Found 601 Articles for Front End Scripts

Usage of border-right-width property in CSS

Arjun Thakur
Updated on 03-Feb-2020 06:20:57


The border-right-width property changes the width of right border. You can try to run the following code to implement border-right-width propertyExample                            This is demo content.          

Set the color of the border with CSS

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 03-Feb-2020 06:18:36


The border-color property specifies the color of a border. You can try to run the following code to implement the border-color property:Example                    p.demo {             border:2px dashed;             border-color:#800000;          }                              David Beckham is a legend.          

Usage of border-bottom-width property in CSS

Chandu yadav
Updated on 03-Feb-2020 06:17:24


The border-bottom-width changes the width of the bottom border. You can try to run the following code to implement border-bottom-width property:Example                            This is demo content.          

Usage of border-right-style property in CSS

Samual Sam
Updated on 03-Feb-2020 06:15:08


The border-right-style property changes the style of right border. You can try to run the following code to implement the border-right-style property:Example                            This is demo content          

Change the color of top border with CSS

Ankith Reddy
Updated on 03-Feb-2020 06:14:32


The border-top-color changes the color of top border. You can try to run the following code to implement the border-top-color property:Example                    p.demo {             border:3px solid;             border-top-color:#FF0000;          }                              Example showing border top color property          

Change the color of the bottom border with CSS

Lakshmi Srinivas
Updated on 03-Feb-2020 06:13:49


The border-bottom-color changes the color of the bottom border. You can try to run the following code to implement the border-bottom-color property:Example                    p.demo {             border:4px solid;             border-bottom-color:#FF0000;          }                              Example showing border top color property          

Usage of border-left-style property in CSS

Chandu yadav
Updated on 31-Jan-2020 10:38:02


The border-left-style property changes the style of left border. You can try to run the following code to implement the border-left-style propertyExample                            This is demo content          

How can I set the color, style, and width of lines in a single property with CSS?

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 31-Jan-2020 10:48:00


The border property allows you to specify color, style, and width of lines in one property.ExampleYou can try to run the following code to specify border property:                            This example is showing shorthand property for border.          

Usage of border-top-style property in CSS

Samual Sam
Updated on 31-Jan-2020 10:45:43


The border-top-style property changes the style of top border. You can try to run the following code to implement the border-top-style property:Example                            This is demo content          

Usage of border-bottom-style property in CSS

Arjun Thakur
Updated on 31-Jan-2020 10:48:48


The border-bottom-style property changes the style of bottom border. You can try to run the following code to implement the border-bottom-style property:Example                            This is demo content          

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