Found 601 Articles for Front End Scripts

What is the usage of the cross-origin attribute in HTML5?

Arjun Thakur
Updated on 24-Jun-2020 14:18:46


The official specification states cross-origin attribute as −The crossorigin attribute is a CORS settings attribute. Its purpose is to allow images from third-party sites that allow cross-origin access to be used with canvas.When it is combined with CORS header, it would allow images defined by the element, loaded from foreign origins to be used in canvas. The procedure would be like being loaded from the current origin.You can use it to solve JavaScript errors like to log js errors −if (securityOrigin()->canRequest(targetUrl)) {    msg = myError;    line = myLineNumber;    source = sourceURL; } else {    msg = "Error!";    source = String();    line = 0; }

Remember and Repopulate File Input in HTML5

Nancy Den
Updated on 24-Jun-2020 14:19:24


To repopulate, use the drag and drop. This was not possible before, but now it is valid.Let us see how −function drop(ev) {    ev.stopPropagation();    ev.preventDefault();      // retrieving dataTransfer field from the event    var d = ev.dataTransfer;    var files = d.files;    handleFiles(files); }For drag and drop −// dragging target.addEventListener('dragover', (ev) => {    ev.preventDefault();    body.classList.add('dragging'); }); // drag leave target.addEventListener('dragleave', () => {    body.classList.remove('dragging'); }); // drop target target.addEventListener('drop', (ev) => {    ev.preventDefault();    body.classList.remove('dragging'); });

Are new HTML5 elements like

Chandu yadav
Updated on 27-Jan-2020 06:11:15


The elements and are useful for screenreaders as well and help visually impaired users in reading the content of your web page. These are beneficial for eBook readers as well.Let us see how to work with both the elements.           HTML Section Tag                        Java          Inheritance          Inheritance defines the relationship between superclass and subclass.                              Learning          Learn to gain experience and try to share your knowledge with others.                       Web Development Tutorials             Consist of CSS, HTML, and PHP tutorials for 2nd Semester exams.                                 Academic Tutorials             Consist of Computer Fundamental, Computer Network tutorials for             1st Semester exams.                    

HTML5 Canvas to PNG File

Daniol Thomas
Updated on 24-Jun-2020 14:20:32


To convert HTML5 canvas to PNG, follow the below-given steps −You need to add the generated data URL to the href attribute of an tag.Dialog for base64 image −Add a filename −Now define http headers −headers=Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=newimg.pngTo deal with the RAM of the web browser and make its utilization less −// generated the data URL dynamically function myCanvas() {    var d = canvas.toDataURL('image/png');    this.href = d; }; d.addEventListener('click', myCanvas, false);

What should be done with the left/ right edges of the content on overflow with JavaScript?

Fendadis John
Updated on 23-Jun-2020 13:34:35


If the content overflows, the workaround with overflowX property to solve the left/ right edge issues and set a scroll. Adding a scroll allows visitors to easily read the entire content.ExampleYou can try to run the following code to learn what is to be done with the left/ right edges of the content on overflow with JavaScript −Live Demo                    #box {             width: 350px;             height: 150px;             background-color: orange;         ... Read More

What to do with content that renders outside the element box with JavaScript?

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 23-Jun-2020 13:35:09


If the content renders outside the element box, use the overflow property to add a scroll. This will ease visitors in reading the entire content.ExampleYou can try to run the following code to learn how to work with overflow property in JavaScript −Live Demo                    #box {             width: 450px;             height: 150px;             background-color: orange;             border: 3px solid red;             margin-left: 20px;   ... Read More

How to set the style of the outline around an element with JavaScript?

Updated on 23-Jun-2020 13:35:41


To set the outline style, use the outlineStyle property. The outline can be solid, dotted, dashed, etc.ExampleYou can try to run the following code to set the style of the outline around an element with JavaScript −Live Demo                    #box {             width: 450px;             background-color: orange;             border: 3px solid red;             margin-left: 20px;          }                   ... Read More

How to set the width of the outline around an element with JavaScript?

Swarali Sree
Updated on 23-Jun-2020 13:36:14


To set the outline width, use the outlineWidth property. You can try to run the following code to set the width of the outline around an element with JavaScript −ExampleLive Demo                    #box {             width: 450px;             background-color: orange;             border: 3px solid red;             margin-left: 20px;          }                     Click below to add Outline Width. ... Read More

How to set the color of the outline around an element with JavaScript?

Vikyath Ram
Updated on 24-Jan-2020 06:47:38


To set the outline color, use the outlineColor property. You can try to run the following code to set the color of the outline around an element with JavaScript:ExampleLive Demo                    #box {             width: 450px;             background-color: orange;             border: 3px solid red;          }                     Click below to add Outline Color.                This ... Read More

How to offset an outline and draw it beyond the border edge with JavaScript?

Sai Subramanyam
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:21


To offset an outline, use the outlineOffsetproperty. It allows you to draw the outline beyond the border edge. You can try to run the following code to offset an outline and draw it beyond the border edge with JavaScript. Example Live Demo #box { width: 450px; background-color: orange; ... Read More
