Found 138 Articles for Food & Beverages

Does Soda Count as Fluid?

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 04-Apr-2023 17:55:11


Despite its central role, water is the most underappreciated part of a healthy diet. Most of your body is composed of water. You may lose as much as three quarts of water a day, so it's important to replace that amount every day. Water is essential for almost every metabolic activity in the body. The average person needs between 8 and 10 glasses of water every day. Keeping track of what constitutes your daily water intake might be difficult. How Does Water Stack Up Against Soda? When comparing the two, water is the healthier option. According to USDA statistics, ... Read More

The Weird Way the Ketogenic Diet Affects Your Period

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 04-Apr-2023 15:36:14


If you're following the keto diet, you may notice changes in your menstrual cycle or even missed periods. There are several potential reasons for these changes, including changes in hormone levels, nutrient deficiencies, stress, and rapid weight loss. Firstly, the keto diet can cause a decrease in insulin levels, which can disrupt reproductive hormone regulation and lead to menstrual irregularities. Secondly, the diet can restrict certain nutrients like fiber, vitamin C, and folate, which are important for reproductive health. A deficiency in these nutrients can cause menstrual irregularities. Thirdly, the stress the body undergoes during the initial adaptation phase ... Read More

8 Foods That Help Lower Your Cholesterol

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 04-Apr-2023 14:54:32


Your cholesterol and the fats floating about in your blood may be improved by changing what you consume. The best way to attain a low-cholesterol diet is to eat more foods that reduce LDL, the dangerous cholesterol-carrying particle leading to atherosclerosis. Maintaining a Healthy Cholesterol Level may be Achieved by Dietary ChangesAn unhealthy diet high in saturated fats or trans fats is a common cause of elevated LDL values. Foods high in saturated fat include − Beef Butter Lard foods made with whole milk High-processed meals often include trans fats. Replacing saturated fats with unsaturated fats has ... Read More

15 Best and Worst Foods for Weight Loss

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 03-Apr-2023 18:18:14


For many people, losing weight may be a challenging undertaking. Knowing what meals to eat, which foods to avoid, and how to balance your diet might be tough. On the other hand, understanding the best and worst foods for weight loss may help you make better dietary choices and achieve your health and fitness objectives. This post will review some of the greatest and worst foods for weight reduction and how to select the optimal nutritional choices for your body. 15 Best and Worst Foods for Weight Loss We have listed below the eight best and seven worst foods ... Read More

What Is the Shibboleth Diet, and Can It Help You Lose Weight?

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 03-Apr-2023 17:47:55


Following the shibboleth diet to the letter allowed businessman Travis Martin to lose 100 pounds (45.5 kg) and keep it off for years, inspiring him to create a weight reduction and health program for others. His shibboleth diet website claims that, unlike other weight reduction diet regimes, it will help you shed pounds no matter what person you are. Read on as we dispel the shibboleth diet's mystery and reveal whether it delivers on its promises of helping you shed unwanted pounds. Shibboleth Diet: What Is It? The Shibboleth Diet is not simply another fad diet; it's a sustainable ... Read More

How to Make the Perfect Hard-boiled Eggs?

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 31-Mar-2023 16:11:32


Use caution while hard-boiling eggs; if they don't turn out, your breakfast will be ruined. Grabbed an egg from the hotel's free breakfast buffet and been pleasantly surprised to find it cooked to a flawless medium-well? (a gray-green ring formed around the yolk). In this article, I'll show you how to keep your own hens healthy and lay delicious eggs every time. The perfect egg is white all the way through, has no green ring around the yolk, and can be either hard- or soft-boiled so the yolk is runny and melty. There are several approaches to cooking the perfect ... Read More

8 Easy Ways to Make Pizza Night Healthier

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 31-Mar-2023 16:11:00


Pizza is a tasty way to get a lot of vegetables in one dish. Include as many greens as you can. They are an excellent source of fiber and several essential nutrients. 1. Nutritionists Recommend Adding Vegetables While Ordering Pizza What combinations of vegetables might make a tasty pie? But the winning combination: Tomatoes, peppers, onions, mushrooms, artichoke hearts, olives, basil, and anything else that strikes my fancy go well with red sauce pizza. Their union is perfect. This method ensures you consume a meal rich in all the vital nutrients your body needs. Mushrooms are an excellent vitamin ... Read More

11 Reasons Why Juicing Is Dangerous for Your Health

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 30-Mar-2023 16:02:17


Juicing has become a popular trend among health enthusiasts, especially those looking for a quick and easy way to consume more fruits and vegetables. The process involves extracting the juice from fresh produce, which is then consumed as a drink. However, despite its popularity, there are several reasons why juicing can be bad for your health. One of the main concerns with juicing is the need for more fiber. Fiber is an essential nutrient for healthy digestion and helps to regulate blood sugar levels. The fiber is removed when juicing fruits and vegetables, leaving only the juice behind. This ... Read More

What Are Ultra-Processed Foods? A Detailed Scientific Guide

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 30-Mar-2023 15:56:33


Are you concerned about your diet? Then you must have heard about 'ultra-processed foods.' We often think of processed foods as white breads, frozen pizzas, or pre-packaged snacks. But ultra-processed foods are on a completely different level. They contain far more additives than regularly processed items. That makes them even more unhealthy to consume. In this regard, let's overview ultra-processed foods and understand their cons for our diets by examining scientific evidence. Keep reading to become an expert on this topic! What are Ultra-processed Foods? A category of food items that have undergone high processing—such as extrusion, molding, milling, etc.—and ... Read More

7 Potential Health Benefits of Pumpkins

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 24-Mar-2023 15:15:31


Are you looking for a tasty and healthy way to enjoy the fall season? Just think of pumpkins! Pumpkins are packed with nutrients that, in addition to their festive looks, can also improve your overall health. Including pumpkin in your diet has many benefits, from improving digestion to promoting heart health. In this blog post, we look at pumpkin's seven surprising potential health benefits. Nutritional Value of Pumpkin Pumpkins are a fantastic source of vitamins and minerals. They provide a lot of fibre. Thus, it is good for digestion and low in calories. You also get Beta-carotene. It gets ... Read More
