Found 8894 Articles for Front End Technology

How does auto property work in margin: 0 auto in CSS?

Harshit Sachan
Updated on 17-Feb-2023 14:14:56

2K+ Views

The "margin: 0 auto" property is a commonly used CSS property that allows developers to horizontally center elements within their container. The "auto" value for the margin property is what enables this centering to occur. In this article, we will look into how the "auto" value works in the margin property, and how it can be used to achieve horizontal centering. We will also discuss some potential errors and best practices when using the "auto" value in the margin property. Margins in CSS Before moving on to the topic, we shall try and learn the basics that we will be ... Read More

How to specify no border in CSS

Harshit Sachan
Updated on 17-Feb-2023 14:10:29

2K+ Views

Borders can be a useful design element for adding definition and structure to your web pages. However, there may be times when you want to remove the border from an element or prevent a border from being applied in the first place. In this article, we will show you how to specify no border in CSS using a variety of techniques. Whether you want to remove an existing border or prevent a border from being applied to an element.Example Before proceeding further let’s understand the basic structure of an HTML document. Page Title ... Read More

How to remove input background on select in CSS

Harshit Sachan
Updated on 17-Feb-2023 11:34:16

4K+ Views

The default styling for HTML form elements can often be somewhat dull and uninspiring. One element that is often in need of a design overhaul is the select input, which is used to present users with a list of options to choose from. In this article, we will show you how to remove the default background of the select input using CSS. By doing so, you will be able to customize the appearance of your select inputs and make them more visually appealing and in line with the overall design of your website or application. Various Inputs fields ... Read More

How to align two navbars in bootstrap?

Diksha Patro
Updated on 17-Feb-2023 11:15:34


Introduction A well-liked front-end framework for creating websites and applications is called Bootstrap. The grid system in Bootstrap can be used to align two navigation bars (navbars). To align the two navbars in Bootstrap, use the ml-auto class on the second navbar and the’ justify-content-between’ type on the parent container of the two navbars. To position, the second navbar to the right of the parent container instead, use the 'float-right' class on the navbar. Approaches The following are some typical methods for aligning two navbars in bootstrap − Using the 'container' class on the parent container of the ... Read More

How to align text in CSS where both columns are straight?

Diksha Patro
Updated on 17-Feb-2023 11:11:17

4K+ Views

A stylesheet language called CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is used to specify the appearance and formatting of an HTML document. Separating the presentation of content from the structure of a web page, CSS enables you to control the layout, color, font, and other styles of a website. You can use the CSS display: table property to construct a structure that resembles a table to align text in CSS when both columns are straight. Then, to align the text appropriately, set the top or bottom as the vertical-align property for each column when using the display: table-cell property. Approaches The following ... Read More

How to Align Navbar Items to Center using Bootstrap 4?

Diksha Patro
Updated on 17-Feb-2023 15:58:52

9K+ Views

Bootstrap 4 is a popular CSS framework that helps developers create responsive, mobilefirst websites quickly and easily. One of the most common design elements in a website is the navigation bar or navbar. In this article, we will discuss how to align the items in a navbar to the center using Bootstrap 4. Approaches There are a few different ways to align the items in a navbar to the center using Bootstrap 4. The two approaches that we will be discussing in this article are − Using Built-in Bootstrap 4 Classes Using CSS to override the default alignment ... Read More

How to Align the modal content box to the center of any screen?

Diksha Patro
Updated on 17-Feb-2023 10:53:49

27K+ Views

Introduction CSS, or cascading style sheets, is an acronym. It is a styling language used to describe how a document written in a markup language is presented. Using CSS to position the element, you may align a modal content box to the middle of any screen. Setting the position property to "absolute" and then utilizing the top and left properties to center the element on the screen is one method for accomplishing this. The left and top properties should be set to 50%. Approaches The center of any screen can be aligned with a modal content box using a ... Read More

How to change the value of a global variable inside of a function using JavaScript?

Updated on 17-Feb-2023 11:44:02

4K+ Views

There are two types of variables can be declared in any programming languages in context of their accessing scope. The Local variable and the Global variable. Global Scoped Variables − The global scoped variables are the variables which are declared globally inside the code file and can be accessed by any code block or any function inside the file. The scope of these variables is global. Local Scoped Variables − These are the variable, which declared inside a function or a particular block of code and can only be accessed or used within that particular block of code not outside ... Read More

How to align an item to the flex-end in the container using CSS ?

Diksha Patro
Updated on 09-Nov-2023 14:38:15

1K+ Views

In CSS, the use of aligning items to the flex-end in a container using CSS is to position the items at the end of the container's main axis. This allows for more precise control over the layout of the items within the container, such as aligning items to the bottom of a header or the right side of a navigation bar. Additionally, aligning items to the flex-end can improve the overall visual design and user experience of the website or application by creating a clean and organized layout. Approaches We have three different approaches for aligning the item baseline ... Read More

How to Change the Time Interval of setinterval() Method at RunTime using JavaScript ?

Updated on 17-Feb-2023 11:57:00

2K+ Views

The setInterval() method is used to call a particular block of code again and again after a particular interval of time that is given to it in its round braces as parameter. The setInterval() method accepts two parameters, the first is the code that has to be executed again and again while the second is the time in which the code has to be execute again. In this article, we are going to learn about the methods of changing the time interval of the setInterval() method at the runtime. So that, it will execute the given code at the irregular ... Read More
