Found 651 Articles for Full forms

What is the full form of TMJ and TMD?

Shirjeel Yunus
Updated on 06-Feb-2024 15:20:23


What is TMJ? The full form of TMJ is Temporomandibular Joints. These joints are in the mouth and connect the jaw to the skull. These joints are considered as one of the most complex joints in the human body. The joints help the lower jaw to move up and down back and forward, and on sides with the help of muscles. A temporal bone and mandible are the parts of the joints. The mandible is the lower jaw while the temporal bone is the side and base of the skull. Proper alignment between the joints and the jaw helps ... Read More

What is the full form of TKR?

Shirjeel Yunus
Updated on 06-Feb-2024 15:18:33


What is TKR? TKR stands for Total Knee Replacement. If you are between the ages of 50 and 80 years, you may need this surgery as you may feel pain in your knee and are unable to perform your daily activities. Another name for total knee replacement is arthroplasty. In order to replace the knee, plastic and metallic parts are used along with the knee cap to replace the knee so that your knee can function well and you can do your daily activities comfortably. Types of Arthritis Usually, knees are affected due to different types of arthritis and we ... Read More

What is the full form of PUD?

Shirjeel Yunus
Updated on 06-Feb-2024 15:13:43


What is PUD? PUD stands for Peptic Ulcer Disease. This is a disease in which ulcers are formed as the protective lining called mucus is unable to protect the stomach and small intestine from the effect of digestive juices. The peptic word is taken from the word pepsin which is the main enzyme that is used in the digestion of food. Along with pepsin, stomach acid is also there that helps in the digestion of food. These juices are very concentrated and are highly reactive. When these juices react with the lining of the stomach, it results in an ulcer. ... Read More

What is the full form of PFT?

Shirjeel Yunus
Updated on 06-Feb-2024 15:09:46


What is PFT? PFT stands for Pulmonary Function Test. This test is conducted to know the health of the lungs and to also check whether the lungs are suffering from any disease. Doctors may advise you for the preparation of the test. You may have to stop certain medications if you are suffering from asthma. Things to be Avoided Before the Test A large meal should not be eaten No drinks should be consumed that contain caffeine Smoking should be stopped Do not perform any heavy exercise Results of PFT Some results will be available right away if ... Read More

What is the full form of ORIF?

Shirjeel Yunus
Updated on 06-Feb-2024 15:06:45


What is ORIF? ORIF stands for Open Reduction and Internal Fixation. It is a surgery which is conducted if a bone is severely damaged and cannot be repaired by plaster. In this type of surgery, Open Reductions refers to the realignment of the bone while Internal Fixation refers to the usage of materials that are used to realign the bone. ORIF is a surgery which consists of two steps. In the first step, the bone is realigned and repositioned. This step is known as fracture reduction. In the second step, different components like screws, plates rods, etc. are used to ... Read More

What is the full form of LLQ?

Shirjeel Yunus
Updated on 06-Feb-2024 15:02:00


What is LLQ? LLQ can be expanded to the Left Lower Quadrant. It is a disease in which the lower left side of the abdomen starts paining. The pain can occur from gas, constipation, IBD, and many more. The pain can be mild or severe and it can be treated on the basis of the cause. The pain is chronic and persistent and you need to visit a doctor for the treatment. The pain can occur gradually or all of a sudden. Causes of LLQ There are many causes that can lead to LLQ and we will discuss them here ... Read More

What is the full form of IPF?

Shirjeel Yunus
Updated on 06-Feb-2024 15:00:33


What is IPF? IPF stands for Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis. It is a serious disease and doctors do not know the reason behind it. No treatment for the disease is available and people suffering from it can die within months or years depending upon the severity of the disease. Lungs consist of tiny air sacs in which oxygen moves when the air is inhaled. Oxygen also moves in the bloodstream when the air is inhaled. This oxygen travels to different organs. IPF grows the scar tissue in the lungs and it creates problems in breathing. Symptoms of IPF You may be ... Read More

What is the full form of IBD?

Shirjeel Yunus
Updated on 06-Feb-2024 14:59:05


What is IBD? IBD can be expanded to Inflammatory Bowel Disease. This is a disease in which people suffer from diarrhea, stomach pain, blood in the stool, and many more things. IBD is of two types which include Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's disease. Both of them should be treated as early as possible IBD may be mild for some people but other people may face critical issues which can even be life-threatening if not treated. Types of IBD IBD is of three types and they are discussed here. Ulcerative Colitis This is a condition in which ulcers are formed in ... Read More

What is the full form of CDE?

Shirjeel Yunus
Updated on 06-Feb-2024 14:57:51


What is CDE? CDE stands for Complete Dental Evaluation. Dentists conduct this evaluation to check all the oral problems of your teeth and gums. After completion of the exam, the dentist may make a plan to improve the overall oral health. The dentist will let you know the ways of taking care of your oral health. The duration of the exam can go up to 30 minutes or more. Things included in the Exam In the dental exam, a dentist checks the oral history of your teeth and gums and then plans a long-term strategy to take care of your ... Read More

What is the full form of SIDS?

Shirjeel Yunus
Updated on 23-Jan-2024 12:06:51


What is SIDS? SIDS can be expanded to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. It is an unexplained condition as nobody knows the reason behind this disease. The babies within the age of one year die due to this syndrome. Usually, babies die during sleep but sometimes they also die while they are awake. Another name for this syndrome is crib death as infants die in their crib. The reasons behind this syndrome are yet unknown but it can be expected that it happens due to the part of the brain which has control over breathing and waking of the baby. Causes ... Read More
