Found 8895 Articles for Front End Technology

How to use virtual lists in autocomplete components in Material UI?

Tarun Singh
Updated on 30-Oct-2023 12:06:32


Displaying lists of data is a common requirement for web applications. or tables with scrollable headers. Most likely, you have performed it countless times. But what if you have to display thousands of rows simultaneously? In this article, we will look at how to use Material UI's Autocomplete components' virtual lists to produce fluid user interfaces with big datasets. Popular React UI framework Material UI provides a large selection of components with cutting-edge designs and top-notch performance. Traditional rendering techniques may cause performance problems when dealing with large datasets in Autocomplete components, so in order to prevent those problems, we ... Read More

How to use multiple autocomplete values in Material UI?

Tarun Singh
Updated on 30-Oct-2023 12:04:48


An effective Autocomplete component is provided by the well-liked UI framework Material UI for React applications. Users can search and choose options from a predefined list as they type thanks to the autocomplete feature. Although choosing one option is the default behavior, there are some situations where we might want to give users the option of selecting multiple values. In this article, we will explore how to implement and utilize multiple Autocomplete values in Material UI. Multiple Autocomplete Values Users can only choose one option at a time when using the Material UI Autocomplete component by default. Some scenarios, however, ... Read More

How to use controlled states in ComboBox in Material UI?

Tarun Singh
Updated on 30-Oct-2023 12:01:28


In the realm of user interface development, proficiently managing user interactions is paramount. Material UI's Autocomplete component offers the concept of controlled states, allowing developers to regulate the component's behavior and data through external state management. Unlike relying solely on the component's local state, controlled states enable synchronization with the overall application state, creating a more centralized and predictable user interaction. In this article, we will explore the concept of controlled states in autocomplete combo box and learn how to use them effectively to manage the "value" and "input value" states independently. Understanding controlled states in the Autocomplete combo box ... Read More

How to split button groups in Material UI?

Tarun Singh
Updated on 30-Oct-2023 11:59:52


Material UI, also known as MUI is a front−end library developed by Google. It provides a collection of React components that can be utilized across frameworks, like React and NextJS. The Material UI library includes a component called "buttongroup, " which allows for the grouping of two or more buttons. If we wish to separate these buttons, how can we achieve that? Utilizing the Button Group component enables us to create buttons well. Use a Dropdown menu to change the button's action, or you can use it for an immediate launch of related actions. In React Material UI, it ... Read More

How to set indeterminate state in the checkbox in Material UI?

Tarun Singh
Updated on 30-Oct-2023 11:55:11


There will be some scenarios where we need to set an indeterminate state at a point in time in a checkbox. A checkbox is a key component when there is a need to choose multiple options from a list of options. In this article, we are going to learn how to set up an indeterminate state for a checkbox in Material UI. Creating a React project and adding the Material UI to it are prerequisites before continuing with the article. Let us begin and see how to set the indeterminate state in its entirety. What is an Indeterminate State? An ... Read More

How to modify different sizes of autocomplete in Material UI?

Tarun Singh
Updated on 30-Oct-2023 11:53:35


Popular React UI framework Material UI offers an array of components with a contemporary and minimalistic design. One of its features is autocomplete, which offers users beneficial suggestions as they work with input fields. Due to its adaptability, this component can be easily customized, including having its size changed to better suit the application's particular design needs. In this article, we will concentrate on comprehending how to resize the Material UI's Autocomplete component. However, this adaptable component offers a wide variety of customization options in addition to size adjustments. You can change the component's look, behavior, and style to suit ... Read More

How to handle asynchronous requests in autocomplete in Material UI?

Tarun Singh
Updated on 30-Oct-2023 11:29:44


Modern web applications frequently use autocomplete components, which let users search for and choose options from a list of options as they type. The popular UI framework Material UI provides a robust Autocomplete component that enhances the user experience. Efficiently handling requests becomes crucial in scenarios where autocomplete data is fetched asynchronously. This article will explore how to handle asynchronous requests in Autocomplete using Material UI to ensure a seamless user experience. What are Asynchronous Requests? In subsequent connections, asynchronous responses are sent back to the client, allowing it to send new requests without having to block while awaiting the ... Read More

How to group checkboxes in Material UI?

Tarun Singh
Updated on 30-Oct-2023 11:27:42


Material UI is a React component library that provides a wide range of pre designed and customizable UI components. When it comes to creating forms or applications that require users to choose items from a menu of options, checkboxes play a role, as an essential UI component. In this article, we are going to learn how to group checkboxes in Material UI. Grouping of checkboxes helps in various terms like getting a better user experience, a great user interface, managing multiple selections, etc. Creating a React project and adding the Material UI to it are prerequisites before continuing with the ... Read More

How to group autocomplete options in Material UI?

Tarun Singh
Updated on 30-Oct-2023 11:23:35


In this article, we will examine how Material UI, a well−liked library for creating user interfaces for React applications, groups autocomplete options. A key component of the Material UI is the Autocomplete component, which facilitates faster data entry by providing suggestions as user’s type. Although using autocomplete by default offers a seamless user experience, there are some circumstances in which grouping the autocomplete options can improve the presentation and organization of suggestions. Let us quickly go over the fundamental organization of the Material UI's Autocomplete component before looking at how to group options. As users type into the input field, ... Read More

How to customize checkboxes in Material UI?

Tarun Singh
Updated on 30-Oct-2023 11:20:42


Material UI, a used frontend library offers a variety of pre designed and customizable UI components. When building forms or applications that require user input and selections checkboxes are commonly used. However, what if you want to personalize your checkboxes with attributes, like size, color, design, text, icons and more? Luckily Material UI has you covered with its customization options that allow you to easily style checkboxes according to your applications design and branding needs. In this article, we will explore the process of customizing checkboxes in Material UI. Before diving, in it is important to have a React project ... Read More
