Found 8860 Articles for Front End Technology

Linked List Data Structure in Javascript

Sai Teja Kotha
Updated on 16-Dec-2022 16:00:54


In this article, we are going to discuss the Linked List data structure in JavaScript. A linked-list is a sequence of data structures which are connected together via links. Linked List is a sequence of links which contains items. Each link contains a connection to another link. It is one of the most used Data structures. There are some terms we'll be using when creating linked lists. Node − This represents each element in the linked list. It consists of 2 parts, data and next. Data contains the data we intend to store, while next contains the reference to the ... Read More

The PriorityQueue Class in Javascript

Samual Sam
Updated on 15-Jun-2020 09:10:49


Here is the complete implementation of the PriorityQueue class −Exampleclass PriorityQueue {    constructor(maxSize) {       // Set default max size if not provided       if (isNaN(maxSize)) {          maxSize = 10;        }       this.maxSize = maxSize;       // Init an array that'll contain the queue values.       this.container = [];    }    // Helper function to display all values while developing    display() {       console.log(this.container);    }    // Checks if queue is empty    isEmpty() {     ... Read More

Clearing the elements of the PriorityQueue using Javascript

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 15-Jun-2020 09:12:27


We can clear the contents just by reassigning the container element to an empty array. For example, clear() {    this.container = []; }ExampleYou can check if this function is working fine using − let q = new PriorityQueue(4); q.enqueue("Hello", 3); q.enqueue("World", 2); q.enqueue("Foo", 8); q.display(); q.clear(); q.display();OutputThis will give the output −[ { data: 'World', priority: 2 },   { data: 'Hello', priority: 3 },   { data: 'Foo', priority: 8 } ] [ ]

Peeking elements from a PriorityQueue using JavaScript

Samual Sam
Updated on 15-Jun-2020 09:14:15


Peeking a PriorityQueue means getting the value with the highest priority without removing it. So we can implement the peek function as follows &minusl Examplepeek() {    if (isEmpty()) {       console.log("Queue Underflow!");       return;    }    return this.container[this.container.length - 1]; }You can check if this function is working fine using − Examplelet q = new PriorityQueue(4); q.enqueue("Hello", 3); q.enqueue("World", 2); q.enqueue("Foo", 8); console.log(q.peek()); q.display();OutputThis will give the output −{ data: 'Foo', priority: 8 } [ { data: 'World', priority: 2 },    { data: 'Hello', priority: 3 },    { data: 'Foo', priority: 8 } ]As ... Read More

Remove elements from a PriorityQueue using Javascript

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 15-Jun-2020 09:15:37


Dequeuing elements from a PriorityQueue means removing the element of the highest priority. We are storing the elements with the highest priority at the end of the array, we can simply pop it to dequeue it.Hence, we can implement the dequeue function as follows − Exampledequeue() {    // Check if empty    if (this.isEmpty()) {       console.log("Queue Underflow!");       return;    }    return this.container.pop(); }You can check if this function is working fine usinglet q = new PriorityQueue(4); q.enqueue("Hello", 3); q.enqueue("World", 2); q.enqueue("Foo", 8); console.log(q.dequeue()); q.display();OutputThis will give the output −{ data: 'Foo', priority: 8 ... Read More

Add elements to a PriorityQueue using Javascript

Samual Sam
Updated on 15-Jun-2020 08:53:23


Enqueuing elements to a PriorityQueue means adding them in the array in order of the priority of the element. We'll consider higher numbers to be higher priorities. We'll loop through the container till we find a lower priority and then add the element there. If not, then we'll push it at the end of the container.Note that we're creating the element object with the data and priority. Hence we can implement the enqueue function as follows −  Exampleenqueue(data, priority) {    // Check if Queue is full    if (this.isFull()) {       console.log("Queue Overflow!");       return; ... Read More

Creating a Priority Queue using Javascript

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 15-Jun-2020 08:54:25


Our class will have the following functions −enqueue(element): Function to add an element in the queue.dequeue(): Function that removes an element from the queue.peek(): Returns the element from the front of the queue.isFull(): Checks if we reached the element limit on the queue.isEmpty(): checks if the queue is empty.clear(): Remove all elements.display(): display all contents of the arrayLet's start by defining a simple class with a constructor that takes the max size of the queue and a helper function that'll help us when we implement the other functions for this class. We'll also have to define another structure as part ... Read More

The Priority Queue in Javascript

Sai Teja Kotha
Updated on 16-Dec-2022 15:58:27

3K+ Views

In this article, we are going to discuss the priority queue data structure in JavaScript. A priority queue is an abstract data type (ADT) which is like a regular queue or stack data structure, but where additionally each element has a "priority" associated with it. In a priority queue, an element with high priority is served before an element with low priority. If two elements have the same priority, they are served according to their order in the queue. Example 1 The following example demonstrates the priority queue class data structure in JavaScript. Here, we insert the elements into the ... Read More

The Queue Class in Javascript

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 15-Jun-2020 08:55:35


Here is the complete implementation of the Queue class −Exampleclass Queue {    constructor(maxSize) {       // Set default max size if not provided       if (isNaN(maxSize)) {          maxSize = 10;       }       this.maxSize = maxSize;       // Init an array that'll contain the queue values.       this.container = [];     }    // Helper function to display all values while developing    display() {       console.log(this.container);    }    // Checks if queue is empty    isEmpty() {   ... Read More

Clearing the elements of the Queue in Javascript

Samual Sam
Updated on 15-Jun-2020 08:56:02


We can clear the contents just by reassigning the container element to an empty array. For example, clear() {    this.container = []; }ExampleYou can check if this function is working fine using:let q = new Queue(2); q.enqueue(3); q.enqueue(4); q.display(); q.clear(); q.display();OutputThis will give the output:[ 3, 4 ] [ ]
