Found 601 Articles for Front End Scripts

HTML5 appcache with Safari causing cross-site css to not load correctly

Anvi Jain
Updated on 25-Jun-2020 07:53:42


Appcaches are used by the web browser to specify what files exist on your site that is relevant to the particular page the browser is visiting.Safari follows the AppCache standard more strictly and sees a request for a web address that is not in the AppCache.To avoid the requests to be blocked, use −NETWORK: * http://* https://*


George John
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:22


PhoneGap is a software development framework by Adobe System, which is used to develop mobile applications. PhoneGap produces apps for all popular mobile OS platforms such as iOS, Android, BlackBerry, and Windows Mobile OS etc.HTML5 Audio support is not consistent across different devices due to codec licensing issues and OS implementation. Forplaying MP3 file, handle by using PhoneGap's Media class that would provide reliable audio programming on all the platforms.To repload audio and polyphony or layering, you can use the LowLatencyAudio PhoneGap native plugin.

HTML5 Canvas Text Stroke for Large Font Size

Arjun Thakur
Updated on 25-Jun-2020 07:42:11


To draw large font properly in HTML5 Canvas, you can try to run the following code −var myCanvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas"); var context = myCanvas.getContext("2d"); context.font = '180pt Georgia'; context.strokeStyle = "#FF0000"; context.fillStyle = "#FFFFFF "; context.lineWidth = 34; context.fillText("Demo!",0,200); context.strokeText("Demo!",0,200);

Websocket for binary transfer of data & decode with HTML5

Nitya Raut
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:22


Use base64 encode/ decode on client and server. All the web browsers with WebSockets have window.atob (base64 decode) and window.btoa (base64 encode). The WebSockets server has base64 libraries.To transfer binary data, you would be working with wsproxy included with no VNC that is a web based VNC client.The wsproxy is a WebSockets to generic TCP sockets proxy. The base64 encodes/decodes all traffic to/from the browser. Use it to connect from a WebSockets capable browser to any type of TCP port.

HTML5 and Amazon S3 Multi-Part uploads

Chandu yadav
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:22


Yes, it is possible to use the HTML 5 File API with the Amazon S3 multi-part upload feature. You would need a server backup as well as Amazon API keys.Amazon S3, a web service offered by Amazon Web Services provides storage through web services interfaces. Amazon launched S3 in 2007.Create multipart upload with Amazon API and send "key"(filename) and "upload id" back to the web page. For the multi-part, you need to send part data directly to Amazon S3 via the "part upload URL" using "date" and "auth header".

How to take a snapshot of HTML5-JavaScript based video player?

Ankith Reddy
Updated on 25-Jun-2020 07:42:59


You can try to run the following code to take a snapshot of HTML5-JavaScript-based video player −Example                                       Snapshot                var video = document.querySelector('video');          var canvas = document.querySelector('canvas');          var context = canvas.getContext('2d');          var myWidth, myHeight, ratio;                    video.addEventListener('loadedmetadata', function() {             ratio = video.videoWidth/video.videoHeight;             myWidth = video.videoWidth-100;             myHeight = parseInt(w/ratio,10);             canvas.width = myWidth;             canvas.height = myHeight;          },false);          function snap() {             context.fillRect(0,0,myWidth,myHeight);             context.drawImage(video,0,0,myWidth,myHeight);          }          

Can a user disable HTML5 sessionStorage?

Vrundesha Joshi
Updated on 25-Jun-2020 07:43:47

1K+ Views

Yes, a user can disable HTML5 sessionStorage.It is easy to prevent browsers from accepting localStorage and sessionStorage. Let us see the settings for web browsers −Firefox Type “about config” in the address bar and press. This would show the internal browser settings. Move to“, you need to right-click and Toggle to disable the DOM Storage.In Internet Explorer, You need to select “Extras”, “Internet Options”, “Advanced” Tab. Now go to “Security” and uncheck “Enable DOM-Storage”Google Chrome In Google Chrome, you need to open “Options”, then select “Under the Hood” Tab.Click “Content settings…”, then select “Cookies” and you need to set ... Read More

Alternatives to HTML5 iframe srcdoc?

George John
Updated on 25-Jun-2020 07:44:29


The HTML tag is used to create an inline frame.Example           HTML iframe Tag                   The srcdoc attribute specifies the HTML content of the page to show in the iframeAn alternative of the srcdoc attribute will be −var doc = document.querySelector('#demo').contentWindow.document; var content = '';'text/html', 'replace'); doc.write(content); doc.close();

Drawing lines with continuously varying line width on HTML canvas

Arjun Thakur
Updated on 25-Jun-2020 07:45:56


To draw lines with continuously varying line width, you can try to run the following code −Examplevar context = document.getElementById('canvas1').getContext('2d'); var pts = [null, null, null, null]; for(var i=-1; i

How to listen to Keydown-Events in a KineticJS-managed HTML5-Canvas?

Rishi Rathor
Updated on 25-Jun-2020 07:45:02


To listen to KeyDown events, use −if(keyIsPressed && keycode == somenumber) {    doSomething(); }To capture KeyDown −var canvas1 = layer.getCanvas()._canvas; $(canvas1).attr('tabindex', 1); canvas1.focus(); $(canvas1).keydown(function (event) {    console.log(event); });
