Found 651 Articles for Full forms

What is the full form of FSO?

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 21-Nov-2023 12:21:54


Introduction Free Space Optical (FSO) theory is similar to fibre optic transmission and line of sight technology. Line of sight technology means that the path between the transmitter and the receiver should be unobstructed. Any physical obstacle such as buildings or trees will interfere with the signal leading to loss of signal. Its optical bandwidth is high. Lasers or LEDs are used to transfer data in short to medium distances i.e. up to a few kilometres. There is no need for physical cables to transmit the data. How does line of sight work? Line of sight or LOS is ... Read More

What is the full form of FSH?

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 21-Nov-2023 12:22:41


Introduction Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) is a hormone released by the pituitary glands for both males and females. FSH is essential for females in controlling the ovarian follicle growth and development as well as the menstrual cycle. FSH increases sperm production in the testicles of men. FSH levels may be detected in urine or blood samples and are often used as a fertility indicator or to identify specific medical disorders affecting reproductive health. FSH levels that are abnormal may indicate infertility, early ovarian failure, or other conditions affecting the reproductive system. FSH Function in the Body The pituitary gland ... Read More

What is the full form of FRN?

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 21-Nov-2023 13:09:55


Introduction Floating Rate Note (FRN) is a kind of financial product, has an interest rate that is not fixed but instead fluctuates based on a benchmark rate, such the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) or the interest rate on US Treasury Bills. The interest rate on a FRN is altered frequently, frequently every three or six months, based on the prevailing market rate. FRNs are primarily used to control interest rate risk and are often issued by businesses, governments, and other organisations to generate money. Investors are somewhat insulated from interest rate risk since the interest rate on a ... Read More

What is the full form of FRB?

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 21-Nov-2023 13:10:55


Introduction Federal Reserve Bank (FRB) was establish in 1913 under the Federal Reserve Act as the nation's central banking framework. Although the Federal Reserve Banks are autonomous, they collaborate to carry out monetary policy and offer commercial banks and the government financial administrations. The Federal Reserve Banks are basic to the steadiness of the American financial system as well as the direction and oversight of banks. A Board of Directors and a President, both of whom are chosen by the Government Save Board, are in charge of each Federal Reserve Bank. Washington, D.C., is domestic to the Federal Reserve ... Read More

What is the full form of FPU?

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 21-Nov-2023 13:18:33


Introduction Floating Point Unit (FPU) refers to a certain sort of computer processor that's used to perform arithmetic operations on floating-point numbers or integrability with fractional components. Program that's built to handle complicated numerical issues rapidly and precisely is more compelling. Microprocessors used in logical, engineering, and financial applications that require overwhelming computations frequently have FPUs. History of FPU When mathematicians, physicists, and engineers were looking for a way to perform complex computations, they created the first Floating Point Units (FPUs). The first FPU was introduced by Intel in 1971 as a separate chip for the Intel 4004 microprocessor, ... Read More

What is the full form of FPT?

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 21-Nov-2023 13:19:30


Introduction Food Processing Technology (FPT) is the scientific use of a variety of methods, techniques, and tools to produce nutritious, aesthetically acceptable food products from raw materials. FPT involves numerous procedures, including cleaning, sorting, grading, cutting, cooking, combining, packaging, and preservation. These methods assist in extending the shelf life, flavour, texture, and nutritional value of the food products while also satisfying the criteria of consumers and regulatory organisations. FPT has played a significant role in expanding environmentally friendly and sustainable practices in the food industry as well as enhancing the effectiveness, quality, and safety of food production. FPT, which ... Read More

What is the full form of FM?

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 21-Nov-2023 13:20:17


Introduction Frequency Modulation (FM) is a technique for sending data across a carrier wave by changing the frequency of the wave in response to the modulating signal. The carrier wave's frequency varies proportionately to the amplitude of the modulating signal. The outcome is a signal with variable frequency but constant amplitude. High-fidelity audio signals are frequently transmitted using FM because it is less prone to noise and interference than other modulation methods. Additionally, it is utilised in radio broadcasting, navigational systems, and other programmes that call for long- distance information transmission. To recover the original modulating signal from the ... Read More

What is the full form of FLR?

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 21-Nov-2023 13:26:50


Introduction Frame Loss Ratio (FLR) is a statistic used in telecommunications and computer networking to measure the percentage of data frames or packets lost during transmission between two places. Network administrators may evaluate network performance, spot possible problems, and take the necessary action to lower FLR and guarantee the provision of high-quality services by monitoring and measuring FLR. FLR is a crucial performance statistic for evaluating network connection quality and spotting any problems that might compromise the dependability of data transfer. A high FLR may be a sign of equipment issues, network congestion, or other issues that may need ... Read More

What is the full form of FIPL?

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 21-Nov-2023 13:28:05


Introduction Fuel Injection Pump Lever (FIPL) is a component of the fuel system in a diesel engine. The FIPL is responsible for controlling the amount of fuel that enters the engine's combustion chamber. When the throttle is opened, the fuel injection pump lever is moved to increase the amount of fuel that is injected into the combustion chamber. This allows the engine to produce more power and run at higher speeds. The FIPL is usually located on the fuel injection pump itself, which is typically mounted on the engine. It is important that the FIPL is properly adjusted and ... Read More

What is the full form of FHCS?

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 21-Nov-2023 13:28:50


Introduction Fragment Header Check Sequence (FHCS) are nothing but data packets are subject to a network-based safety check. Due to a number of extra bits that were added to the packet header, the data was neither altered nor deleted throughout the transmission process. The sending device adds these bits to the packet, and the receiving device checks them to make sure everything is still the same. If there are any problems, it means that something went wrong with the data and it needs to be fixed. Purpose of Fragment Header Check Sequence In network communication, the Fragment Header Check ... Read More
