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How to add a layer in HTML?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 10-Oct-2023 12:57:38

2K+ Views

We can add a layer to an HTML document using the tag in HTML. Once we have created a layer using this tag, then we can manipulate it using JavaScript. This tag is used to position and animate (through scripting) elements in a page. A layer can be thought of as a separate document that resides on top of the main one, all-existing within one window.Following is the usage of tag in HTML - Attributes of the tag Above − The above attribute in layer tag specifies the name of above layer when compared ... Read More

How to include a title in a fieldset in HTML?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 10-Oct-2023 12:43:14


In HTML the tag is used to include/define a title for a tag. Before proceeding further let us understand what is a fieldset. A fieldset is an element in HTML, used for grouping related elements. It is helpful to user if form fields are arranged in logical groups. To differentiate the look from other parts of web page, it adds a border around the related elements. Following is the syntax of the fieldset in HTML .... Attributes of the tag Following are the attributes of the tag – disabled − Disabled is an attribute ... Read More

Add a label for a form control in HTML?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 10-Oct-2023 12:41:35


In HTML the tag is used to define labels for serval elements like , , , , . Syntax Following is the usage of tag in HTML − form content... The tag uses for and form attributes, now let us see the values and description of for and form attributes. for − It specifies the id of form element the label is associated with. Following is the syntax of ... Read More

Include a header for a document or section in HTML5?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 10-Oct-2023 12:36:58


Header tag is used to represent a container consists of set of navigational links or introductory content. It consists of one or more heading elements, icons and authorship information. In HTML we can place number of elements, but element cannot be placed within a , another or . tag consists of starting tag, ending tag, in between that content is placed. Syntax Following is the usage of tag in HTML − ………… Example Following example of tag in HTML − Header Tag ... Read More

Add a horizontal rule in HTML

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 10-Oct-2023 12:34:23


The tag in HTML is a horizontal rule, defines a thematic break in an HTML page. It is often used to display a horizontal rule to separate the content or to change the display of content in an HTML page. It consists of only opening tag in HTML. Syntax The usage of tag in HTML is shown below − ……… The HTML tag supports following additional attributes − Attribute Value Description align left center right Specifies the alignment of the horizontal rule. noshade Noshade Removes the ... Read More

Create an italic text in HTML

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 10-Oct-2023 12:32:35


In HTML the text can be represented in italic using tag. The text present in between tag open and closing is represented in italic format. tag is called as Idiomatic text element. Syntax Usage of tag in HTML is shown below − Hello Welcome to My World In the above syntax, the sentence between open and close tag represent in italic format. Hello Welcome to My World. If we want to represent phrases that are present in different languages than their surroundings, ... Read More

Include information about the document in HTML

Updated on 27-May-2020 21:00:49


Use the tag to include information about the document. The HTML tag is used for indicating the head section of the HTML document. Tags included inside head tags are not displayed in the browser window.ExampleYou can try to run the following code to include information about the document in HTML −           HTML head Tag               This is demo text.    

Create self-contained content in HTML5

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 06-Oct-2023 16:03:48


The element in HTML5 is used to display self-contained content (images, videos, etc). This can be attached to the main program, and can be used at any place within the document without impacting the flow of document. Additionally, if we remove the tag, it won’t affect the structure of the document. Syntax The usage of tag in HTML is shown below − Image content... The parameters used in the caption are img, src and figcaption. The tag is used to specify the image source URL when we are including an ... Read More

Include a caption for a <figure> element in HTML5

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 06-Oct-2023 15:59:44


The element in HTML5 is used to add self-contained information like diagrams, photographs or code present in a document. Generally, the figure element attached to the main program, we can use at any place in the document, and we can also remove the tag without impacting the flow of document. The element is used to add caption for the tag element . It is an optional tag placed before or after the tag’s content. The element is used to diagrams, markup photos etc., . The element is used to give caption for element. ... Read More

How to display a fieldset in HTML?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 06-Oct-2023 14:48:20


Fieldset is an element in HTML, used for grouping related elements. It is helpful to user if form fields are arranged in logical groupings. To differentiate the look from other parts of web page, it adds a border around the related elements. tag is used to define a caption for . It supports global as well as event attributes. It is compatible with all browsers. Syntax Following is the usage/syntax of fieldset in HTML .... The attributes used in fieldset are shown below Attributes are used in fieldset to perform the following functionaries − disabled − ... Read More
