Found 8895 Articles for Front End Technology

How do I wrap text in a 'pre' tag in HTML?

Lokesh Badavath
Updated on 24-Nov-2023 01:32:58


In this article we are going to learn how to wrap a text in tag in HTML. The HTML tag is used to present preformatted block of text. Preformatted text refers to text that has already been formatted and should not be formatted further. The tag also takes a closing tag () like lot of other HTML elements. Syntax Following is the basic syntax for tag. Enter text here… When you present a text in the webpage via tag, it is shown in the format you wrote it ... Read More

How to use the tag in HTML?

Yaswanth Varma
Updated on 16-Dec-2022 11:48:32


In the following article we are going to learn how to use the output tag in HTML. One of the HTML5 element is the tag. It establishes a location for displaying the outcome of a computation made by a script or a user's engagement with a form element (the tag). For complicated calculations, such as the outcomes of an exchange rate conversion, the tag is intended. Syntax Following is the syntax for tag ….content… Calculating with the tag You must have an idea of JavaScript in order to use the . In order to ... Read More

How to link a submit button to another webpage using HTML?

Sharon Christine
Updated on 15-Jun-2020 11:16:23

2K+ Views

Submit button automatically submits a form on click. Using HTML forms, you can easily take user input. The tag is used to get user input, by adding the form elements. Different types of form elements include text input, radio button input, submit button, etc.To link a submit button to another webpage, use the form action attribute. Add the link in the attribute, for example − ExampleYou can try to run the following code to link a submit button to another webpage −                    Student Name:                    Student Subject:                              

What is difference between

Swarali Sree
Updated on 15-Jun-2020 11:15:38

2K+ Views

In HTML, is used to create buttons in an HTML form. Inside the tag, you can place content like text or images. But, this is not the case with the buttons created with tag.Let’s see an example of button and ,HTML tagIt is used for creating a button within an HTML form and inside the tag, you can place content like text or images.The following will add an image to a button −ExampleYou can try to run the following code to add an image to a button using the tag −     ... Read More

How to Create a Multi-line Text Input (Text Area) In HTML?

Samual Sam
Updated on 02-Sep-2023 13:59:12

47K+ Views

To create a multi-line text input, use the HTML tag. You can set the size of a text area using the cols and rows attributes. It is used within a form, to allow users to input text over multiple rows.Here are the attributes of tag −AttributeValueDescriptionautofocusautofocusSpecifies that on page load the text area should automatically get focus.ColsnumberSpecifies the width of the textarea based on the number of visible character widths.DisableddisabledSpecifies the width of the textarea based on the number of visible character widths.formform_idSpecifies one or more forms.maxlengthnumberSpecifies the maximum number of characters in textarea.NametextAssigns a name to the ... Read More

How to use a textarea (a multi-line text input field) in HTML?

Sai Subramanyam
Updated on 14-May-2020 07:39:04

6K+ Views

To add a multi-line text input, use the HTML tag. You can set the size of a text area using the cols and rows attributes. It is used within a form, to allow users to input text over multiple rows.Here are the attributes of tag −AttributeValueDescriptionautofocusautofocusSpecifies that on page load the text area should automatically get focus.ColsnumberSpecifies the width of the textarea based on the number of visible character widthsDisableddisabledSpecifies the width of the textarea based on the number of visible character widths.formform_idSpecifies one or more forms.maxlengthnumberSpecifies the maximum number of characters in textarea.NametextAssigns a name to the ... Read More

How to add video in HTML page?

Jennifer Nicholas
Updated on 16-Jun-2020 06:54:18

2K+ Views

To add a video in an HTML page, use the element. It specifies a standard way to embed a video in HTML. Just keep in mind to add height and width to the video. Use the source element to add the source of the video, with the src attribute and the type of video with the type attribute.The HTML tag also supports the following additional attributes −AttributeValueDescriptionheightpixelsSpecifies the height.srcURLSpecifies the address of the source file.typeMIME_typeSpecifies the MIME type.widthpixelsSpecifies the width.

How to draw an SVG file on an HTML5 canvas?

Vrundesha Joshi
Updated on 16-Dec-2021 10:23:29

10K+ Views

To draw SVG onto canvas, you need to use SVG image. Firstly, use the element which contains the HTML. After that, you need to draw the SVG image into the canvas.ExampleYou can try the following code to draw an SVG file on an HTML canvas           SVG file on HTML Canvas                              var canvas = document.getElementById('myCanvas');          var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');          var data = '' +           ... Read More

How to draw SVG Logo in HTML5?

Yaswanth Varma
Updated on 16-Dec-2022 10:41:05

2K+ Views

In the following article we are going to learn how to draw an SVG logo in HTML5. Before we jump into the article, let's discuss a few things about SVG. The image format known as Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) uses vector data. Unlike other formats, SVGs do not use unique pixels to construct your image. It makes use of vector data instead. The best thing of using it was Making pictures that scale to any resolution is possible with SVGs, which makes them ideal for web design among many other applications. Let’s look into the simple example for understanding of ... Read More

How to draw a star by using canvas HTML5?

Nancy Den
Updated on 16-Dec-2021 09:52:08

5K+ Views

Drawing on the HTML canvas is to be done with JavaScript. Use the HTML DOM Method getElementById() and getContext() before drawing on the canvas. To draw a star in HTML, use the canvas element.With canvas, use the lineTo() method to draw a star. The lineTo() method includes x and y parameter values, which positions the lines to help you in drawing.To draw canvas on HTML document:ExampleYou can try to run the following code to draw a star using HTML5 canvas           HTML5 Canvas Tag                   ... Read More
