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CSS3 Responsive Web Design

Updated on 20-Jun-2020 08:41:11


Responsive web design provides an optimal experience, easy reading and easy navigation with a minimum of resizing on different devices such as desktops, mobiles, and tabs).Let us see what is a responsive web design:

Media queries with CSS3

Ankitha Reddy
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:22


Media queries are for different style rules for different size devices such as mobiles, desktops, etc. You can try to run the following code to implement media queries with CSS3 − Example Live Demo body { background-color: lightpink; } @media screen and (max-width: 420px) { body { background-color: lightblue; } } If screen size is less than 420px, then it will show lightblue color, or else it will show light pink color

CSS Box Sizing Property

Priya Pallavi
Updated on 29-Jun-2020 08:29:24


Box-sizing property is used to change the height and width of the element. Since CSS2, the box property has worked like as shown below −width + padding + border = actual visible/rendered width of an element's box height + padding + border = actual visible/rendered height of an element's boxExampleTo understand the box-sizing property, let us see an example:Live Demo                    .div1 {             width: 300px;             height: 100px;             border: 1px solid blue;             box-sizing: border-box;          }          .div2 {             width: 300px;             height: 100px;             padding: 50px;             border: 1px solid red;             box-sizing: border-box;          }               

CSS2 sizing property vs CSS3 box sizing property

Updated on 20-Jun-2020 08:40:10


Let us understand the difference between CSS2 sizing property and CSS3 box-sizing property.CSS2 sizing propertyLive Demo                    .div1 {             width: 200px;             height: 100px;             border: 1px solid green;           }          .div2 {             width: 200px;             height: 100px;             padding: 50px;             border: 1px solid pink;          }                CSS3 box-sizing propertyLive Demo                    .div1 {             width: 300px;             height: 100px;             border: 1px solid blue;             box-sizing: border-box;          }          .div2 {             width: 300px;             height: 100px;             padding: 50px;             border: 1px solid red;             box-sizing: border-box;          }               

CSS3 Outline offset Property

Updated on 29-Jun-2020 08:27:03


Outline means to draw a line around the element at the outside of the border.ExampleYou can try to run the following code to implement the CSS3 outline-offset property −Live Demo                    div {             margin: 20px;             padding: 10px;             width: 300px;             height: 100px;             border: 5px solid pink;             outline: 5px solid green;             outline-offset: 15px;          }                      TutorialsPoint    

CSS3 Resize Property

Updated on 29-Jun-2020 08:26:27


The CSS3 resize property is having three common values as shown below −horizontalverticalbothExampleUsing both the values in resize property in the CSS3 user interface:Live Demo                    div {             border: 2px solid;             padding: 20px;             width: 300px;             resize: both;             overflow: auto;          }                     My Website    

Set the border image as rounded, repeated and stretched with CSS

Updated on 29-Jun-2020 08:04:38


The border-image-repeat property is used to set the border image as rounded, repeated and stretched with CSS.ExampleYou can try to run the following code to implement the border-image-repeat property:Live Demo                    #borderimg1 {             border: 15px solid transparent;             padding: 15px;             border-image-source: url(;             border-image-repeat: round;             border-image-slice: 40;             border-image-width: 20px;          }                     This is image border example.    

Set the image path with CSS

Ankitha Reddy
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:22


The border-image-source property is used in CSS to set the image path. You can try to run the following code to set the image path − Example Live Demo #borderimg1 { border: 15px solid transparent; padding: 15px; border-image-source: url(; border-image-repeat: round; } This is image border example.

CSS border-image property

Updated on 29-Jun-2020 08:03:34


CSS border-image property is used to add image border to some elements. You can try to run the following code to implement the border-image property −ExampleLive Demo                    #borderimg1 {             border: 15px solid transparent;             padding: 15px;             border-image: url( 50 round;          }                     This is image border example.    

Tada Animation Effect with CSS

Anvi Jain
Updated on 29-Jun-2020 08:01:06


To create Tada animation effect with CSS, you can try to run the following code:ExampleLive Demo                    .animated {             background-image: url(/css/images/logo.png);             background-repeat: no-repeat;             background-position: left top;             padding-top:95px;             margin-bottom:60px;             -webkit-animation-duration: 10s;             animation-duration: 10s;            -webkit-animation-fill-mode: both;             animation-fill-mode: both;          }          @-webkit-keyframes tada {             0% {-webkit-transform: scale(1);}             10%, 20% {-webkit-transform: scale(0.9) rotate(-3deg);}             30%, 50%, 70%, 90% {-webkit-transform: scale(1.1) rotate(3deg);}             40%, 60%, 80% {-webkit-transform: scale(1.1) rotate(-3deg);}             100% {-webkit-transform: scale(1) rotate(0);}          }          @keyframes tada {             0% {transform: scale(1);}             10%, 20% {transform: scale(0.9) rotate(-3deg);}             30%, 50%, 70%, 90% {transform: scale(1.1) rotate(3deg);}             40%, 60%, 80% {transform: scale(1.1) rotate(-3deg);}             100% {transform: scale(1) rotate(0);}          }          .tada {             -webkit-animation-name: tada;             animation-name: tada;          }                           Reload page                function myFunction() {             location.reload();          }          
