Found 23 Articles for Framework

AngularJS Alternatives

Shirjeel Yunus
Updated on 27-Nov-2023 11:36:17


What is AngularJS? AngularJS is a JavaScript framework which can be used to make different types of web applications. The platform is free to use and users have the opportunity to make changes in the framework and share the applications. Misko Havery was the person who developed the framework and launched it in 2009. Later on, Google purchased the app and took the responsibility of managing, developing, and maintaining the platform. Price Plans of AngularJS AngularJS is available for free and can be used by anybody. Why AngularJS alternatives? JavaScript is necessary to use the framework People having no ... Read More

React Alternatives

Shirjeel Yunus
Updated on 03-Nov-2023 14:27:20


What is React? React is a JavaScript library and is used to develop the frontend of web applications. The library came into the picture in 2013 and now it is being widely used to develop user interfaces. Dynamic web applications can be easily created you have to write less code in comparison to JavaScript and this code can add more functionalities to the app being developed. Applications developed on this platform perform well. Price Plans of React React is an open-source and free library and there is no need to pay for anything to use the framework. Why React Alternatives? ... Read More

Difference between Packets and Frames

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 28-Aug-2023 10:11:17


A packet is a data unit created in the network layer. A frame is a data unit created in the data link layer. A packet is created first followed by the Frame. Both of them consists of data that is being transferred. What are Packets? A packet is a small fraction of data that is transmitted between the systems through internet. During data transfer, the entire data is not sent as a single unit over the network. The data to be transferred is broken down into multiple segments called packets. Transferring data in small packets increases the speed of data ... Read More

How to Return Custom JSON in Django REST Framework

Rohan Singh
Updated on 18-Jul-2023 16:53:27

3K+ Views

Django Rest framework is a toolkit that is used to build APIs in Django. It provides features and functionalities to handle HTTP requests and responses in Python. Django Rest framework uses Serializers and Response classes to return custom JSON data. In this article, we will explore different approaches to return custom JSON in Django REST Framework, along with examples. Serializers and Response Class Django Rest Framework(DRF) uses serializers to convert complex data types, such as Django models, into JSON, XML, or other content types that can be easily rendered into HTTP responses. To return custom JSON, you can create ... Read More

Difference between Hardware and Framework

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 16-May-2023 15:55:21


There are two important words, i.e. hardware and framework related to computing technology. Hardware and framework are absolutely different from each other. Hardware is used to represent any physical parts of a computer system, whereas framework is used to represent a set of tools and codes developed to create software applications. In this article, we will discuss the important differences between hardware and framework. But before that let us first have a look into their basics. What is Hardware? The physical components of a computer system are called hardware. Therefore, CPU, CPU cabinet, motherboard, keyboard, power supply, mouse, monitor, etc. ... Read More

Best NodeJS Frameworks for Developers in 2023

Pradeep Jhuriya
Updated on 15-May-2023 14:15:52


Introduction NodeJS is an open-source, cross-platform, server-side JavaScript runtime environment that allows developers to build scalable, high-performance applications. NodeJS is built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine and has become popular among developers due to its efficiency and ability to handle a large number of connections with ease. Frameworks, on the other hand, are pre-built software frameworks that provide a structure for developing applications. They offer a set of tools and guidelines that make it easier to build applications and help developers save time by providing pre-built components, libraries, and APIs. In this article, we will discuss the top NodeJS frameworks ... Read More

Difference between ArrayList and Vector

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 19-Apr-2023 17:13:02

1K+ Views

We can store and manage a list of items using the Java Collections Framework classes ArrayList and Vector. Nonetheless, it's crucial to recognise some significant distinctions between the two. We will examine the efficiency, synchronisation, and iterator capabilities of ArrayList and Vector, as well as their similarities and differences, in this tutorial. You will have a comprehensive knowledge of when to utilise ArrayList or Vector in your Java projects by the end of this course. then let's get going! What is an ArrayList? Java's ArrayList class offers an implementation of a dynamic array. It is a resizable array that may ... Read More

How to combine multiple groups to single Test in TestNG?

Debomita Bhattacharjee
Updated on 11-Jun-2020 12:59:31

1K+ Views

We can combine multiple groups to single Test in TestNG with the help of test group feature.ExampleTestng xml files with groups.                                                                                                           To run a group of test cases from the collection of test cases, we have to define in the testng xml file. Here the testNG xml contains multiple groups QuestionAnswer and Jobs to be associated to a single Test.Example@Test(groups={"QuestionAnswer"},{"Jobs"}) public void preparation(){    System.out.println("Preparation module is verified"); }In the Java class file the test methods with group as QuestionAnswer and Jobs are associated with the test method preparation().

What do you mean by Listeners in TestNG?

Debomita Bhattacharjee
Updated on 11-Jun-2020 12:58:14


TestNG Listeners have the capacity to listen to a specific incident. It is basically an interface that changes the nature of the system. TestNG Listeners are used for logging purposes and creating reports.There are two Listeners in Selenium. They are listed below −TestNG Listeners.WebDriver Listeners.TestNG can be configured with the Listeners which can change the default behavior of the TestNG. TestNG Listeners are known as iTestListener (a TestNG interface). A java class implements the iTestListeners and at the same time overrides its methods. Each of these methods trigger an event.The functions of TestNG listeners are listed below.iSuiteListener − This consists ... Read More

How to achieve parallel execution in TestNG?

Debomita Bhattacharjee
Updated on 11-Jun-2020 12:54:29


We can achieve parallel execution with the help of TestNG. There is a parallel attribute in TestNG which is used for this implementation. The parallel execution in TestNG is associated with another attribute called thread-count.The parallel attribute can have the values listed below −Methods.Classes.InstancesTestsExampleTestng xml file.                                                                           The execution will trigger in parallel mode for tests with the thread count of 5.
