Found 8895 Articles for Front End Technology

How is TypeScript an optionally statically typed language?

Rushi Javiya
Updated on 01-Aug-2023 15:47:12


TypeScript is an open-source programming language developed and maintained by Microsoft. It is a superset of JavaScript, which means that all valid JavaScript code is also valid TypeScript code. TypeScript adds optional static typing, classes, interfaces, and other features to JavaScript to improve code quality, maintainability, and scalability. In this article, we'll explore how TypeScript is an optionally statically typed language, what that means for developers, and how it can benefit them in their projects. What is Optional Static Typing? Static typing is a programming language feature that allows developers to define data types for variables, function parameters, and function ... Read More

How to create your own TypeScript type definition files (.d.ts)?

Rushi Javiya
Updated on 01-Aug-2023 15:37:17

3K+ Views

TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript, offers static typing capabilities that enhance code quality and catch errors during compilation. To fully leverage TypeScript's static typing features, it's crucial to have type definition files (.d.ts) for external JavaScript libraries and modules used in projects. These type definition files describe the types and interfaces exposed by the external entities, enabling the TypeScript compiler to understand their shape and behaviour. In this article, we'll explore the step-by-step process of creating custom TypeScript type definition files, empowering developers to benefit from static typing in their projects. Prerequisites Type definition files (.d.ts) serve as an interface ... Read More

How internal is different from external modules?

Rushi Javiya
Updated on 01-Aug-2023 15:35:36


TypeScript, an extension of JavaScript, introduces modules as a means to structure and organize code effectively. Modules play a vital role in developing scalable and maintainable applications by enabling code encapsulation and reusability. TypeScript supports two types of modules: internal (namespaces) and external (ES modules). In this article, we will delve into the differences between internal and external modules in TypeScript, exploring their characteristics and impact on code organization and sharing within a project. Internal Modules Internal modules, also known as namespaces, serve as logical containers within a single file to group related code elements together. They offer benefits such ... Read More

Type Annotations in TypeScript

Rushi Javiya
Updated on 22-Aug-2023 11:19:49


TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that adds optional static typing to the language. This means that TypeScript allows developers to specify the types of variables, function parameters, and function return values. This feature helps to catch errors early in the development process and makes the code more robust. In TypeScript, type annotations are used to specify the types of variables, function parameters, and function return values. In this tutorial, we will explore different scenarios where type annotations are used in TypeScript and how they can help developers write better code. Declaring Variables With Type Annotations Syntax The syntax to ... Read More

How to compile .ts automatically with real-time changes in .ts file?

Rushi Javiya
Updated on 01-Aug-2023 11:04:37


TypeScript is a popular programming language widely used for developing large-scale applications. It is a superset of JavaScript and adds optional static typing, interfaces, and generics to the language. When working with TypeScript, it is crucial to have a smooth development workflow that includes automatically compiling .ts files with real-time changes. In this article, we will explore the different tools and techniques that can be used to achieve this. Why Automatically Compile TypeScript Files? When working on a TypeScript project, developers often make changes to the .ts files. After making changes, they must compile these files to get the corresponding ... Read More

How to Design Half-Page Carousel in Bootstrap?

Asif Rahaman
Updated on 28-Jul-2023 14:39:15


Carousel is a popular web designing technique used by web developers. This is a way to show a series of images or any other media content in an interactive way. These carousels are important design elements in several kinds of websites like traveling websites, Educational websites, etc., where we need to attract users using the images. The half-page carousel is a slight variation where the carousel takes only half of the entire page. This article will teach us how to design a half-page carousel in Bootstrap. Use The Grid System The bootstrap grid system allows us to create responsive and ... Read More

How to design form controls for mobiles using jQuery Mobile Square-UI Theme plugin?

Asif Rahaman
Updated on 28-Jul-2023 13:24:58


Making web pages mobile-friendly is a challenging task for the customs form control. jQuery gives us many options to perform the task conveniently. Since smartphones are very popular devices nowadays, it is important to be able to create custom form controls which visually appealing interfaces. jQuery library of JavaScript can help in building both responsive and engaging designs. In this article, we shall learn how to design form control for mobile using jQuery mobile Square-UI Theme plugin. Example This code demonstrates how to design mobile forms using the jQuery Query Mobile Square-UI Theme plugin. We first included the necessary libraries ... Read More

How to disable a jQuery-ui draggable of widget?

Dishebh Bhayana
Updated on 02-Aug-2023 13:11:11


We can disable a jQuery UI draggable widget with the help of its draggable disabled option. jQuery is a javascript library that helps us manipulate the DOM easily and efficiently using its various helper methods and properties. It allows us to add interactivity to the DOM as well as add and change the CSS styles of the DOM elements. Syntax $(element).draggable({ disabled: true }) We will be using the following jQuery link in our application − The above-provided code snippet is a link tag that imports the CSS file from the jQuery UI library. Example ... Read More

Destructuring of Props in ReactJS

Prince Yadav
Updated on 26-Jul-2023 15:18:21

6K+ Views

ReactJS is a popular JavaScript library that has gained immense popularity in the last few years. It provides an efficient way to build complex user interfaces with reusable components. One of the essential features that make ReactJS a powerful tool is the way it handles props. Props are properties that are passed down to components, allowing for customization and dynamic rendering of data. Destructuring of Props is a feature in ReactJS that makes it easier to handle props in components. In this tutorial, we'll explore the concept of destructuring in JavaScript and how it can be used in ReactJS to ... Read More

if/else condition in CSS

Mohit Panchasara
Updated on 26-Jul-2023 12:59:12

3K+ Views

The CSS is useful for styling the content of web pages. We can access HTML elements differently and use various CSS properties to style the content. Sometimes, developers require to style a particular HTML element based on several conditions. For example, we allow users to submit the form on the web application. If the form is successfully submitted, we show the success message in green. Otherwise, we show the error message in red color. In this case, we need to change the style of the message element. So, we can achieve it using the if-else statement, but unfortunately, CSS doesn’t ... Read More
