Found 164 Articles for General Knowledge

How can India create more salaried jobs?

Knowledge base
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


India is a developing country. Got bored of hearing this again and again, right? For it to be a well-developed country, India needs to focus more on developing its economic status. India has less than one-fifth of workers who are in salaried employment.More job creation would boost up India’s rank in Global Prosperity ladder. India is still in lower middle-income status which needs some salaried jobs to boost its status. The economic survey 2017-18 says if the per capita income in India grows at 6.5% per year, India would reach upper-middle-income status by the mid-to-late 2020s.In my view, a few ... Read More

Theme of International Women’s Day 2018: #PressforProgress

Knowledge base
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


International Women’s Day is held to celebrate the achievements of women across the world. This day is also popular as the United Nations (UN) day for Women’s Rights and International Peace. Some countries declare it a Public Holiday while some governments offer holiday only to their women employees.The logo of International women’s day is in purple and white featuring the symbol of Venus for female. So, women prefer to wear purple, white and mostly pink on women’s day.When is it Celebrated?During 1975, the United Nations began celebrating International Women’s Day on March 8th. The idea of celebrating International women’s day ... Read More

How does the Panic Alarms work in Delhi Buses?

Knowledge base
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


On the event of International Women's Day 20118, the Delhi Government takes another initiative for women’s safety, launching Panic Alarms in buses and have launched the pilot batch of this project. This project of installing alarm systems in all the buses is expected to be completed in one years time.How does this work?This Panic button system has a near perfect design that will help women raise a buzz against abuse they face. It will help gain the attention of the public where the accused can be easily caught.There will be four panic buttons installed in four different places on a ... Read More

What is the difference between CDSL and NSDL?

Shanmukh Pasumarthy
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


CDSL stands for Central Depository Services India Ltd and NSDL stands for National Securities Depository Ltd. Depository refers to an organization which holds the stocks of investors and shareholders. NSDL and CDSL are the two apex depositories in India. Just like banks take care of cash and deposits, they hold bonds, stocks etc for the shareholders in electronic form.Functioning of CDSL and NSDLWe need not send share certificates physically for transfers like in the old days, the NSDL and CDSL help to convert and hold shares in the Demat form. Since their establishment, we received huge contributions from both these ... Read More

What would happen if Earth started to rotate in the opposite direction?

Shanmukh Pasumarthy
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24

4K+ Views

Earth rotates around its own axis which is tilted at 23.5 degrees, from the plane of its orbit around the sun, in the eastward direction. It takes almost 24 hours to complete one rotation. The Earth rotates at a speed of 460 m/s, that is approximately 1650 km/hr at the equator. The angular velocity of the Earth decreases as we keep moving toward the poles.The Earth's rotational speed is slowing down with time. According to atomic clocks, the present day is 1.7 milliseconds slower than a century ago. It is not a big issue as it will take more than ... Read More

Why is conservation of natural resources important?

Shanmukh Pasumarthy
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24

13K+ Views

A resource is any natural or artificial substance or energy which can be used for the benefits of mankind. Natural resources are those which exist in the environment naturally, that is, they are not created by humans. They are soil, water, sunlight, the wind, plants, coal etc.Natural resources are classified further into exhaustible and inexhaustible resources. Exhaustible resources are those which are limited and will be exhausted with continuous usage, for example, coal, natural gas etc. whereas inexhaustible resources are those which cannot be depleted by human consumption, for example, wind power and water power etc., Need for Conservation of ... Read More

What are amphibious fishes? Can they live outside water?

Shanmukh Pasumarthy
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


The fishes that can survive without water for a good amount of time are known as amphibious fishes. Convergent evolution plays an important role in these species, as the next generation species receives analogous structures that have similar function but were not present in the last generation.Many fishes are amphibious, which means they can naturally survive out of the water. These fishes have developed limbs or use lateral undulation (that is, wave-like movement patterns that act to propel an animal forward) for terrestrial locomotion. They leave water bodies for many reasons like escaping predators, low oxygen environments etc.Ancient fish had ... Read More

What is a robonaut? Can it replace astronauts in the future?

Shanmukh Pasumarthy
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Robonaut is a NASA robot, which is designed as a humanoid. The artificial intelligence makes it easier for Robonaut to do the same jobs as a human. Robonaut could help with anything from working on the International Space Station to exploring other worlds. The core idea behind the Robonaut series is to have a humanoid machine work alongside astronauts. Its form factor and dexterity are designed such that Robonaut can use space tools and work in similar environments suited to astronauts.These new space explorers won’t need space suits or oxygen to survive outside of the spacecraft. Thus they might help ... Read More

What is the difference between scramjet and ramjet engines?

Shanmukh Pasumarthy
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Both scramjet and Ramjet are types of jet engines. A ramjet is an air breathing jet engine which is usually associated with supersonic transport. Ramjets can start at supersonic speeds only, so as a result they cannot be started at zero velocity and cannot produce thrust as there is a lack of airspeed.Hence assisted take off flights or rockets are needed to or accelerate it to a supersonic speed from which it starts producing thrust. This makes ramjet engine to be efficient only at supersonic speeds as it can accelerate to speeds of about Mach 6. Ramjet has revolutionized Rocket ... Read More

What are the interesting facts about the Nobel Prize?

Shanmukh Pasumarthy
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Nobel Prize is the award given to men and women to honor their work in physiology, physics, chemistry, medicine, literature or for work in peace. It started in 1901 by Alfred Nobel. Between the years 1901 and 2016, the Nobel Prizes were awarded 579 times to 910 people or organizations. Few organizations or people were awarded the Nobel Prize more than once, thus making the count to a total of 23 organizations, and 881 individuals.The Nobel Prize is regarded as the most esteemed award given to a person in all the available fields like literature, medicine, physics, chemistry, peace. The ... Read More

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