-known figures in 20th-century art.His 'Les femmes d'Alger' has ... Read More

Can a microwave cause cancer?

Prasanna Kotamraju
Updated on 06-May-2022 06:48:57


We cannot imagine our lives without MicroWave Ovens. How many of you have ever wondered .. are these safe?Microwave Ovens use microwaves in the form of electromagnetic field (EMF). These microwaves definitely will not be confined to the Oven. They will travel by air and reach you.One more important thing is they emit Magnetic Fields which are categorized as carcinogenic.Moreover, many people cook food in nongraded plastic containers in microwaves which can leave carcinogenic toxins into your food.Most commonly Microwave is used to thaw frozen food and it was found that glucoside in the food is converted to galactoside giving ... Read More

Can being a woman becomes a ground for lesser punishment?

Prasanna Kotamraju
Updated on 02-May-2022 07:55:30


NO!! According to the Supreme Court of India, being a woman cannot be a ground for a lesser punishment.Recently in a historical judgment, the Supreme Court has set aside a lower court's order for sparing a woman from Jail term who was convicted of attempted murder.The Himachal Pradesh high court had sentenced a woman to two years jail term and a fine of Rs 2, 000. When the woman pleaded that she was a woman with three minor children to look after, the court has spared her from sending to the Jail.When the case is appealed to the Supreme Court ... Read More

Why is it so difficult sometimes to say no?

Prasanna Kotamraju
Updated on 06-May-2022 06:26:24


There will be many situations in life where it will be difficult to say NO. We think saying no is rude and many people find it difficult to develop the art of saying "NO".Why is it difficult to say NO?We usually try to avoid conflict. We fear that our "NO" may start a conflict with our colleagues or friends or members of the family. So we feel it is better to avoid the word "NO".Do you remember when we were kids when our parents said No, it was a firm "NO", did it change with the time? We are afraid ... Read More

What makes children get attracted towards particular colors?

Prasanna Kotamraju
Updated on 28-Apr-2022 10:47:32


Children get attracted to bright Colors. Children when they take to the world through their eyes, the bright colors are the first aspects that catch their eyesight. Bright colors help them to distinguish and categorize objects.By the age of 5 months, children can see bright colors. They are attracted to bright colors such as red, green, blue and orange contrary to muted shades and pastels. With their developing eyesight and capacity to acknowledge the people and things around them, children are drawn towards brighter colors.
