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What is bus arbitration in computer organization?

yashwanth sitamraju
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24

18K+ Views

What is Bus Arbitration?A device that initiates data transfers on the bus at any given time is called a bus master.In a computer system, there may be more than one bus master such as a DMA controller or a processor etc.These devices share the system bus and when a current master bus relinquishes another bus can acquire the control of the processor.Bus arbitration is a process by which next device becomes the bus controller by transferring bus mastership to another bus.Types of Bus ArbitrationThere are two types of bus arbitration namelyCentralised Arbitration.Distributed Arbitration.Only single bus arbiter performs the required arbitration ... Read More

Sample questions for ITIL Foundation Course

yashwanth sitamraju
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) is the framework that is designed to standardize the planning, selection, and delivery of IT services to a business. The goal of ITIL is to improve efficiency and also achieve predictable goals or targets. An ITIL enables an IT professional to be a business service partner, not just back-end support.ITIL Foundation ExaminationIt is a closed book examination.It consists of 40 questions.Each question has multiple choices.One mark is allotted for the correct answer.The duration of the exam is one hour.One has to score 65% of the marks to pass the examination i.e minimum 26 questions must ... Read More

What is the syntax for defining the data structure in C++?

yashwanth sitamraju
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


C++ Programming is basically an enhanced version of C programming language and it is used for “Object-oriented Programming”C++ was developed by Bjarne Stroustrup who did the first development of the language as his first Ph.D. project.He had begun this project because there were no existing programming languages used for large-scale projects.It was initially called as “C with classes”The programming language was first standardized in 1998 and was again issued in 2003, 2007 and 2011.C++ is maintained by ISO, a large standard committee.C++ is widely and commonly used in embedded systems and software engineering.C++ has influenced languages like PHP and C-sharp.Data ... Read More

What do you understand by Black Death?

yashwanth sitamraju
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


In the 14th Century, the epidemic Black Plague has ravaged in Europe. It has killed nearly one-third of Europe's population at that time.It was caused due to the bacterium - Yersinia pestis which is transmitted to humans from infected rats and caused plague. This was confirmed in the recent DNA tests on 600-year-old teeth from victims of the Black Death that they had black plague caused by Yersinia pestis.The victims of this plague had to bleed below their skin due to subcutaneous hemorrhage, which darkened/blackened their bodies. People used to get gangrene of the fingers, toes, and nose. The entire ... Read More

Is Microsoft more successful than Apple?

yashwanth sitamraju
Updated on 11-May-2022 07:22:43


Apple has 3 times more net worth than Microsoft. But people say Microsoft is more successful than Apple. Why?When we compare Windows and Mac OS, the former has more features and windows get updated every year. They add new features, remove some old and finalize the features with every release. Apple's OS X hasn't changed much for the past several years.When it comes to Microsoft's Cortana, it has more features than Apple's Siri and is more versatile.Keeping the technology apart, the Microsoft has diverse revenue lines and comparatively the company with higher net profit is Microsoft.All these factors say that ... Read More

Why does Trump have so many misspellings in his tweets? Is it on purpose?

yashwanth sitamraju
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Have you ever seen Trump's tweets? He is notorious for his spelling mistakes in his tweets. His famous typos include “rediculous” and “politicons”, misspelling "Barrack” Obama's name and even his wife Melania Trump's name.We cannot say that the President of America does not know how to spell simple English words, but it has become his trademark to tweet error prone messages.It is also believed that he does not pen all his tweets, and the staffers who do that on his behalf also reportedly insert grammatical errors to match his tweeting style.Some of his famous errors

What are the best plugins for building best and attractive website pages?

yashwanth sitamraju
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


A plugin is that piece of software that gives additional functionality to a website. These plugins help the web browser to display additional content and increases the functionality of a website and makes it look great.Websites are usually created using WordPress, so let us discuss some of the best "Free WordPress Plugins" to help in building best and attractive website pages.AkismetJetpackEverest formsYoast SEOGoogle XML SitemapsNivo SliderW3 Total CacheVaultPressUser RegistrationWP Smush

Why is rakhi celebrated?

Rashmi Iyer
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


There are two main festival occasions that celebrate the bond of brother and sister in India. One is Raksha Bandhan or Rakhi Bandhan and the other one is Bhai Dooj which is celebrated as the fourth day of Diwali celebrations.Raksha Bandhan or Rakhi Bandhan is an occasion that generally comes in the month of August and is placed in the month of Shravana of the Hindu calendar. The sister ties Rakhi, the auspicious thread affirming the bond of affection. The brother is then fed sweets by his sister and he in return offers her some gift or token.It has become ... Read More

Why there was a National Emergency during 1975 in India?

Rashmi Iyer
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


The 1975 emergency in India is considered to be one of the darkest phases in the history of Indian Democracy. The National Emergency was declared under the reason of internal unrest and a rebellion-like situation in the country under Article 352 of the Indian Constitution. But here are the bigger reasons that formed the background for an emergency in the country:Economic Conditions in India before 1975Indo-Pak war and the creation of Bangladesh had put India into Economic turmoil in the year of 1971-72. Poverty and unemployment started hitting the economy hard giving massive blows to progress and development of the ... Read More

What is economics? Which career can a student opt if he studies economics?

Rashmi Iyer
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Economics in simple terms is a discipline that deals with the production, distribution, exchange, and consumption of goods and services which happen in a circular flow in a country. Economics is broadly divided into micro economics and macro economics. While the former deals with individuals firms, consumers and production units and the latter deals with aspects of GDP and National Economy.After studying Economics, there are a plethora of career options which the student can pursue. It includes the following:AnalystThe role of an Analyst in the company involves understanding any issues that the company is facing and what can be the ... Read More
