Found 8894 Articles for Front End Technology

Fade In Left Animation Effect with CSS

Samual Sam
Updated on 16-Mar-2020 07:16:05


To implement Fade In Left Animation Effect on an image with CSS, you can try to run the following code −ExampleLive Demo                    .animated {             background-image: url(/css/images/logo.png);             background-repeat: no-repeat;             background-position: left top;             padding-top:95px;             margin-bottom:60px;             -webkit-animation-duration: 10s;             animation-duration: 10s;             -webkit-animation-fill-mode: both;             animation-fill-mode: both;          }          @-webkit-keyframes fadeInLeft {             0% {                opacity: 0;                -webkit-transform: translateX(-20px);             }             100% {                opacity: 1;                -webkit-transform: translateX(0);             }          }          @keyframes fadeInLeft {             0% {                opacity: 0;                transform: translateX(-20px);             }             100% {                opacity: 1;                transform: translateX(0);             }          }          .fadeInLeft {             -webkit-animation-name: fadeInLeft;             animation-name: fadeInLeft;          }          animation-name: fadeInDown;                           Reload page                function myFunction() {             location.reload();          }          

What is a page box in CSS?

Lakshmi Srinivas
Updated on 16-Mar-2020 07:14:39


You can specify the dimensions, orientation, margins, etc., of a page box within an @page rule. The dimensions of the page box are set with the 'size' property. The dimensions of the page area are the dimensions of the page box minus the margin area.For example, the following @page rule sets the page box size to 8.5 × 11 inches and creates '2cm' margin on all sides between the page box edge and the page area −     You can use the margin, margin-top, margin-bottom, margin-left, and margin-right properties within the @page rule to set margins for your page.Finally, ... Read More

Role of media attribute on the LINK element

Chandu yadav
Updated on 16-Mar-2020 07:14:04


The media attribute on the LINK element specifies the target media of an external style sheet −Example    

How to specify the target media within the document language with CSS

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 16-Mar-2020 07:13:23


To specify the target media, use the media attribute −Example    

How to specify the target media types of a set of CSS rules

George John
Updated on 16-Mar-2020 07:11:48


The media attribute on the Link element specifies the target media of an external style sheet −Example    

CSS media types

Samual Sam
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:22


The following are the media types in CSS:S.noValue & Description1.AllSuitable for all devices.2.AuralIntended for speech synthesizers.3.BrailleIntended for braille tactile feedback devices.4.EmbossedIntended for paged braille printers.5.HandheldIntended for handheld devices (typically small screen, monochrome, limited bandwidth).6.PrintIntended for paged, opaque material and for documents viewed on screen in print preview mode. Please consult the section on paged media.7.ProjectionIntended for projected presentations, for example, projectors or print to transparencies. Please consult the section on paged media.8.ScreenIntended primarily for color computer screens.9.TtyIntended for media using a fixed-pitch character grid, such as teletypes, terminals, or portable devices with limited display capabilities.10.TvIntended for television-type devices. Read More

CSS pitch property

Lakshmi Srinivas
Updated on 16-Mar-2020 07:11:08


This property specifies the average pitch (a frequency) of the speaking voice. The average pitch of a voice depends on the voice family. For example, the average pitch for a standard male voice is around 120Hz, but for a female voice, it's around 210Hz.The possible values are −frequency - Specifies the average pitch of the speaking voice in hertz (Hz).x-low, low, medium, high, x-high - These values do not map to absolute frequencies since these values depend on the voice family.

CSS cue-after Property

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 25-Jun-2020 12:20:39


The cue-after property specifies a sound to be played after speaking an element's content to delimit it from other. The possible values include −url − The URL of a sound file to be played.none − Nothing has to be played.Example    

Fade Out Animation Effect with CSS

Arjun Thakur
Updated on 16-Mar-2020 06:56:33


To implement Fade Out Animation Effect on an image with CSS, you can try to run the following code −ExampleLive Demo                    .animated {             background-image: url(/css/images/logo.png);             background-repeat: no-repeat;             background-position: left top;             padding-top:95px;             margin-bottom:60px;             -webkit-animation-duration: 10s;animation-duration: 10s;             -webkit-animation-fill-mode: both;animation-fill-mode: both;          }          @-webkit-keyframes fadeOut {             0% {opacity: 1;}             100% {opacity: 0;}          }          @keyframes fadeOut {             0% {opacity: 1;}             100% {opacity: 0;}          }          .fadeOut {             -webkit-animation-name: fadeOut;             animation-name: fadeOut;          }                           Reload page                function myFunction() {             location.reload();          }          

Fade In Up Big Animation Effect with CSS

Samual Sam
Updated on 25-Jun-2020 12:21:08


To implement Fade In Up Big Animation Effect on an image with CSS, you can try to run the following code:ExampleLive Demo                    .animated {             background-image: url(/css/images/logo.png);             background-repeat: no-repeat;             background-position: left top;             padding-top:95px;             margin-bottom:60px;             -webkit-animation-duration: 10s;             animation-duration: 10s;             -webkit-animation-fill-mode: both;             animation-fill-mode: both;          }          @-webkit-keyframes fadeInUpBig {             0% {             opacity: 0;             -webkit-transform: translateY(2000px);          }          100% {             opacity: 1;             -webkit-transform: translateY(0);          }       }       @keyframes fadeInUpBig {          0% {             opacity: 0;             transform: translateY(2000px);          }          100% {             opacity: 1;             transform: translateY(0);          }       }       .fadeInUpBig {          -webkit-animation-name: fadeInUpBig;          animation-name: fadeInUpBig;       }                         Reload page                function myFunction() {             location.reload();          }          
