Found 8895 Articles for Front End Technology

How to create Mini Label hidden flip toggle switch using jQuery Mobile?

Aayush Mohan Sinha
Updated on 10-Apr-2023 15:04:01


Generating user interfaces that are visually captivating and responsive is an indispensable facet of contemporary web design. With the broad acceptance of portable devices, it has grown to be more vital to optimize web interfaces for portable screens. An often-used platform for mobile web development is jQuery Mobile, which delivers a potent assortment of tools to craft mobile-optimized interfaces. In this article, we will explore how to create a mini label hidden flip toggle switch using jQuery Mobile. This toggle switch provides an intuitive and engaging way for users to interact with your website or application, and the techniques we ... Read More

How to create Mini Horizontal Radio button controlgroups using jQuery Mobile?

Aayush Mohan Sinha
Updated on 10-Apr-2023 15:02:51


Radio buttons are a useful user interface element that allow users to select a single option from a group of choices. jQuery Mobile provides a framework for creating mobile-optimized websites, and offers a simple way to create radio button controlgroups. In this article, we will guide you through the process of creating mini horizontal radio button controlgroups using jQuery Mobile. This tutorial is ideal for web developers who want to create user-friendly interfaces for mobile devices, and for those who are new to jQuery Mobile and want to learn more about its features. Getting Started with jQuery Mobile Before we ... Read More

How to change SVG color?

Aayush Mohan Sinha
Updated on 10-Apr-2023 16:51:01

15K+ Views

Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) have gained widespread popularity as a format for producing high-quality vector graphics that can be resized to any extent without any loss in resolution. An added benefit of employing SVG is its capability to alter the color of the graphic to match specific preferences. If you seek to harmonize the hues of your website or fine-tune the chromatic palette for a particular objective, modifying the color of an SVG can be readily accomplished with CSS. This article endeavors to lead you through the steps of altering the color of an SVG, starting with pinpointing specific elements ... Read More

How to Add Dark Mode in ReactJS using Tailwind CSS?

Aayush Mohan Sinha
Updated on 10-Apr-2023 15:01:00

3K+ Views

Dark mode has become one of the important aesthetic additions that one might think in recent years. It offers several benefits like reduced eye strain, improved accessibility, and a modern aesthetic. And this might be tempting enough for you to add this functionality to your web pages. And this might even be way easier than you might actually think. By combining two of the most widely used frameworks ReactJS and Tailwind CSS, you can add dark mode to your web pages quickly and easily. useState() Hook useState is a hook in React that allows you to add state to your ... Read More

How to Add Commas Between a List of Items Dynamically with CSS?

Aayush Mohan Sinha
Updated on 10-Apr-2023 14:50:44


Lists that contains multiple items are frequently used in websites, and separating them with commas can help enhance readability and user experience. The conventional method of adding commas to lists is to do add them manually. However as you might have already guessed this can be an arduous and time-consuming process, particularly for long lists. Fortunately, the ability to add commas dynamically to lists of items with CSS is an excellent solution. ~ Selector The ~ selector in CSS is used to select all the elements in the HTML DOM which are preceded by the desired element. Syntax el1~el2 { ... Read More

How to add caption for the parent content in HTML5?

Aayush Mohan Sinha
Updated on 10-Apr-2023 14:49:01


It might not come to your surprise that web designers of today are continually exploring innovative ways to enhance the user engagement and interaction on their sites, thereby creating a lasting impact on the users. An effective way to achieve this is by incorporating captions for the multimedia present on their webpages. By including captions for the images, videos, and other visual aids, the web developer can offer additional context and essential details to the users, facilitating better accessibility to the website content, particularly for users who might have difficulties comprehending the visual information. Syntax ... Read More

How to add border to an element on mouse hover using CSS?

Aayush Mohan Sinha
Updated on 10-Apr-2023 14:46:43

2K+ Views

CSS provides developers with tremendous power to customize and style their page in whatever way they want. One of the many features it provides to enable this level of customization is the ability to add interactivity to web elements. Hover effects can provide a more dynamic user experience. By applying a border to an element on mouse hover, the user is given a visual cue that they have interacted with that element. Syntax selector:hover { /* CSS property and values to be applied on hover */ } :hover Selector The :hover selector in CSS is used ... Read More

How to add bootstrap toggle-switch using JavaScript?

Aayush Mohan Sinha
Updated on 10-Apr-2023 14:45:38

1K+ Views

The Bootstrap library provides a number of features to the user to make their coding experience smooth. One of such features which the user can choose from is the toggle-switch. The toggle-switch, one of its useful features, provides users the ability to add components which can switch between two states such as on and off. Bootstrap Toggle-switch The Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) framework Bootstrap is a toolkit that makes it simpler and more standards-compliant to create websites. It can be used, alongside JavaScript, to create a responsive user interface. The simple Bootstrap toggle-switch component is used to select one of ... Read More

How to add badge to list group in Bootstrap?

Aayush Mohan Sinha
Updated on 10-Apr-2023 17:32:36


Adding badges to list groups in Bootstrap is a crucial aspect of creating engaging and informative user interfaces. Badges provide developers with the ability to display important information such as notification counts, unread messages, or upcoming events alongside list group items, allowing users to quickly and easily identify relevant content. While adding badges to list groups in Bootstrap may seem like a daunting task, the process can be easily accomplished with the proper guidance. In this article, we will explore the step-by-step approach to adding badges to list groups in Bootstrap, highlighting the underlying syntax and customization options available within ... Read More

How to add and remove input fields dynamically using jQuery with Bootstrap?

Aayush Mohan Sinha
Updated on 10-Apr-2023 14:16:31

3K+ Views

In proportion to the development of intricate and user-focused web applications, the capability to append and discard input fields dynamically has gained vital importance for developers. By amalgamating the influential abilities of jQuery and Bootstrap, developers can create responsive user interfaces that acknowledge user input instantly. The course of action for adding and removing input fields dynamically by means of jQuery and Bootstrap might seem daunting; however, with a profound comprehension of the inherent syntax and parameters, it can be executed with effortless ease. This paper delves into a step-by-step approach to adding and removing input fields dynamically with the ... Read More
