Found 8894 Articles for Front End Technology

How to display the background color of an element in HTML?

Updated on 02-Mar-2020 12:44:56


Use the bgcolor attribute in HTML to display the background color of an element. It is used to control the background of an HTML element, specifically page body and table backgrounds.Note − This attribute is not supported in HTML5.ExampleYou can try to run the following code to learn how to implement bgcolor attribute in HTML −           HTML Background Colors                                                          This background is yellow                                                                              This background is sky blue                                                                              This background is green                                

How to specify that the element should automatically get focus when the page loads in HTML?

Updated on 02-Mar-2020 12:43:31


Use the autofocus attribute to specify that the element should get focus automatically on page load in HTML −ExampleYou can try to run the following code to learn how to implement autofocus attribute in HTML −           Click on the below button to generate an alert box.       Result    

How to specify whether the
or the element should have autocomplete enabled in HTML?

Smita Kapse
Updated on 24-Jun-2020 08:19:19


Use the autocomplete attribute to enable autocomplete in an HTML form. The autocomplete attribute is used with form elements to set the autocomplete feature on or off. If the autocomplete feature is on, the browser will automatically show values, based on what users entered before in the field.If the autocomplete feature is off, the browser won’t automatically show values, based on what users entered before in the field.The following are the attribute values −S. NoAttribute ValueDescription1OnThis is the default value. Browser automatically complete values based on what users entered before.2OffBrowser won’t complete values based on what users entered before. Users have to type the ... Read More

How to set the script to be executed asynchronously in HTML?

Abhinanda Shri
Updated on 02-Mar-2020 12:41:44


Use the async attribute to set the script to execute asynchronously as and when it is available. It only uses the external script.Firstly, add a js file. Let us give it a name, new.js,function sayHello() {    alert("Hello World") }Let’s add the HTML code now and execute the above script −                         This is demo text.    

How to specify where to send the form-data when a form is submitted in HTML?

George John
Updated on 02-Mar-2020 12:39:42


Use the action attribute to add the file, where you want to reach after clicking Submit button. You can also add an email to send the data to that email-id.ExampleYou can try to run the following code to set where to send the form-data when a form is submitted in HTML −           Student Contact Form                Student Name:          Student Subject:                    

How do we set the alignment according to surrounding elements in HTML?

Anvi Jain
Updated on 02-Mar-2020 12:40:23


Use the align attribute to set the alignment. You can try to run the following code to implement align attribute in HTML −Note − The align attribute deprecated in HTML5. Use CSS instead.Example           A right-aligned paragraph.       Note: The align attribute is not supported in HTML5. Use CSS instead.    

How to include an alternate text when the original element fails to display in HTML?

Giri Raju
Updated on 02-Mar-2020 12:41:03


Use the alt attribute to add alternative text for an image. If the user fails to view it (loading issue), then the same text will be visible. In addition, the attribute helps screen readers in reading the content to the user.ExampleYou can try to run the following code to implement alt attribute in HTML −           HTML alt attribute               Simple Image Insert          

Set the character encodings that are used for form submission in HTML

Govinda Sai
Updated on 02-Mar-2020 12:39:07


The accept-charset attribute in HTML is used to include the character encodings for form submission.ExampleYou can try to run the following code to implement accept-charset attribute in HTML −           File Upload Box                                  

Set the types of files that the server accepts in HTML

Nitya Raut
Updated on 02-Mar-2020 12:35:56


Use the accept attribute to set the types of files that the server accepts in HTML. Use the attribute only with .ExampleYou can try to run the following code to work with accept attribute −           File Upload Box                                  

How do we create preformatted text in HTML?

Chandu yadav
Updated on 02-Mar-2020 12:35:10


Use the tag to create preformatted text. Note − The tag deprecated.ExampleYou can try to run the following code to learn how to create preformatted text in HTML −           HTML xmp Tag               HTML tags include       for bold text, for italic text.    
