Found 601 Articles for Front End Scripts

Cross origin HTML

Samual Sam
Updated on 28-Jan-2020 10:21:47


To solve the loading issues in the element, you need to set cross-origin to “anonymous”:You can also try another fix also.This can be due to missing of Access-Control-Allow-Headers response header with the list of HTTP headers that match the list passed in Access-Control-Request-Headers request header.

HTML5 audio control stop button

Lakshmi Srinivas
Updated on 28-Jan-2020 10:20:06


Try the following code to add a stop button to your audio in HTML5:function displayStopBtn() {    var myPlayer = document.getElementsByTagName('audio')[0];    myPlayer.pause();    myPlayer.currentTime = 0; }You can also include jQuery:$("#stopButton").click(function () {    audio.pause();    audio.currentTime = 0; });

HTML5 validity of nested tables

Nishtha Thakur
Updated on 28-Jan-2020 10:22:50


The validator considers the following table as valid:                 Example                                                                                                                                                My                            Table                                                                                                                

Chrome and HTML5 GeoLocation denial callback

Krantik Chavan
Updated on 28-Jan-2020 10:06:05


For timeout callback in Google Chrome, try the following code:_callback = false; function successCallback(position) {    _callback = true;    console.log('success'); } function errorCallback(error) {    _callback = true;    alert('error'); } setTimeout(function(){if(!_callback)console.log('ignored')}, 20000); navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(    successCallback,    errorCallback,    {timeout: 2000} );

How to keep audio playing while navigating through pages?

Samual Sam
Updated on 28-Jan-2020 10:04:22


To continue loading audio to play while you are navigating through pages, try the following:Use Ajax to load content History API’s pushState() can also be used to alter URL without page reload. History.js should be used for consistent behavior across multiple browsers.The pushState() has three parameters: State object For new entry created by pushState() Title: You can pass a short title URL: New history entry's URL

Override HTML5 validation

Nancy Den
Updated on 28-Jan-2020 10:05:05

1K+ Views

To ignore HTML validation, you can remove the attribute on button click using JavaScript.Uer removeAttribute() to remove an attribute from each of the matched elements.                    First Name:                                function display(id) {             document.getElementById(id).value = document.getElementById(id).removeAttribute('required');          }          

Move an HTML div in a curved path

Lakshmi Srinivas
Updated on 28-Jan-2020 10:03:41


To move an HTML div in a curved path, use any of the following: CSS Transitions JavaScript (jQuery) HTML5 CanvasTry JavaScript to make it work in every browser.Use the animate() method. The animate() method performs a custom animation of a set of CSS properties.The following is the syntax:selector.animate( params, [duration, easing, callback] );Here is the description of all the parameters used by this methodparams − A map of CSS properties that the animation will move toward.duration − This is an optional parameter representing how long the animation will run.easing − This is an optional parameter representing which easing function to use for the ... Read More

Can Google Analytics track interactions in an offline HTML5 app?

Rishi Rathor
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:22


Google Analytics is a freemium analytic tool that provides a detailed statistics of the web traffic. It is used by more than 60% of website owners. Analytics Tools offer an insight into the performance of your website, visitors’ behavior, and data flow. These tools are inexpensive and easy to use. Sometimes, they are even free.If the application is offline, Google Analytics stores the events in an SQLite database.After storing, it waits until the user is online again to send them.It is used to collect offline latent hits. The value represents the time delta in milliseconds between when the hit occurs ... Read More

The dragLeave event fires before drop for HTML5 drag and drop events

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 28-Jan-2020 10:02:35


To solve this issue for drag and drop event, dragLeave fires before drop sometimes:onDragOver = function(e) { e.stopPropagation() } onDrop = function(e) {    /* for drop */ }Under drop, you can set this:function drop(ev) {    event.preventDefault();    var data=event.dataTransfer.getData("Text");; }

UIWebView HTML5 Canvas & Retina Display

Vrundesha Joshi
Updated on 28-Jan-2020 10:02:02


To place the retina size image into an HTML5 canvas, try the following code with canvas:var context = myCanvas.getContext("2d"); context.attr("width", width * window.devicePixelRatio); context.attr("height", height * window.devicePixelRatio); context.scale(window.devicePixelRatio, window.devicePixelRatio); context.drawImage(img, x, y, width, height);
