Found 2 Articles for Gene Mapping

Map-Based Gene/QTL Isolation

Anusha Karthik
Updated on 11-Apr-2023 17:39:31


Introduction One of the most challenging aspects of modern genetic research is the identification of the genes responsible for a particular trait or disease. Genetic mapping techniques have been developed to identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs), which are regions of the genome that contribute to a trait. QTL mapping is a powerful approach to identifying genes that contribute to complex traits such as height, weight, and susceptibility to disease. The content below aims to discuss map-based gene/QTL isolation, which is a technique used to isolate the gene responsible for a particular QTL. What is QTL Mapping? Quantitative trait loci ... Read More

Gene Mapping for Qualitative and Quantitative Traits

Anusha Karthik
Updated on 11-Apr-2023 17:27:19


Introduction Gene mapping is a critical process in modern genetics that involves identifying the locations of genes on chromosomes. This process can be used to study both qualitative and quantitative traits, which are two types of traits that vary in their patterns of inheritance. Qualitative traits are traits that are controlled by one or a few genes and are usually expressed in discrete categories, such as eye colour or blood type. Quantitative traits, on the other hand, are traits that are controlled by multiple genes and are usually expressed in a continuous range of values, such as height or weight. ... Read More
