Found 23 Articles for Framework

What do you mean by timeOut in TestNG?

Debomita Bhattacharjee
Updated on 11-Jun-2020 12:52:40

2K+ Views

The timeOut is a helper attribute in TestNG that can put an end to the execution of a test method if that method takes time beyond the timeOut duration. A timeOut time is set in milliseconds, after that the test method will be marked Failed.Example@Test public void ContactVerify(){    System.out.println("Contact validation is successful”); } @Test(timeOut = 1000) public void LandingPage(){    System.out.println("Landing page verification is successful”); } @Test public void LoanContact(){    System.out.println("Loan contact details verification is successful”); }After 1000ms, if LandingPage() execution continues , that test method will be considered as failed. The rest of the test methods will ... Read More

How to incorporate and remove test methods from execution from acollection of test cases in TestNG?

Debomita Bhattacharjee
Updated on 11-Jun-2020 12:51:12


We can incorporate and remove test methods from execution with the help of tags in testng xml file.ExampleTestng xml file.                                                                                       The testNG xml has groups Smoke to be included and CodingModule to be excluded from the execution.Example@Test(groups={"Smoke"}) public void ContactDetails(){    System.out.println(“Contact details verification is successful”); } @Test(groups={"CodingModule"}) ... Read More

How to execute a particular test method multiple times (say 5 times) inTestNG?

Debomita Bhattacharjee
Updated on 11-Jun-2020 12:48:55


We can execute a particular test method multiple times (say 5 times) with the help of the invocationCount helper attribute.Example@Test public void PaymentDetails(){    System.out.println("Payment details validation is successful”); } @Test(invocationCount=5) public void LoginAdmin(){    System.out.println("Login in admin is successful”); } @Test public void LeaseDetails(){    System.out.println("Lease details verification is successful”); }In the Java class file, the LoginAdmin() method with invocationCount set to 5 will result in Login in admin is a successful message to be printed five times on the console.

How will you run a prerequisite method and post condition method forevery test in TestNG?

Debomita Bhattacharjee
Updated on 11-Jun-2020 12:47:26


We can run a prerequisite method and post condition method for every test in TestNG with the help of @BeforeMethod and @AfterMethod annotations.Example@BeforeMethod public void prerequisite(){    System.out.println("Run before every tests"); } @AfterMethod public void postcondition(){    System.out.println("Run after every tests "); } @Test public void loanPay(){    System.out.println("Loan pay is successful"); }In the Java class file, the prerequisite() method with @BeforeMethod will be executed which is known as the precondition for every test method. Then loanPay() will be executed and finally the postcondition() method with @AfterMethod will run.

How to use regular expressions with TestNG?

Debomita Bhattacharjee
Updated on 11-Jun-2020 12:45:23


We use regular expressions in TestNG to work with a group of test methods that are named with a certain pattern.ExampleTestng xml file.                                                               All the test methods with starting name Payment will be excluded from the regression suite.Example@Test public void PaymentHistory(){    System.out.println("Payment history validation is successful”); } @Test public void Login(){    System.out.println("Login is successful”); } @Test public void PaymentDefault(){    System.out.println("Payment default verification is successful”); }Login() will be executed, but all the methods starting with name Payment will be excluded from execution. This is achieved using regular expression(Payment.*).

How to set priority to the test cases in TestNG?

Debomita Bhattacharjee
Updated on 11-Jun-2020 12:43:32


We can set priority for test cases in order of their execution, by giving priority to each test method. A test method having lower priority runs first then the test methods with higher priority are executed.Example@Test (priority = 1) public void verifyTravel(){    System.out.println("Travel history successful "); } @Test (priority = 2) public verifyIncome(){    System.out.println ("Income history successful"); }In the Java class file, verifyTravel() will run first followed by verifyIncome().

How can a particular group of test cases get executed in TestNG?

Debomita Bhattacharjee
Updated on 11-Jun-2020 12:41:02

1K+ Views

We can run a particular set of test cases by including a group of test cases in the execution.ExampleTestng xml files with groups.                                                                           To run a group of test cases from the set of test cases, we have to define in the testng xml file. Here the testNG xml contains group Smoke to be included in execution.Example@Test(groups={"Smoke"}) public void Payment(){    System.out.println(“Payment is successful”); }In the Java class file only the test method with group as Smoke will be run out of the entire regression suite.

How to overlook a particular test method from execution in TestNG?

Debomita Bhattacharjee
Updated on 11-Jun-2020 12:31:45


To overlook a particular test method from execution in TestNG enabled helper attribute is used. This attribute has to be set to false to overlook a test method from execution.ExampleJava class file.@Test(enabled=false) public void verifyRepay(){    System.out.println("Repayment successful"); } @Test public void Login(){    System.out.println("Login is successful "); } @Test public verifyHistory(){    System.out.println ("History verification is successful"); }Here the verifyRepay() method shall be overlooked during execution.

How does the execution of a particular test method depend on other testmethods in TestNG?

Debomita Bhattacharjee
Updated on 11-Jun-2020 12:29:24


The execution of a particular test method can be made dependent on another test method with the help of dependsOnMethods helper attribute.Example@Test(dependsOnMethods={"Payment"}) public void verifyLoan(){    System.out.println("Loan payment successful"); } @Test public void Payment(){    System.out.println("Payment successful "); } @Test public verifyTransaction(){    System.out.println ("Transaction verification"); }Here in the Java class file, verifyLoan() method will only be executed after the Payment() method is run successfully. But verifyTransaction() method runs independently without having a precondition test method to be executed.

What is the purpose of the testng.xml file?

Debomita Bhattacharjee
Updated on 11-Jun-2020 12:25:18

1K+ Views

The testng.xml file has the numerous uses as listed below −Test cases are executed in groups.Test methods can be included or excluded in the execution.The execution of multiple test cases from multiple java class files can be triggered.Comprises names of the folder, class, method.Capable of triggering parallel execution.Test methods belonging to groups can be included or excluded in the execution.ExampleTestNG.xml file                                                         Here as per the xml file, ... Read More
