Found 651 Articles for Full forms

What is the full form of BMC?

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 24-Nov-2023 12:42:30


Introduction BMC or Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation is one of the largest municipal organizations in India which is based in Mumbai with responsibility for its beautification and welfare. The BMC is one of the richest municipalities in India. It is also known as the Municipal corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM). It is said that the annual budget of the BMC is more than the annual budget of a few smaller states in India. BMC was founded with the enactment of the Bombay Municipal Corporation Act of 1888. The corporation is in charge of the city's administration besides the suburban areas. ... Read More

What is the full form of BMAT?

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 24-Nov-2023 12:48:46


Overview of BMAT Bio-Medical Admissions Test (BMAT) is an aptitude test to enter medical, biomedical and dental colleges globally. One of the most challenging fields in today's world is medicine. The solution is obvious; it concerns life and the never-ending pursuit of excellence. Because of the complexity of the subject, universities only accept students who pass entrance tests like the NEET, MCAT, etc. An entrance exam's main goal is to evaluate a student's aptitude, mental acuity, and knowledge. Hence, a student's aptitude is evaluated during an entrance exam. Universities worldwide use the Bio Medical Admissions Test to choose candidates ... Read More

What is the full form of BJD?

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 24-Nov-2023 12:50:20


Introduction BJD or the Biju Janata Dal is one of the important political parties in Odisha which is led by Naveen Patnaik and was founded in 1997. A new era started in Odisha’s politics with the foundation of the Biju Janata Dal. Since its emergence, the party has played a great role in state politics. Under Naveen Patnaik's leadership, the BJD party has continued to be successful because of the development programs it has enacted and its dedication to anti-corruption. This article briefly will discuss the Biju Janata Dal. History of BJD In order to offer an alternative ... Read More

What is the full form of BIS?

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 24-Nov-2023 12:51:24


What is the full form of BIS? BIS stands for Bureau of Indian Guidelines. It could be a national standard-setting body and works under the aegis of the Service of Buyer Affairs, Food and Open Distribution, Government of India. The Bureau was built in 1986 and had its central command in New Delhi. It is dependable for creating, maintaining, and advancing measures for merchandise, administrations, processes, and frameworks in India. Moreover, it offers certification administrations to producers, merchants, and service providers for compliance with Indian Standards. The certification marks issued by BIS are broadly recognized and serve as a ... Read More

What is the full form of BINAC?

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 24-Nov-2023 12:52:30


Overview of BINAC BINAC (Binary Automatic Computer) was one of the earliest electronic computers, developed in the United States in the late 1940s. Before Remington Rand Corp. bought it, Eckert-Mauchly Computer Corporation solely made the binary automatic computer. Two different central processing units that operated independently were present in the computer. Its own 16-channel, 512-word acoustic mercury delay line memory was available to each. Using 31 bits per word, each channel could store 32 words. Moreover, it employed 700 vacuum tubes or such. Around 4.25 MHz was the matching clock frequency. The computer could only be manually updated with ... Read More

What is the full form of BRICS ?

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 23-Nov-2023 15:38:30


Introduction BRICS is an acronym for its member nations that include Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. This acronym was coined by Jim O’Neill, an economist from Goldman Sachs, as ‘BRICs’, who believed that by the end of 2050, these fast growing economies will lead the global economy. In 2010, South Africa was also added to this acronym after which it became BRICS. In this article we will briefly discuss BRICS. Overview of BRICS Under the initiative of Russian President Vladimir Putin, the first BRICS Ministerial Meeting took place in New York on September 20, 2006, in conjunction ... Read More

What is the full form of BRB ?

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 23-Nov-2023 15:42:28


Introduction BRB is a widely used internet slang that stands for "Be Right Back". It is commonly used in online conversations and messaging to indicate a temporary absence. The phrase suggests that the person is stepping away from the conversation or activity for a short period of time and will return shortly. The term "BRB" is believed to have originated in the early days of online chat rooms, when users needed a quick way to communicate that they were stepping away from the computer for a moment. What is the Full Form of BRB? BRB stands for "Be Right ... Read More

What is the full form of BPO?

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 23-Nov-2023 15:44:25


Introduction Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) is a business practice in which companies hire third-party service providers to handle their non-core business operations and processes. These services can range from customer support, data entry, accounting, human resources, and other administrative tasks. BPO has become a popular trend among businesses worldwide as it allows them to focus on their core competencies while outsourcing repetitive and time-consuming tasks to specialized companies. In this way, BPO helps companies reduce costs, increase efficiency, and improve the quality of their services. What Is the Full form of BPO? BPO stands for Business Process Outsourcing, which ... Read More

What is the full form of BPF?

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 23-Nov-2023 15:48:09


Introduction The Bodoland Peoples Front (BPF) is a regional political party based in the Bodoland Territorial Region of Assam, India. The party has been advocating for the rights of the Bodo people and striving for their socio-economic and political development. The BPF has a significant presence in the Bodoland Territorial Region. With its focus on regional issues and the welfare of the Bodo people, the BPF has emerged as a critical player in the political landscape of Assam. Impact of BPF The Bodoland Peoples Front has significantly impacted the political, social, and cultural landscape of the Bodoland Territorial Region ... Read More

What is the full form of BP?

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 23-Nov-2023 15:52:09


Full form of BP Blood Pressure (BP) is the force the heart exerts to pump blood throughout the body. Blood pressure is directly correlated with the heartbeat's force and pace and the artery walls' diameter and flexibility. The unit measuring blood pressure is millimeters of mercury (mmHg). In medical terms, BP stands for blood pressure. Systolic pressure (the force exerted by the heart as it expels blood out of the system ) and diastolic pressure (the lowest arterial pressure when the heart is in a state of rest) are collectively used to measure blood pressure. Systolic blood pressure in ... Read More
